Marcus Garvey Wrote a Letter to White Supremacist Earnest Cox Calling Negros Lazy


Jun 12, 2013
*pointing out Marcus garvey and his troublesome past of supporting and slandering attack and generalizations on Black americans*

*Nonados and pannies reply by--- > mentioning ADOS c00ns and people*

Like i said you mfs got entitlement, "why cant we attack yall, yall do it yourselves. What about ADOS on ados crime" is basically what you guys are saying when yall pull this maneuver :mjlol:

as said before the lot of yall are just dark skinned white people. and as for you pan africans yall just delusional idiots seeking your self esteem in a dashiki:pachaha:

Garvey is a black icon who influenced millions including MLK Malcolm X and Farrakhan that’s why, he’s impact on them world and blacks people including those in an America is a positive one. That doesn’t mean he isn’t without flaws or not human or didn’t say some questionable or outlandish shyt, regardless you’d be lucky to have a modicum of impact he has had in your community.


Jun 21, 2015
shyts crazy how they can't pull off Pan African shyt in majority black countries but stay on our 12% collective dikks while ignoring the likes of people like Sammy Sosa and many of those minds get to believe their bullshyt. Pan Africanist never tell others about who they truly are or where they come from while having smoke for us for know the truth. Shameless fakkits. Black liberation is not real


Oct 17, 2015
Garvey is a black icon who influenced millions including MLK Malcolm X and Farrakhan that’s why, he’s impact on them world and blacks people including those in an America is a positive one. That doesn’t mean he isn’t without flaws or not human or didn’t say some questionable or outlandish shyt, regardless you’d be lucky to have a modicum of impact he has had in your community.
That is no excuse to do with the shyt i pointed out and I am talking about.

Esp with what we know of Garvey. Theres no reason to bring up ados figures

shyt ghandi influenced people like MLK. But we can all acknowledge who he really was without ringing up deflections like yall do here

I'm not saying cancel him or throw him away. Or to overboard shyt on him as I do think there should be a limit. And some respect

But we have nikkas who have to deflect in this thread


May 20, 2012
Y'all modern leaders say disparaging shyt about other black people all day long and it's hee hee hah hah, way worse than what Garvey ever said. He ain't say black Americans specifically and didn't have any hatred towards black people and y'all know it.

It's funny how this malnourished skeleton Yvette got way too excited digging up a 100+ year old quote from a man who ain't alive to defend himself or put it in context just to impress her idiot followers and get some likes. She don't seem to care all that much about reparations since most her posts are about petty bullshyt.

Yvette is OFF CODE. Only a c00n would attempt to slander a black icon and black hero. What purpose does trying to tarnish his legacy serve outside of benefiting white supremacy. Overall Garvey is a positive influence and figure in liberating black minds. What he stood for and his influence is bigger than who he was a person. If she cares that much she could debate these letters in a scholarly setting behind closed doors. But under no circumstances should she or anyone be allowed to slander an icon such as Garvey in public. Fukk her.

Black people the only ones that want perfect messengers.

Meanwhile cacs stay on code and accept no slander and only praise their flawed heros like abe lincoln, george washington, the founding fathers and ronald reagan.


May 28, 2012
So we're canceling Marcus Garvey now?

Its crazy how Twitter is so insistent on cancel culture that people who aren't even alive get quotes and soundbites from them dug up to be picked apart. It's sick. Let the deceased rest
Uhhh...I mean...that does sound crazy. Is there some context I'm missing? I'm not well versed on Garvey.


Feb 21, 2015
Truth be told, rural southerners, black or white, were viewed the same. Lazy and shiftless.

In fact, white sociologist and observers had worse to say about rural white southerners than they had to say about blacks.

Here's an account of a white slave owner and his observation about poor white southerners - he calls them "Ragtag and Bobtail" and "Sandhillers".

"The chief characteristic of Rag Tag and Bobtail, however, is laziness. They are about the laziest two-clogged animals that walk erect on the face of the Earth. Even their motions are slow, and their speech is a sickening drawl, worse a deal sight than the most down-eastern of all the Down-Easters while their thoughts and ideas seem likewise to creep along at a snail's pace. All they seem to care for, is, to live from hand to mouth; to get drunk, provided they can do so without having to trudge too far after their liquor; to shoot for beef; to hunt; to attend gander pulls; to vote at elections; to eat and to sleep; to lounge in the sunshine of a bright summer's day, and to bask in the warmth of a roaring wood fire, when summer days are over, and the calm autumn stillness has given place to the blustering turbulence of hyemal storms.

We do not believe the worthless ragamuffins would put themselves to much extra locomotion to get out of a shower of rain; and we know they would shiver all day with cold, with wood all around them, before they would trouble themselves to pick it up and build a fire: for we recollect to have heard an anecdote of a gentleman who was once traveling through a section of country peopled by Sandhillers, on a cold and raw winter�s day, when be chanced to come up with a squad of great strapping lazy bumpkins on the side of the road in a woods, sitting all huddled up and shivering around the smouldering remains of what had once been a fire. The traveler was himself quite chilled, and thought it prudent to stop and warm before proceeding any further on his journey. But imagine his astonishment on asking the miserable scamps why they had suffered their fire to burn so low, to hear them answer, that they "were afeared they mout git too cold pickin' up sticks!" Very humanely he gathered together a pile of dry brushwood lying close at hand, built up in a little while a roaring fire, warmed himself, and again mounting his horse, rode on his way; leaving the great loutish clowns quarreling among themselves, as to which one of them was entitled to the warmest side of the fire!"

"In physical appearance, the Sandhillers are far from prepossessing, Lank, lean, angular, and bony, with flaming red, or flaxen, or sandy, or carroty-colored hair, sallow complexion, awkward manners, and a natural stupidity or dullness of intellect that almost surpasses belief; they present in the main a very pitiable sight to the truly benevolent, as well as a ludicrous one to those who are mirthfully disposed. If any thing, after the first freshness of their youth is lost, the women are even more intolerable than the men- owing chiefly to their disgusting habit of snuff-dipping, and even sometimes pipe-smoking. The vile practice of snuff-dipping, prevails sometimes also among the wives and daughters of the Yeomanry [that is, respectable nonslaveholders], and even occasionally among, otherwise intelligent members of the Southern Middle Classes, particularly in North-Carolina. The usual mode is, to procure a straight wooden tooth-brush made of the bark of the hickory-nut tree preferred chew one end of the brush until it becomes soft and pliant, then dab the same while still wet with saliva into the snuff-bottle, and immediately stick it back into the mouth again with the fine particles of snuff adhering; then proceed to mop the gums and teeth adroitly, to suck, and chew, and spit to your heart�s content Ah! �It is almost as decent [a]s smoking cigars, and is fully as distingu� as chewing tobacco!"

"Being usually addicted to this filthy and disgusting vice, or whatever else one may choose to call it, it is not at all strange that the female Sand-hillers should so soon lose all trace of beauty, and at thirty are about the color of yellow parchment, if not thin and pale from constant attacks of fever. Besides, they are quite prolific, and every house is filled with its half dozen of dirty, squalling, white-headed little brats, who are familiarly know as Tow-Heads�on account of the color of their hair, as well as its texture and generally unkempt and matted condition. In the main the entire family, both male and female, occupy the same apartment at all hours of the day and night just as do the small farmers of the North-west, or the very poor in all large cities. But it is a rare circumstance to find several families huddled into one poor shanty, as is more often the case than otherwise with those unfortunates in cities who are constrained to herd together promiscuously in tenant -houses and in underground cellars On the contrary, each Sandhiller has his own lowly cabin, and whilst it is sad to contemplate the hard necessity which forces father and mother, sons and daughters, all to live in the same narrow room; still it is pleasant to believe, that the sacred nature of the relationship between the parties, casts a veil of modesty over the scene, which is wanting where two or more stranger families are thus promiscuously thrown together in such close contact."

"Of course, intelligence of all kinds is at a low ebb with Messrs. Rag Tag and Bobtail. Few of them can read, fewer still can write, while the great mass are native, genuine Know-Nothings, though always democratic in their political faith and practice. Indeed, puzzled to comprehend for what other purpose the miserable wretches were ever allowed to obtain a footing in this country, we have come to the honest conclusion, that it was providentially intended, in order that by their votes, however blindly and ignorantly cast, they should help to support the only political party which has been enabled thus far to maintain a National organization [that is, the Democrats]. Nor can they be blamed for voting the democratic ticket, live they in the North or the South; for to the democratic party do they owe the only political privilege which is of any real use to them-the privilege of the elective franchise. This fact, indeed, is nearly the sum total of their knowledge of our Government or its history. They remember Washington because he was the Founder, if we may so speak, of the Republic: they remember Thomas Jefferson because he effected the change in the policy of the country, whereby they became sovereign freemen, the voice of each one of them counting one, while that of an Astor or a Girard could count no more: and they remember General Jackson because he whipped the British so bad at New-Orleans, and afterwards, while he was President, dared to " remove the Deposits" in the teeth of opposition from all the moneyed men in the nation [this a reference to his war on the Bank of the US]; and it is said that, in certain very benighted districts of Central New-York and the mountains of East-Tennessee, General Jackson is voted for still at every presidential election."

All of this sounds just like their descendants today....

He also goes on to explain the source of their animosity to blacks.

"The Poor Whites of the South seldom come in contact with the slaves at all, and thousands of them never saw a Negro; still, almost to a man, they are pro-slavery in sentiment. Unlike the Southern Yeomen, who are pro-slavery because these dread the consequences to the humbler whites of the emancipation of the Negroes, and because also they are intelligent enough to understand what would be the nature of these consequences; the Poor White Trash are pro-slavery from downright envy and hatred of the black man. We presume this feeling must have originated many years ago when the pauper ancestors of the Sandhillers were first "laid on shore," as our worthy ancestors expressed it like all other "goods, wares, and merchandise," and very possibly met with a somewhat supercilious reception at the bands of the powdered and bejewelled body-servants of the grand old cavaliers of those times. The blacks on their part too, reciprocate the feeling of hatred at least and look with ineffable scorn on a "po' white man."

"and very possibly met with a somewhat supercilious reception at the bands of the powdered and bejewelled body-servants of the grand old cavaliers of those times."

These "powdered and bejeweled" slaves looked down upon poor white trash.

I was actually going to do a thread on this. Antebellum slave society was not always black and white.

There were levels and house slaves from the grandest slave owning families looked down upon non-upper class whites in scorn. And they knew it.

In fact, the term "white trash" originated from house slaves. They also coined a term called "half-strainers" which was for upwardly mobile whites who tried to imitate the upper class families that the house slaves served.

Say all this to say, white academics, intellectuals, and planters looked at rural southern whites the same way as the black intelligentsia looked at poor southern blacks who were the counterparts of the poor white trash. These blacks people were the blacks that wanted to go back on the plantation because of all their needs being taken care of by their masters. Similar to how some black men today who've been in jail, do shyt to go back to jail because they are taken care of.

All have been on record calling their rural counterparts lazy and stupid.

Here is the full excerpt for anyone interested.

A Slaveholder's View of the "Poor White Trash"
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Aug 18, 2013
Like I said he's the Blueprint for these modern guys. Guys who have a point but who's message gets lost to many because of the extra-ness.

Nah this guy is the Blueprint



Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012
*pointing out Marcus garvey and his troublesome past of supporting and slandering attack and generalizations on Black americans*

*Nonados and pannies reply by--- > mentioning ADOS c00ns and people*

Like i said you mfs got entitlement, "why cant we attack yall, yall do it yourselves. What about ADOS on ados crime" is basically what you guys are saying when yall pull this maneuver :mjlol:

as said before the lot of yall are just dark skinned white people. and as for you pan africans yall just delusional idiots seeking your self esteem in a dashiki



Feb 21, 2015
Nah this guy is the Blueprint



Is this Delaney?

The blueprint goes back father than that to Paul Cuffe and other black New England businessman like James Forten. They did an about face after the African Colonization Society hopped on their back to Africa movement. They said "nah, we staying right here" off of principle even though they really did wanted to go back and resettle.

Paul Cuffe still did though and took some with him.

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All Star
Dec 27, 2017
Yvette is OFF CODE. Only a c00n would attempt to slander a black icon and black hero. What purpose does trying to tarnish his legacy serve outside of benefiting white supremacy. Overall Garvey is a positive influence and figure in liberating black minds. What he stood for and his influence is bigger than who he was a person. If she cares that much she could debate these letters in a scholarly setting behind closed doors. But under no circumstances should she or anyone be allowed to slander an icon such as Garvey in public. Fukk her.

Meanwhile cacs stay on code and accept no slander and only praise their flawed heros like abe lincoln, george washington, the founding fathers and ronald reagan.
I like when she exposes people, there is too much worshipping in our community instead of hearing the messages. Because of this we have a new leader in every few years saying the same shyt, but nothing changes, just more talk

YT people have lost their minds cause they do this, and the people you named are examples. This is why they storm the capital, scream all lives matter, and just not agreeable, they don’t accept the truth about the people they worship, so they live in a confused state known as cognitive disanonce.


Jul 25, 2018
Y'all modern leaders say disparaging shyt about other black people all day long and it's hee hee hah hah, way worse than what Garvey ever said. He ain't say black Americans specifically and didn't have any hatred towards black people and y'all know it.

It's funny how this malnourished skeleton Yvette got way too excited digging up a 100+ year old quote from a man who ain't alive to defend himself or put it in context just to impress her idiot followers and get some likes. She don't seem to care all that much about reparations since most her posts are about petty bullshyt.

You know how these agents do man. They wait 4 years to get pro-black woke and try to pigeon hold only the Democrat party to reparations and "demand a black agenda" while of course completely ignoring or downplaying the overwhelming impact a Republican presidency will have on black people. All part of an obvious guise to get black people to become disenchanted with voting.

Then when their shyt fails and in fact black folks made the logical choice to vote in record numbers for the liberal candidate that's when they go back to infighting and bullshyt woke wars with other black people. This shyt is a joke.

And are we still ignoring the giant pink gorilla in the room that this dishonest grifter, unbeknown to her audience, was on the board of directors for a white supremacist front group herself? A white power group known for...oh you know...running front "movements" claiming to be for immigration reform with the actual goal of using immigration as a wedge issue in order to instill more pro-white policy into Washington and more right wing sentiment into "minority" communities? This fool once had the same employer as Jesse Lee Peterson. But okay, let's shyt on once of our greatest historic icons, the man who practically wrote the blueprint for modern black empowerment, because this weirdo decided this is how "ADOS" must celebrate black history month. Y'all really being played around by these social media charlatans.


Jul 25, 2018
Cant lie, I look at him totally different now , because of a lot of statements Just like this one that he made about AA. I’m super Pan African before anyone even thinks I’m on some bullshyt. Before anyone speaks about the Nation of Islam (Malcolm X era) amd they associations with the KKK. It was only only about the understanding that they both wanted black and white people separated and stood against integration, meaning they fostered the minor relationship with some white supremacist to get them to push for the same objective. These statements made by Garvey are really disparaging of AA regardless of his intent or goals to unify African people. This is coming from someone who first learned about Garvey renting a book containing his speeches in my middle school library. It almost hurts. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t 100 on a lot of other shyt and cared about his people. But he had some extremely alarming shyt that I blindly rode against WEB for, that I now realize he perhaps was the realest one all along. This is somewhat like how black folks look at Booker T a little more favorable than originally when he was just written off as a c00n. Just the reverse effect. Any black leader wanted and destroyed by the FBI is my hero and he still is one of mine no doubt . But the criticism is justified

You should have kept reading because if you interpreted this quote as an attack on "African Americans" specifically then your reading comprehension needs help.