well if anything wb will realize that putting a joker character into a movie does not mean $$$ they still have to try.
it makes me wonder if they'll make any drastic changes to the universe since this flopped.
part of me wonders if its superhero fatigue but i highly doubt it. I'll wait till black widow releases to see if my theory is true.
Nah, it’s not super hero fatigue. WB messed up by not making this PG-13. Then by making it rated R, and not making good use of it. This should have been funnier and raunchier. It’s a cartoon, but I love the Harley Quinn show on DC Universe. This movie has none of the charm, wit, humor and personality that show has. That show also respects its supporting cast. This movie, it feels like the supporting cast got the short end of the stick in character development, to keep them from outshining the star.
if it didn't have the marvel logo attached to it it would not have made that billion.
I love marvel but it's true.
While that movie made money, Captain Marvel was never popular. Not even Mar-Vell. That title had always had trouble finding an audience, and stayed on the brink of cancellation. The only thing that made Captain Marvel popular, was killing Mar-Vell.