"Marvel is like a stripper, exciting at first, when it's over, you realize it wasn't all that great"

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
I already explained this but you are very slow. There were other factors but the main reason is Nolan didn't do 3D. He refused to do 3D. The studio wanted him to do it and he wouldn't. If you don't realize the difference between 3D tickets and standard tickets than you are an idiot :laugh:

Also, Iron Man 2 only did $600M :scusthov:
these marvel stans is so short minded cuz


SOHH Member since 01...
May 3, 2012
Bronx, NYC
As far as replay value goes.. I don't think The Dark Knight Rises has any real replay value. It has some good shyt in it but as a whole it's a jumbled mess.

Avengers had no replay value either. It was a fun theater experience but once you get past that all these guys are on screen together you look around and they are fighting Skrulls that aren't REALLY Skrulls. It was like watching Hulk Hogan vs. The Brooklyn Brawler. :manny:
:dahell: did this come from? They're Chitauri not Skrulls

And Avengers holds up extremely well.

We watch 'Winter Soldier', 'Iron Man', 'Guardians', 'Spider-Man 2', or 'Thor' at least once a month in my house.

There's not a DC film to be found in that list breh :heh:
I'm a marvel comic fan...always have been

But the pen game of DC Comics in untouchable. They really did a great Job with the Dark Knight series and the Mn of Steel movie. They were able to characterize their personalities along with the development of the story line and still maintain great actions scenes.

Marvel is like a stripper...it's exciting when you first see it, and you enjoy it while it lasts....but when it's over...you realize it wasn't all that great.

The exception goes to the Iron Man movies and the Avengers...Robert Downey is heads above the rest.

No Winter Soldier in this list :beli:
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
Bane bringing down the CIA plane and expecting they won't be able to figure out what happened. They've got engineers and forensic experts for christs sake.

Bruce Wayne had to spend days hiding around one of Gotham’s bridges to paint a batman symbol with gasoline. He probably needed a few gallons, which means he had to climb up and down a few times to finish while avoiding both Bane’s mercenaries and the police.

Bane not hearing Catwoman rolling up on him on the batcycle speaks for itself.

Dagget’s plan to take over Wayne Enterprises makes no sense. He needs Bruce Wayne’s fingerprints to make a bunch of bad stock decisions in order to momentarily ruin the company and push him out of the board. Okay. But why the hell would he use Bruce’s fingerprints the same day as the planned stock market attack? Don’t you think that if all the policemen would find it suspicious that Bruce Wayne was not present on the scene of the attack and that none of the hundreds of witnesses saw him there? Wouldn't they find it suspicious that Wayne Enterprises goes down the exact second the terrorists attack the Gotham stock market? Wouldn't all transactions be cancelled or called into question anyway after the computer systems were hacked in an armed raid?

Bruce becomes a cripple after retiring for eight years. He doesn’t think he has what it take to return as the Batman anymore. Fortunately for him, he gets a robot leg upgrade that makes him able to kick through concrete. So when Cyborg-Batman meets Bane, for the first time, he sticks to his fists to hurt Bane and never uses his Super-Saiyan leg. And actually, the demonstration of his new cyber-leg is the first and only time it is ever seen or mentioned.

Police Commissioner Gordon is shot and taken to the hospital. He is Gotham City’s leading Police officer, yet his explanation that there is an underground base being built by a supervillain is laughed off and ignored. You'd think they would believe him after the events of the last two movies.

Bonus: If Bruce Wayne is alive at the restaurant at the end how come no one recognizes him? After all, he is the famous dead billionaire of Gotham City. Wouldn't you recognize Steve Jobs if he was having a coffee at Starbucks right beside you ?
The end of GOTG was 1000x worse than any of that
May 11, 2012
I do feel like Marvel likes to cut corners.

They've yet to give us some all out, potent shyt.

Never going to level 10.People are so used to them being on level 6-7, when they take it to 8-8 1/4, it's marketed as some level 10 shyt, and the general population eats it up.

Like I said in another thread...they like to add water to the spaghetti sauce.It's good, but not as good as it could've been if you hadn't of tried to "stretch" the meal out.

That's broke folk shyt.Marvel has so much money, they should be whipping up spaghetti sauce like Peter Clemenza in The Godfather

We should be:eat:
May 1, 2012
I watched Avengers twice. I loved it when I saw it in the theaters. It was awesome to see all the heroes on screen at once. I enjoyed the shyt out of the Hulk sequences towards the end. Loki was good too. Whedon's dialogue was funny but a lot of it sounds like it's coming from the same character. Thor's jokes bleed into Cap's jokes which bleeds into Tony.

Then I watched it again and it lost the aura it had. You realize Whedon can't direct and his only value is his pen game. You realize that it's just a terribly generic alien race they are fighting. You notice that it's a bait and switch and you have to wait years for the REAL team up movie when the stakes are a lot larger.

Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy are so much better than Avengers. Better pace. More at stake. Better action sequences. Better character development.


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
My favorite part of whenever someone says DC movies are just more high quality than Marvel is that they completely ignore the existence of Green Lantern, or maybe they've just genuinely forgotten about it, you know, like the whole world has.

Let alone that they made that trash ass Jonah Hex movie too! :mjlol:
Don't forget Catwoman