Martin Scorsese - Marvel movies are 'not cinema'


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
And the only reason you and I are doing this is because you said he’s jealous. Which I completely disagree with for several reasons.


Martin Scorsese fears the type of movies he makes is being edged out by the blockbuster.

The Oscar-winning director’s latest film, Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story By Martin Scorsese, his first for Netflix, is a semi-fictional documentary that chronicles the musician’s 1975-1976 trek across a post-Vietnam America.

And in an interview with the Associated Press (AP), the filmmaker criticized the practice of blockbuster films such as Avengers: Endgame dominating the majority of screens at movie theatres.

“We have to fight back at this practice of overwhelming the market with the blockbuster. The – how should I put it? – the regular film, that’s being edged out,” he said. “It has to go someplace because you know why? There are people that are going to continue to make them.”

The 76-year-old, who has not had a film financed by a major studio in 10 years, will also release his much-anticipated, $125 million (£98.6 million) mafia epic The Irishman in the fall after the streaming giant was the only studio prepared to finance it.

“No one else (wanted to finance it). No one else did,” he insisted. “We decided to make it with the understanding that it’ll maybe never be shown in theatres. They said, ‘You would have a time in theatres’ – a few weeks or whatever. I said fine.

Martin Scorsese: 'The blockbuster is edging out regular films'


The sun don't shine if son don't shine apparently.

You don't gotta call it jealous but it's CLEAR his comments were influenced by how his films are being viewed by the fans and the studios in relation to other genres. He wasn't just throwing out some off hand commentary, nor did he REALLY want to debut his shyt on Netflix, he was forced to because nobody wanted to give him Black Panther money to make another movie about the mob.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County

Martin Scorsese fears the type of movies he makes is being edged out by the blockbuster.

The Oscar-winning director’s latest film, Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story By Martin Scorsese, his first for Netflix, is a semi-fictional documentary that chronicles the musician’s 1975-1976 trek across a post-Vietnam America.

And in an interview with the Associated Press (AP), the filmmaker criticized the practice of blockbuster films such as Avengers: Endgame dominating the majority of screens at movie theatres.

“We have to fight back at this practice of overwhelming the market with the blockbuster. The – how should I put it? – the regular film, that’s being edged out,” he said. “It has to go someplace because you know why? There are people that are going to continue to make them.”

The 76-year-old, who has not had a film financed by a major studio in 10 years, will also release his much-anticipated, $125 million (£98.6 million) mafia epic The Irishman in the fall after the streaming giant was the only studio prepared to finance it.

“No one else (wanted to finance it). No one else did,” he insisted. “We decided to make it with the understanding that it’ll maybe never be shown in theatres. They said, ‘You would have a time in theatres’ – a few weeks or whatever. I said fine.

Martin Scorsese: 'The blockbuster is edging out regular films'


The sun don't shine if son don't shine apparently.

You don't gotta call it jealous but it's CLEAR his comments were influenced by how his films are being viewed by the fans and the studios in relation to other genres. He wasn't just throwing out some off hand commentary, nor did he REALLY want to debut his shyt on Netflix, he was forced to because nobody wanted to give that Black Panther money to make another movie about the mob.
Spielberg and Lucas have said the same shyt. Several dozen filmmakers have said the same shyt. People on this board have said the same shyt. Him giving his personal feelings about those flicks aren’t going to stop them from getting money lol. Again I don’t see why anyone would assume Martin Scorsese would be into comic book flicks or even want to direct them (which is what empire asked him). Look at that mans body of work and tell me if you really think that’s his cup of tea.

He feels the way a lot of people do and says what Lucas and Spielberg said years ago: movie studios are investing a lot in blockbusters and smaller movies not based on a property or a remake or reboot don’t get a lot of room to breathe or even a chance to be made. Studios want safe bets now and the original movies people claim they love aren’t making the bread because they’re not getting the same amount of real estate. So when studios invest all of their money in blockbusters and if those blockbusters underperform, that means no money for smaller flicks that don’t cost 200 plus to make. So Netflix and amazon and Hulu fill that void


Jun 6, 2012
New York

Martin Scorsese fears the type of movies he makes is being edged out by the blockbuster.

The Oscar-winning director’s latest film, Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story By Martin Scorsese, his first for Netflix, is a semi-fictional documentary that chronicles the musician’s 1975-1976 trek across a post-Vietnam America.

And in an interview with the Associated Press (AP), the filmmaker criticized the practice of blockbuster films such as Avengers: Endgame dominating the majority of screens at movie theatres.

We have to fight back at this practice of overwhelming the market with the blockbuster. The – how should I put it? – the regular film, that’s being edged out,” he said. “It has to go someplace because you know why? There are people that are going to continue to make them.”

The 76-year-old, who has not had a film financed by a major studio in 10 years, will also release his much-anticipated, $125 million (£98.6 million) mafia epic The Irishman in the fall after the streaming giant was the only studio prepared to finance it.

“No one else (wanted to finance it). No one else did,” he insisted. “We decided to make it with the understanding that it’ll maybe never be shown in theatres. They said, ‘You would have a time in theatres’ – a few weeks or whatever. I said fine.

Martin Scorsese: 'The blockbuster is edging out regular films'


The sun don't shine if son don't shine apparently.

You don't gotta call it jealous but it's CLEAR his comments were influenced by how his films are being viewed by the fans and the studios in relation to other genres. He wasn't just throwing out some off hand commentary, nor did he REALLY want to debut his shyt on Netflix, he was forced to because nobody wanted to give him Black Panther money to make another movie about the mob.
I guess his comments were his way of fighting back. And you hit the nail on the head plenty of non-blockbusters get released in theaters just not his. :francis:
He seems to be having a hard time coming to grips with studios not wanting to put his shyt out at the budget he desires.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi

Martin Scorsese fears the type of movies he makes is being edged out by the blockbuster.

The Oscar-winning director’s latest film, Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story By Martin Scorsese, his first for Netflix, is a semi-fictional documentary that chronicles the musician’s 1975-1976 trek across a post-Vietnam America.

And in an interview with the Associated Press (AP), the filmmaker criticized the practice of blockbuster films such as Avengers: Endgame dominating the majority of screens at movie theatres.

“We have to fight back at this practice of overwhelming the market with the blockbuster. The – how should I put it? – the regular film, that’s being edged out,” he said. “It has to go someplace because you know why? There are people that are going to continue to make them.”

The 76-year-old, who has not had a film financed by a major studio in 10 years, will also release his much-anticipated, $125 million (£98.6 million) mafia epic The Irishman in the fall after the streaming giant was the only studio prepared to finance it.

“No one else (wanted to finance it). No one else did,” he insisted. “We decided to make it with the understanding that it’ll maybe never be shown in theatres. They said, ‘You would have a time in theatres’ – a few weeks or whatever. I said fine.

Martin Scorsese: 'The blockbuster is edging out regular films'


The sun don't shine if son don't shine apparently.

You don't gotta call it jealous but it's CLEAR his comments were influenced by how his films are being viewed by the fans and the studios in relation to other genres. He wasn't just throwing out some off hand commentary, nor did he REALLY want to debut his shyt on Netflix, he was forced to because nobody wanted to give him Black Panther money to make another movie about the mob.

:picard: it’s like watching your favorite past his prime athlete hopping from team to team ring chasing, sending subs that the warriors have ruined basketball


Jun 10, 2012
:picard: it’s like watching your favorite past his prime athlete hopping from team to team ring chasing, sending subs that the warriors have ruined basketball

That's exactly what this is:mjlol:

Blockbuster comic book movies pretty much get released in the summer. You got the rest of the year to cook Marty.

He wants cinema in the summer. We gotta take the kids to see Roma in July:mjcry: