"Marvel is like a stripper, exciting at first, when it's over, you realize it wasn't all that great"

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
plotholes? lol

drop some

Bane's attack on the CIA plane
The Bat symbol on the bridge
Bane not hearing Catwoman's rolling up on him on the batcycle
Bruce's broken back being healed by a punch
Police Commissioner Gordon being ignored about Bane's army in the sewers
Bruce having a television in his cell hundreds of feet belowground
Sending literally EVERY police officer in the city into the sewers at one time
Dagget's plan to take over Wayne Enterprises
Bruce's cyborg leg
Bane's attack on the stock exchange suddenly turning into nightfall
Batman managing to land his Batcopter in an alley in broad daylight
May 1, 2012
or Punisher

or Elektra

or Daredevil

or GhostRider 1 and 2

or Fantastic Four 1 and 2

or Punisher War Zone

or yeah we can keep going too

To be fair, those weren't Marvel Studios projects. I believe people from Marvel did have some influence early on but once Marvel Studios took off they had nothing to do with them.

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
Bane's attack on the CIA plane
The Bat symbol on the bridge
Bane not hearing Catwoman's rolling up on him on the batcycle
Bruce's broken back being healed by a punch
Police Commissioner Gordon being ignored about Bane's army in the sewers
Bruce having a television in his cell hundreds of feet belowground
Sending literally EVERY police officer in the city into the sewers at one time
Dagget's plan to take over Wayne Enterprises
Bruce's cyborg leg
Bane's attack on the stock exchange suddenly turning into nightfall
Batman managing to land his Batcopter in an alley in broad daylight
what are the plotholes genius?

you just naming scenes from the movie tf?

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
batman got his back broke and came right back......... still hasnt faught/trained in 8 years comes back to gotham and gives bane the beats

somehow got back to gotham like the next day after being in the pit and no money
are you an idiot cuz?

his back broke and it took YEARS for him to come back... they literally showed the seasons in gotham... sh*t went from sunny and bright to fall to winter to spring like twice


how'd he get back the next day? where the f*ck does it say that? seems like it was parallel to me

see man... you marvel n*ggaz is simple minded as fock.. need everything spoonfed to you

with dc they dont insult your intelligence like that


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
$370M worldwide is 'running the game' though :mjlol:

The problem with this is Superman is arguably the most popular character DC has. Next to Batman.

Captain America and The Avengers aren't top tier. They never were. They were below X-Men but above lesser known teams like X-Caliber and Alpha Flight.

None of these MCU movies should be doing anywhere near a Batman or a Superman movie, but they are. "The Winter Soldier" did more than "Man Of Steel"....back in the day if you would've told me a Captain America movie would be more popular than Superman, I would've laughed you out of the room. It wasn't even remotely feasible.



Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
I'll watch GOG whenever it comes on

And I still watch some of the older Marvel movies.. I rewatched Captain America Winter Soldier the other day and plan on rewatching Daredevil again...

But I did see Man Of Steel about 3 times now and think it's pretty good. Also watched the first and 2nd Bale Batman movies more than once as well
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Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
The problem with this is Superman is arguably the most popular character DC has. Next to Batman.

Captain America and The Avengers aren't top tier. They never were. They were below X-Men but above lesser known teams like X-Caliber and Alpha Flight.

None of these MCU movies should be doing anywhere near a Batman or a Superman movie, but they are. "The Winter Soldier" did more than "Man Of Steel"....back in the day if you would've told me a Captain America movie would be more popular than Superman, I would've laughed you out of the room. It wasn't even remotely feasible.

maybe where you grew up in rural Iowa cuz... now a days kids have the internet and are into all kinds of comics... it's not just supes and bats like in the 80's

Notorious 1 E.Y.E.

Nov 12, 2012
the low end. southside chi
are you an idiot cuz?

his back broke and it took YEARS for him to come back... they literally showed the seasons in gotham... sh*t went from sunny and bright to fall to winter to spring like twice


how'd he get back the next day? where the f*ck does it say that? seems like it was parallel to me

see man... you marvel n*ggaz is simple minded as fock.. need everything spoonfed to you

with dc they dont insult your intelligence like that
banes taking of gotham happened over the course of 54 days breh

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
what are the plotholes genius?

you just naming scenes from the movie tf?

Bane bringing down the CIA plane and expecting they won't be able to figure out what happened. They've got engineers and forensic experts for christs sake.

Bruce Wayne had to spend days hiding around one of Gotham’s bridges to paint a batman symbol with gasoline. He probably needed a few gallons, which means he had to climb up and down a few times to finish while avoiding both Bane’s mercenaries and the police.

Bane not hearing Catwoman rolling up on him on the batcycle speaks for itself.

Dagget’s plan to take over Wayne Enterprises makes no sense. He needs Bruce Wayne’s fingerprints to make a bunch of bad stock decisions in order to momentarily ruin the company and push him out of the board. Okay. But why the hell would he use Bruce’s fingerprints the same day as the planned stock market attack? Don’t you think that if all the policemen would find it suspicious that Bruce Wayne was not present on the scene of the attack and that none of the hundreds of witnesses saw him there? Wouldn't they find it suspicious that Wayne Enterprises goes down the exact second the terrorists attack the Gotham stock market? Wouldn't all transactions be cancelled or called into question anyway after the computer systems were hacked in an armed raid?

Bruce becomes a cripple after retiring for eight years. He doesn’t think he has what it take to return as the Batman anymore. Fortunately for him, he gets a robot leg upgrade that makes him able to kick through concrete. So when Cyborg-Batman meets Bane, for the first time, he sticks to his fists to hurt Bane and never uses his Super-Saiyan leg. And actually, the demonstration of his new cyber-leg is the first and only time it is ever seen or mentioned.

Police Commissioner Gordon is shot and taken to the hospital. He is Gotham City’s leading Police officer, yet his explanation that there is an underground base being built by a supervillain is laughed off and ignored. You'd think they would believe him after the events of the last two movies.

Bonus: If Bruce Wayne is alive at the restaurant at the end how come no one recognizes him? After all, he is the famous dead billionaire of Gotham City. Wouldn't you recognize Steve Jobs if he was having a coffee at Starbucks right beside you ?

Disgustya Stallone

Man Who Owns 2 Microwaves
Nov 27, 2012
Bane bringing down the CIA plane and expecting they won't be able to figure out what happened. They've got engineers and forensic experts for christs sake.

Bruce Wayne had to spend days hiding around one of Gotham’s bridges to paint a batman symbol with gasoline. He probably needed a few gallons, which means he had to climb up and down a few times to finish while avoiding both Bane’s mercenaries and the police.

Bane not hearing Catwoman rolling up on him on the batcycle speaks for itself.

Dagget’s plan to take over Wayne Enterprises makes no sense. He needs Bruce Wayne’s fingerprints to make a bunch of bad stock decisions in order to momentarily ruin the company and push him out of the board. Okay. But why the hell would he use Bruce’s fingerprints the same day as the planned stock market attack? Don’t you think that if all the policemen would find it suspicious that Bruce Wayne was not present on the scene of the attack and that none of the hundreds of witnesses saw him there? Wouldn't they find it suspicious that Wayne Enterprises goes down the exact second the terrorists attack the Gotham stock market? Wouldn't all transactions be cancelled or called into question anyway after the computer systems were hacked in an armed raid?

Bruce becomes a cripple after retiring for eight years. He doesn’t think he has what it take to return as the Batman anymore. Fortunately for him, he gets a robot leg upgrade that makes him able to kick through concrete. So when Cyborg-Batman meets Bane, for the first time, he sticks to his fists to hurt Bane and never uses his Super-Saiyan leg. And actually, the demonstration of his new cyber-leg is the first and only time it is ever seen or mentioned.

Police Commissioner Gordon is shot and taken to the hospital. He is Gotham City’s leading Police officer, yet his explanation that there is an underground base being built by a supervillain is laughed off and ignored. You'd think they would believe him after the events of the last two movies.

Bonus: If Bruce Wayne is alive at the restaurant at the end how come no one recognizes him? After all, he is the famous dead billionaire of Gotham City. Wouldn't you recognize Steve Jobs if he was having a coffee at Starbucks right beside you ?
aint no one reading all that n*gga