manga: what you reading brehs....


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Prob the volume where it feels like a slog, as the whole play felt forced to make Natsu jealous. Though the conversation between Natsu & Karen is a good one before Natsu moves back in the with the Inomatas. Natsu clearly has formed an attachment to Taiki, but to tell her feelings are romantic or not it is too soon. As Natsu focuses on basketball, she doesn't give her feelings as much focus as other girls. The issue is Taiki is his own person. Whose to say he won't give up and go for Hina. Karen's point is you should be true to yourself, but realize some people won't wait forever basically.



Ayame's introduction is the first character in this series that feels very irritable. The type of person who has a ton of boyfriends that immediately becomes Ex's for the silliest of reasons. She is a character that is pushing for Hina to get with Taiki & Natsu with Matsuoka based purely on speculation. The former makes sense to get something to push a decision out of Taiki, but the latter feels like it can involve some messy melodrama if the writing isn't careful. Just judging from this volume alone.



All Star
Apr 10, 2014
As the topic of marriage is discussed in this series, Gonda being more a rush for marriage brings an interesting element. Plenty of people love the idea of family and the comfort of having a kid alongside someone. As Gonda goes on a date with Kaori she seems like the perfect match for a partner. However, the reveal that she is a single mother is one that blindsides him. The reason is simple it was in Gonda's ideal idea of marriage. While no one could blame him for the hesitation, it crushes Kaori because being able to trust that he will take care of the kid like she would it.

Despite that, Gonda wants to do things right, which really gives Takuya a kick of reality if he is doing enough. His feelings on the matter aren't resolved and won't be until Rika gives a clear answer.



At some point, Rika has the issue that plenty of people who overthink have. They constantly fight with themselves and never do anything. Her wanting to get him to go on a date with him for who she truly is smart. Smart idea out of Wakaki as it is full into Rika's character, while it is the easiest way for her to communicate. However, Takuya ends up having a good time, which throws Rika even more in a loop. When she pushes Takuya more away the more it hurts her. Which is very different from her usual reserved first. While for Takuya he has had the issue of always being told what to do. This being an opportunity for him for going what he wants.

As Rika understands and goes with what she wants and feels. Takuya refuses to do what someone tells him. Big step for the both of them as they kiss and the two of them grasp what is happening given they are both introverts.




All Star
Apr 10, 2014

Saw this on the Viz app and gave it a read. Not too familiar with Mahou Shoujo stories although with this one the main thing here with the concept of Fiends. Since Magical Girls seek to eliminate Fiends. Though is this an issue of was this not capable or thought of before? Though the idea that Fiends were once humans, but eliminated by the magical girls makes why Shade pushed Tanpopo away.

It is tragic that he lost his family when he turned into a shade. The curious thing is what does Tanpopo do. Also, how does this affect her working with the Mahou Shoujo organization.

The Prince possessing the same underworld eye as Zemu, but rather both of his eyes being like that is a clear plot point that will be pushed forward. Linking the Prince's eyes to the disaster of his homeland would seem logically. But rather are the eyes related to his former wizard. Though Zemu takes him as an apprentice just to protect him. At the very least, he does care for him.



Though the prince being a potential vessel for the Wizard Killer. Why would the wizards be interested in that?


While it makes sense that Yuna would want to learn from her mother now that she is in the past. It couldn't be more evident how despite leading the Amagami shrine, how Yuna works in contrast to her mother is so different. Yuna has always put a giant emphasizes on the shrine itself and protecting it no matter the cost. Rather, what got lost along the way is how to make it successful. Believing in the Gods and connecting to the worshipers. It is a simple idea, but until Yuna sees it up and close, that purity can be easy to overlook.



Rikka spacing out like because she is struggling to come up with lyrics does make sense. Though I do get Lemon's concern about her going to places by herself. One fun part of the Arisu Rikka dynamic is that Arisu isn't always controlling the conversation. Those last few pages were probably a mindfukk for Arisu. At the very least, she knows he is searching for who Apollo is given who she worded all of that at the end.





Everyone who read this manga knows that Taiki was bound to reject Hina. Though most would have expected that to happen after Taiki and Natsu's relationship blossomed more. Though a look at Hina's who has expressed her feelings and has mentioned constantly that she doesn't need an answer. Essentially, her thought process is sure he is in love with Natsu, but that doesn't mean I don't have a chance. Just constantly waiting for Taiki's yes would be a painful process. Taiki making the hard decision to let Hina down is the best thing she could have done. He could have viewed Hina as a backup option if things with Natsu never worked out. He respects Hina too much to let her degrade herself like that.

You empathize with Hina because many times in life you think if I keep working hard I can get my desires. However, a relationship is two ways. Taiki's feelings are as important as Hina's feelings. This is what Ayame doesn't understand, which Kyo points out. Sure, feelings can develop if you are in a relationship, but they are more likely to not. Even mores so what happens if you are in a relationship, and you have that feelings for someone else? This rejection really shows that Taiki has high character even if he has to be the bad guy.





One of Blue Box's biggest strengths is how it can use the themes in both a romance & sports point of view. For Haryu after losing against both Hyoudo & Yusa, the fear of also losing against Taiki was real. He was afraid that he was truly behind the pact when it comes to nationals. Taking that first step is hard, but because he did, he was able to regain his confidence.

In the romance aspect, the same can be said to Hina. For Hina she needed to take that next step, but she didn't want an answer from Taiki because, similar to Haryu she was afraid of losing. Now, unlike Haryu on the court, Hina did lose, but taking that first step was important. This gives more reassurance in Taiki's decision to finally give her an answer even if it is not the one Hina wanted to hear. Once Hina has enough time to recover from the heartbreak, this will be the best thing for her in the long term.



The final chapter of the volume, which has Ayame trying to cheer up Hina was a good one. Since it focuses on Hina's heartbreak. Ayame is an interesting character in respect to Hina because she was in the opposite position. More than likely she saw herself in Ayame's Ex and potentially blaming Taiki for things not working out. She knows that is a terrible way to look at things. She is going to push forward, but she won't take the easy way out. Which really showcases her character here.




May 23, 2012
100+ chapters into Red Storm and I remember why I was so enthusiastic about it. It's really got some dope aspects that I wish caught on more:
- First, it's an Isekai but the MC isn't the OP Isekai'd character...that OP Isekai guy TRAINS the MC instead.

- Instead of a typical tournament arc to introduce the broader cast, we get a Warrior's trial. It's closer to the Hunter X Hunter exams, where characters make allies and enemies through the trials. But what sells it is the quality of the trials. In one spot, after a bunch of enemy and ally dynamics are set up, they put everyone in a room where the only rule is no one can open their mouths...then the lights start to blink on and off for brief periods. Characters can sneak up on each other and attack, but to defend yourself, you might attack an ally in the dark. It's fire (with paneling that really sells it).

- It's got a pretty big and unique cast. Plus, everyone's training arcs are unique but every bit of training comes with world expansion.

- The first 100 chapters are pretty much, training and world-building. But after chapter 100, we move toward the war and politics portions and it's seamless. The world has been set up so well, that the conflict makes sense and we can just be hype to see how our MC and his boys impact the bigger battles.

- Finally, Force is a very dope power-scaling tool. The different tribes use it in different ways, and that contributes to how they do battle. It's also limited enough that one OP character can't beat an army (with small exceptions). I HOPE this will keep power creep at bay when we get deeper into the plot...though the MC and his teacher are way stronger than most characters.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
The root of Kaoruko’s passion resides with the birth of her little brother. Not surprising she loves kids and gets along with them well.


The fact she is mentioning all of this to Rinatro first truly shows how much he means to her. The experiences with her mother give her a scary feeling about getting into the profession. The reality is there are two sides birth and death. These things are unavoidable.



I hope Rintaro is able to offer words that allow her to look at the positives of the profession as it’s easy to look at the negatives.

Admittedly, Matsuoka presented as a love interest for Taiki doesn't work too great because he comes off as a self-entitled douche. Since he immediately comes off as an awful person, which is worse than the first impression Ayame gives off. Still, this scene does show that Taiki won't put his feelings over Natsu and get in the way of her going after her goals in basketball. Though I still like that Natsu didn't immediately go with Matsuoka. It does feel like her excuse for going back home because she rather still hang out with Taiki.



For much of this series we haven't gotten much detailed on Natsu outside of her conversations with Karen & Nagisa. Introducing Yumeka gives her some well-deserved focus. At the very least, for someone to come and approach and say nasty remarks makes for an interesting development.



It was revealed that Yumeka was Natsu's inspiration to be great at basketball. She started off as a nervous little girl, but Yumeka kind of showed her the way in ways. This is essentially the foundation for Natsu as the reason why she works so hard because she wanted to be as good as Yumeka. Essentially, as Taiki got inspired by Natsu who was inspired by Yumeka.

As Taiki tries to understand why Yumeka hates Natsu. Yumeka stands to mention what if all this hard work goes for nothing. Of course Taiki stands to look at that as such a trivial deal. Essentially, who cares what other people think. Just keep grinding at it. Of course, the slap was fully from Yumeka getting emotional. However, it stands to reason that Taiki truly can't empathize with her. He was never faced a reality of giving up. It gives the feeling that there is more to it then Yumeka is leading on.







In reality, Yumeka never hated Natsu she mostly hated herself. She hated herself for giving up on basketball. Of course, she could never tell Natsu this because she knew she was Natsu's hero. In reality though their friendship is very familiar to Taiki and Natsu's relationship. Natsu was Yumeka's hero. The effort to catch up after spending so much time lagging in terms of practice time for basketball. Natsu would be crushed if she learned this. It makes you think what would Taiki do if he found out that Natsu was giving up? He would be crushed. It's easily to see the despair of Yumeka and to empathize with her situation.

Even connecting her relationship to Natsu as Taiki does with Natsu we see that she also saw Natsu practicing after their final game before they entered high school. The fact that even under a brutal defeat, Yumeka saw Natsu practicing in tears. Truly let her know that Natsu's passion far exceeds her own. Not telling her was a means to protect her. She truly cared for Natsu and used the words hate to hide about her own frustrations.





There was a void in Natsu's life after Yumeka left. We have seen hints of this of Taiki inspiring Natsu. Here it gets fully declared. As we see that Natsu was a hero to Yumeka as much as Yumeka was a hero to Natsu. Taiki inspires Natsu as much as Natsu inspires Taiki. It really makes their relationship exceptional.

Her declaring her feelings for Taiki on that final page is a giant moment for her. In which we finally see here that her feelings for Taiki have blossomed looking back on her conversation from Karen.




All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Karin's secondary is simple and fitting for her since she is a vampire. Though she is even more down bad for Hifumi then anybody would have thought lmao. The enemies sending numbers in a way means they are close to the solution. Honestly, they are lucky that Karin didn't follow the protocol of whoever gets there first handles it since having vampires is a lifesaver.



Interesting that Commander Sticky took over Yamagata's will. It does serve that the coexistence of Aliens & Humans can be possible. But why and how did Yamagata die?





The first two points of the Space King could imply that either Sasaki is the space king or perhaps a vessel for the space king. At the least he has to be related in some way. It also makes sense that the tools that Satsuki got from the aliens can't be used by other humans.



The alien on the last page seems to be killing his own. Well, the encounter should be interesting.

Creeping Stems is one fukking OP tool. Creating clones that are as strong as the original is insane. No surprise Kingo got screwed by them. Nice use of Kayano worrying about Kingo's nutrients. Since they gave his attack great deception.



A very satisfying final page spread to add on top.



All Star
Apr 10, 2014
This might be the best volume so far in the series. It is straightforward to see that Yumeka was projecting her frustrations on Natsu. She was always the more talented player compared to Natsu who was more of the hard worker type. When you add entering Junior High and her parents get a divorce it just kept adding up. Having a strong work ethic is a skill that is straightforward, but not easy. What happens when you face adversity.

Though for Yumeka dealing with her parents' divorce was just another stress builder for her. Since that was unavoidable, the only option for her was to quit basketball. She thought she lost passion for basketball, but it was more her frustration for the lack of success plus the outside stress. Her boyfriend summed it up best at the core, she loved basketball. It's just that the stress and extra stuff just added up. Yumeka and Natsu making up was a fantastic point in this series.







Taiki has an incredible high admiration for Natsu. He mentions that his selfish wish is for Natsu & Yumeka to make up. In so many ways, Natsu has been a giant motivator for Taiki and getting the person that motivated Natsu just feels like the least he can do for her. Though he doesn't realize these are the things we do for people that we truly love. To go that far speaks volumes to his character.

Although how far he is willing to go can give people the wrong idea. Which is why Yumeka was absolutely shocked that they weren't dating. The fact that Natsu wanted to see Taiki after learning how much she did for something that couldn't make her happier really certifies her feelings for him. Looking back at her conversation with Karen, her feelings if they haven't blossomed absolutely have at this point. The hug even amplifies it.







All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Finishing up reading year 1 of this manga which concludes with Taiki & Natsu becoming a couple. Overall, it is a strong Romance Sports Manga and its strength lies in how the sports & romance dynamics pairs off each other well. Though the one flaw in the series is that from the sports stuff on its own, there isn't enough, and it could be explored more. Granted, the manga would be much, much longer and clearly the design of the manga is as a Romance.

The manga has a Shoujo feel with Shounen troupes. But how it presents them in a grounded way is refreshing. Also, the overall cast is strong and nicely written. For Romance readers, I would rate it 9/10. For Sports readers, I would rate it 7/10.

Over the course of the manga and especially in the Yumeka arc is where all the work of the relationship between Taiki & Natsu was hammered down. At this point, we were just waiting for them to talk and confess. No surprise the first time since Christmas Eve they open up their feelings like this. Very nicely it was counting the days in each chapter until it reached this moment.



Karen & Natsu's conversation of her telling Karen that she & Taiki are a couple are interested in a few ways. The first is how perverted Natsu feels. Although Karen knows that showcases how deeply Natsu is in love with Taiki. Being in love shows this different side of you.

The other thing is that Natsu & Taiki were living together before they developed feelings for each other. How do you tackle dating after you were already living together? They plan to keep it a secret from their family for now because it could risk Natsu being able to still live at the Inomata house. But at some point their emotions on their faces can reveal what they want to hide. At this point, how long until Taiki's parents find out? Following that, we can see how they will handle living together while they are dating.



Matsuoka's character is weird because for the most part, he just seems like a roadblock for Taiki. So many times he belittles Taiki and thinking Natsu would never give him the time of the day. While his feelings for Natsu made sense the issue is the type of character he is someone Natsu wouldn't fall in love with. She would want someone earnest. Not to say Matsuoka isn't that. But how he treats Taiki like he is nothing different then when Haryu messes with him.

The other thing, was Matsuoka really in love with Natsu? Unlike Taiki he knew the background of Natsu & Yumeka's falling out. He knew how much it would make Natsu happy if Yumeka came back to both basketball and her friend. He never gave a little bit of the effort. Unlike Taiki who pulled all the stops that he could. This shows quite simply that Taiki truly cares for Natsu. While Matsuoka more than likely is just fond or admires Natsu. Though he was probably hoping those feelings were tied to love. For him, that never blossomed. This is another example of how Taiki's feelings for Natsu since the start for firm and absolute.





All Star
Apr 10, 2014

Interesting first chapter. Werewolves vs Vampires, but with a gang tie in plus the execution of the chapter was pretty good. Looking forward to reading more.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Honestly makes sense that Momo's dreams are the very key and dragging Asa out was important. I am curious about one thing he mentions once conquest is used, both Taiyo & Asa won't be the same. Obviously, for Asa, if he loses control and gets pushed out he is just someinne basically. However, once Asa gets pushed out, what will happen to Taiyo? Unless he can reverse functionality of the brain before Taiyo fused with Asa?





Despite hearing that it is sweet to see that Kyo doesn't approve unless Taiyo & Mutsumi approve it. He knows what it is like to lose a parent. That is a giant risk to the kids & Mutsumi. Hell, we even see in the final pages of Alpha being a softie with his dad being in danger. This is one of my favorite sides of Kyo because it shows he immensely cares for the family.


Maikeru's conversation with Ikken really highlights what is going on. Maikeru just got promoted, so he has numerous concerns going forward, but Shiguma was such an important person in his life. It's cruel he can't be there to look after Shiguma's other apprentices. Ikken's point of it being logical still holds true from what we learned from last chapter. Shiguma more than likely is done with Rakugo baring a miracle. Could one day Makieru could be a Shin'uchi worthy of having multipole apprentices? Yes, however that time is not now.



Looks like we will dive into some backstory for Issho & Shiguma regarding the old Shiguma. I assume what we do get is from Urara and latter we will get the full story from Issho.


As we saw from Shin, Atari can obviously use the future to dodge attacks. But where it is more interesting is that since she knew the fan would start. In which caused the fan to create a counter-attack for her benefit. Very crafty and shows that she can deal with projectiles despite being unarmed technically.



Love and happiness do exist in this world. Suffering hurts because of how much we cherish that happiness. Interesting thought process that Julian actually died on that ship. I feel like its more so he is in despair he can only put himself down.


Though everything that he plans to do is for Diana. I wonder how these events will shape him going forward.


Kumugi honestly has a potential for a great dynamic with Ichi since he is the furthest thing that you would consider a witch to be. He can help her overcome her confidence issues, and she can help him adjust to being a witch in terms of what is expected of him.





Blue Box Chapter 169

I guess the point was for it to show Natsu has 0 doubt in Taiki and immensely cares for him. Even the point where she is upset at something that is not basketball. I think the execution of the chapter wasn't the best, but it served its purpose.

The Elusive Samurai Chapter 177

Rip Yuki-dono you will be missed. :salute:

Shizuku has a point regarding Mima's condition, but of course, she wants to be Tokiyuki's #1 wife. The plan against Takauji seems to make sense. Anger can cause even the greatest to make mistakes and that would create the best chance. Even if the odds aren't the best.

Kosaka suddenly appearing to protect the Prince feels a little too sus.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Man this manga is getting more fukked up as it goes damn :picard:

Following what they believe in what's for the good of humanity it was expected.I think the big thing from this chapter is how rotten Oscar is. Leon & Norman have this twisted logic of doing things for the best of humanity. Like the experiments and how they treat the woman.



Oscar is just downright despicable and evil. It would be interesting if Oscar's action can be framed as something that is against the good of humanity. I am curious if we will be focusing on Bob for a bit before switching back to John.




Had Kagurabachi on hold since chapter 15, starting to catchup to see what the recent hype is about

So as Chihiro beats Soujo he also cuts one of the 7 enchantment blades. It getting cut makes since each sword can only be used by 1 person only. Curious if this is absolute or they are the only person that can use it.




Seems that connecting the Sanazan Family is a key to the puzzle. As they are a powerful family in the underworld.



It's oddly convienant for Chihro to meet a member of the Sazanami family. It does give for indication the family is beyond scum. Selling alive prisoners along with corpses is awful. Keeping the Shinuchi from the wrong hands is key.



Hiyuki is sent to go after Chihro since he holds the 7th blade and the one Sojo had. Of course, they are shocked that he broke the blade Sojo was using. Now it does seem Hiyuki is giving him fits. She almost has him until Hakuri steps in front in a surprising play.


