The only way Trump DOESN'T get the delegates needed for the nomination is if either Rubio and Kaisich stay in or one of them stays in.
In a one on one against Cruz or anybody...if it's just Trump and one other name on the Ballot...there is no point in even putting the persons real name...because nobody is even going to look at it when They circle Trump name...
At this point they need as many people to give people as many choices as possible to increase the chance of someone else getting elected...
So it's going to come down to does the top 1% of rich white people want to just burn through money for no other reason that they can reset the dial and start over at 0...
And people are jumping the gun on this Trump Vs Hilary thing...
Because the first battle is going to be Trump vs Top 1% of Rich White Men
Trump vs Koch Brothers...
I mean...Trump just stole the white man's most prized slaves...poor and middle class white people...the people that they put effort into keeping from knowing they were slaves...AND he has cost them 100 of millions...and in the end probably a billion or having to step up all these campaigns and run all these adds...
And you think they just going to walk away from that with no hard feelings...You think some dudes like the Koch brothers who entire lives revolve around rigging politics and stocks and industries are just going to walk away from somebody stealing what they paid for out from under them...
What Trump has done is
...he basically was a major slave owner in a group of slave owners...and for some strange reason that we may never know...decided that not only was he going to steal all the slaves of the people he had been doing business with his whole life...he was going to steal the fukking cotton to
...he told the slaves to move to his plantation and he told them on the way out to bring all the cotton AND the cotton gin with them...