Damn. I didn't realize this thread was still on and popping. I gotta agree with everybody who states the producers just match these couples to ensure future fukkery.
-The Steve-Noi relationship went from extremely promising to likely folding due to her insecurities, selfish nature, immaturity, and childhood trauma. She certainly has valid reasons to question her financial future given Steve's current unemployment and tough upbringing. But she has to realize she isn't in the same predicament as her parents. He was 100% correct when he stated he operates from a "scarcity mentality." Not to mention he's asked her directly if she needs him to work full-time to alleviate that concern and she deflects. Her lack of ability to communicate would be comical if she weren't in her 30's. That being said he should give her a glimpse into his financial status to help her get past these concerns. But knowing Noi she liable to post that shyt on IG
I love how she's pressed to have Steve work so she can start having kids within a year and be a stay-at-home mom. Say what u want about Lindsey but she was dead-on when she pointed out the irony in Noi wanting to be a SAHM with an unemployed husband.
-Jasmina and Mike were doomed from the start. She clearly was never attracted to ole boy and he didn't help matters by lying about stupid shyt early in the relationship. But to his credit he's done a complete 180 and really put the work in to turn things around. I hate the way they've exploited his trauma yet given her a pass, especially when u factor in her unconventional upbringing and proclivity for long distance relationships. My wife and I have a drinking game where every time she mentions needing a "deeper connection" we take a shot
Broads know within five minutes of meeting a dude whether they would give up the panties. How deep a "connection" do u really need? In fairness she has alluded to that fact. But I just don't believe she wants to come off as superficial on national TV. Definitely friend zone vibes. Mike is gonna be a beast when this doesn't work out because dude really opened up.
-I've been thoroughly enjoying the Ola-Katina dynamic. I certainly agree dude has been taking advantage of the relationship and attempting to manipulate her into doing things the way he likes. She could definitely use a backbone. But then again she alluded to being the alpha in her past relationship and not enjoying that role. Some people just have a submissive nature
What I really get a kick out if is the fact he's self-centered, arrogant, and actually successful in these endeavors. These are traits the vast majority of women exhibit on a daily basis. My wife lurks on LSA every now and then and the venom these broads have for him is hilarious. Mind u if Katina was the one who had her shyt together while Ola was the one partied her entire 20s and just started school they would be shytting all over him and telling her to divorce on Decision Day. So I'll continue rooting for the bad guy.
-Its been hard watching Lindsey's and Mark's relationship play out. She clearly has no filter, can't control her liquor, and has displayed an incredibly vindictive personality. While clearly a defense mechanism that doesn't excuse her behavior. She has emasculated dude in every sense of the word. Mark da Shak has definitely met his match. I actually feel sorry for dude. I'm sure he didn't sign up for this show anticipating losing his job and place to live. His lack of confidence is certainly understandable and on full display but just feeds into her vile personality. In fairness most women are turned off by men who lack confidence. And what's up with this dude's palate? How have u never tried salsa or eaten a taco?
I mean they keep the salsa and dip RIGHT NEXT to the Tositos in Aisle 5
He's been to too many Super Bowl parties not to have experienced either.