Not at all.
You don't see any parallels between real life and the events of those movies? I mean you can go deeper but even on a surface level:
Winter Soldier = Government corruption and deception, infiltration and overthrow attempt by Nazi's (Operation paperclip ring a bell?)
Civil War = Is this country not split down the middle, have people not been talking about civil war, succession and the like even before the Orange Skull entered politics? Did we not just have a coup attempt?
Infinity War/Endgame = A threat bigger than political squabbles (climate change, pandemics for example) arises and we have to put differences in philosophy aside to save one another.
We can get more wacky than that, spirituality, multi-verse theory, simulation, AI...shyt China even has legit super-soldier programs, I mean those BEEN around but they're going public with the shyt.
So yes, there are deliberate real world connections to events and ideas in the comics (x-men, civil rights movement ect.) and even more so with Marvel movies where they are even more self aware in regards to how it's going to be consumed. You don't have to think they're great or even good to acknowledge that.