manga: what you reading brehs....


All Star
Apr 10, 2014

Last of the batch from WSJ. Tbh the concept of game development sounds really cool, but the execution of chapter 1 was :trash:. Will still with it solely on concept, but don't have the highest of hopes.

Only a 4-month time skip, so far, which is interesting. Akiie's father is really putting Tokiyuki & everyone to work. In terms of being a work ethic and being a leader, you can see where Akiie gets it from. How he handles Yuki is also very impressive. He is one example of his portrayal would look different in a different era.




We come to face with Mima again, and it's been awhile. The root of her power still puzzles me. As others have said, is she a goddess like Shizuku or does that power have a source? Obviously, Shizuku could deal with her, but the consequences would be unbearable for Tokiyuki. Curious what his plans are. Also, Mima's father has been mostly a mystery in this series as well.



Gotta love how the siblings couldn't stand if Taiyo died, but Kyo dying is manageable in comparison lmao. The plan is to be aggressive enough to bait out Asa. Now that the plan is going what is the next step?



Also, chapters like this really show how much Mutsumi looks like Rei.


The next chapter going to be a big one for Centuria :lupe:

Tbh not surprised Akros ended up living. Kind of would have been a shame not to explore his power more. Tho I do love how they are both thinking how TF the other is still alive.Akros talks about his trump card, but Julian also has his 2nd trump card. Next chapter about to be hype.



Shackles have the skill of close to an order member is a big jump for the gang. It will really require Shin to get a handle on his ESP. Just a bunch of stuff creating a big domino affect. Honestly, I wonder if he can use his ability to see the future for when he tells people to stop. It could be interesting.



So 3 people are going to die. We know Shin & Heisuke are making it out since it is their training arc. Boiled & even Atari could be victims of that prediction.

Nice chapter to show how Ichi views Majikas compared to witches. Witches, no surprise, have a view they are a being of great power. Ichi on the other hand, views it as a creature that can be a hunter or a murderer. So for Ichi their personality is more what defines a Majika.



Ichi entering the witches' association will be an interesting next chapter.


I can't understate how charming this series is. A rooster companion that behaves like a dog. I love that Sosuke agreed with Kiyoshi that it was a noble goal. Sosuke is a good dude.




Of course, they have to deal with that snake.


Akane-banashi Chapter 127

It is very comforting that each of the guys have been in the same spot as Akane. Shiguma only says what he believes is comforting in the manner he believes Akane can do it. It is more the point of exercising caution since the issue is more complex.

Shinobi Undercover Chapter 2

I am not sure what is the right way to describe the lead girl. Disaster strikes her and even does it to herself, like her eating her lunch off the grass. Mc has a personality that it is easy to compare to Bocchi. But I like the logic can't be hurt if you don't have friends and never carry cash in case he loses his wallet. His main issue ultimately is that he is a pessimistic. Which is something the lead girl can help him overcome. After all, she is the opposite of a pessimistic.

Him wanting to be friends with her friends just for work was never going to work out. But as the advice that he was given, making a friend will be good for him in the long term.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
An interesting element when Uryu & Shirahi get sent to the alternate world is that Shirahi is aware of being in the previous world much like Uryu is. Though she shares a piece of guilt since this was her selfish wish. One really good scene was about why he has been open to about those people that pray. Working with the sisters, Shirahi finds that same feeling Uryu has gotten. Of course, them going back to their original world is more important since that is where they belong.



This volume is where the supernatural elements in this series start to feel slightly overwhelming. This idea of branch worlds is straightforward as they can be thought of as alternate realities. Tying the knot is what links these realities. Tying the knot between Shirahi & Uryu created this knot. Most likely, for them to be together, this branch world would need to be created by the Gods.

When Yomiko mentions she is on the God's side, it adds tension to what is really happening. She reveals a part of the truth to Uryu, but doesn't mention why he was transferred here.





The cruel part is that to return to his world, he must reject Shirahi. One thing that is apparent is that he deeply cares for the sisters. Whether it is romantic or familial is left to be seen. The Amagami Sisters have opened his mind to things that he closed off before. What is the ill fate that waits Shirahi? Will she simply not be bound to Uryu or could it be a separation that is more apparent than before?





All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Chapter 134

Man, these breaks between the chapters is killing me. But looks like we're jumping into action next chapter. :lupe:

Some interesting bits in this chapter, like the Gem doll. It's basically the magic version of an automated machine. Kind of cool. But man can't imagine how it must be to only live on air and not being able to eat. Curious how ranks work and what lies beneath each door.



So the big drop is Wizard Killers and 3 Great Wizards in the last ten years. Given how the Mc lost his home I am not sure if this is a cause of concern.



Shinobu is even more down bad for Arisu then I originally thought :mjlol:


Though we have seen Shinobu mention that she cares more about spending time with Arisu then reaching her goal of broadcasting. Granted, I don't know how limited she is just being in high school. She truly wants to spend even more time with Arisu as she has fallen in love with him. I do worry if she is up to the task to come to be able to apply to this school. Though we need to know what is the hurdle for her to apply.



Is Seo a big Dragon Quest fan. Since he knows that the first 3 games are the only ones that the story is contained and play order matters. But 4 is standalone, unlike the first 3, so makes for another good Ami is an idiot joke. Also loved the Ririka Mao banter at the beginning.



Additionally, nice we get to learn more about Mao and Ouka being already was huge for her. But now Ouka has a chance to make a big impression on Michie Obata. However, she is sweating like crazy.






Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
TBV kinda fukked up....

If anyone should be able to see thru Omnipotence, it shoulda been Ino. How can someone of the Yamanaka clan be effected by it? Doesn't make sense to me.

That's been my only gripe since the time skip.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
As Takuya goes with Honjouji to tell his family that the marriage is fake. You start see the signs from Honjouji that she really is enjoying her time with him. Of course, she passes out from exhaustion and doesn't come with him to announce it. As Takuya backs away from what he is feeling currently and Honjouji sees Takuya's childhood friend Nao makes it even worse. It is obvious her feelings are a mess. It is clear she is quite fond of Takuya, but is she jealous of how close Nao is to Takuya? Her distancing herself in the office makes it even worse.




One thing I really like during this volume how it stresses how working with marriages isn't easy. We see Shinshi, and he appears to have the ideal marriage. However, on his anniversary, his wife requests a divorce, which blindsided him. Granted, him going full monkey was a little over the top. :mjlol: But as George put it, what can seem like an ideal marriage on one side may actually be misery on the other side. Clearly the wife was holding it in, most likely for her son's sake, but at some point enough is enough. Curious that Rika may have gone through a similar situation as Shinshi's son, but reality isn't so kind.




The volume ends in a very interesting fashion as Nao who moves to Tokyo and wants to be friends with Rika rather quickly. Rika just wants to know what Takuya was holding back, but of course, Nao who is super friendly with him, literally tells him to get his ass over here. :pachaha:Takuya asking Rika obviously takes some encourage, but it blindsides Rika who hasn't interacted with many people. She doesn't have the courage to give an answer, which leaves Takuya hanging in the worst one imaginable. Feel bad for him and things will be even more awkward at work now.





All Star
Apr 10, 2014
The big thing in this volume explores as a family when to trust them and when to get involved. As Asahi tries to make the cut for the track team we see the former. As Uryu worries about putting much pressure and sure enough, Asahi succeeds. One thing we really get to see that Mibu has been coming into her own working in the shrine, but she makes an interesting point about the sisters. They don't act like a blood relative family. The big point in that type of family there is nothing you will hold back from telling each other. We know there are plenty of things they don't tell each other about their past.



Very cruel of Yae to fully announce her feelings before going back to the Ichijoji family. Though we see that her father made the threat of replacing the Amagami Shrine with a school if Yae doesn't come back. As expected, Uryu and the girls trying to convince her as she comes back. We learn that Makoto as a child could see the pain that Yae lived with and as her friend, her finally being able to spread her wings clearly made herself the happiest that she could be. Despite Uryu's words of preferring the sisters to be together, Yae decides to stay. She wanted to confront her family since she could tell there were conflicts with their parents that represent the warmth of family. Perhaps she thought she could truly bring the warmth out of her parents?





No surprise Uryu making his last stand to bring Yae back to the Amagami Shrine. He does bring a great point that the connection to bring Yae home was from a threat. Granted, if they genuinely asked, and she said yes, this would be a different story. What Uryu mention loving the 3 sisters is very true to his heart and how he wants to make each of them happy. Now whether this is familial or romantic he doesn't know which he has mentioned before.




In a very surprise, Yae's mother Ushio kicks out Yae again. But what actually is surprising is Ushio's desire for Yae to live her own life. There is a meeting between the Sisters' adoptive mother and Ushio. Ushio's request for Yae to live a life of freedom. I guess due to tradition that can't happen with the Ichijoji family. But what the adoptive mother says about giving Yae a new name when she adopted her and the significance is really interesting. The new name gives her a feeling of familial in her new family. However, the biggest is that her connection to her old family is with her old name. We saw Yae's desires to reunite with her old family. Ushio understood that Yae wasn't ready to come back to the Ichijoji family. Could a time later she could come back? Maybe. It is clear the freedom has allowed her to grow into her own person that she couldn't have before under the name Reiko Ichijoji. Gives a side to her mother we didn't see coming and also makes you wonder who was and the names of both Yuna & Asahi Amagami?







All Star
Apr 10, 2014

This is written by the "Days" author. This is a historical series set around 1854 where there is the Mibu Roshigumi meaning Ronin (Masterless Samurai) of Mibu. It seems places of Kyoto had them serve as the special police force of sorts. They lost their reputation inf Kyoto where they became known as the Blue Wolves of Mibu.

Nio Chirinu is someone who wants to change the world. As he had a rough upbringing. It is made apparent this isn't a good vs evil, but rather good vs good. Meaning each person has their agenda, as everyone has their own justice. Clearly Nio has a more pure sense of justice, but seeing how he tackles the issue of his fellow Samurai having a planned killing of a comrade is interesting. Even more so interesting about how does his relationship with Taro evolve as he had a much worse life then him as a slave. Clearly he has gone through and survived some of the worst of society at the time.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Crazy chapter :damn:

The first part of this chapter reminds me of all the sweet Taiyo & Mutsumi stuff from before timeskip. If only we had more of them.


Essentially, what worked this time is Momo comes from a piece of Tsubomi & from Rei which they birthed Mutsumi. Who holds a closer connection to Tsubomi because of Momo. So when Taiyo awakened initially to the Yozakura blood he essentially adapted to Tsubomi's blood already since Mutsumi's heart was able to control and adapt to it.




Now this is an interesting strategy coming from Taiyo. The best way to take down Asa in if he is left vulnerable and combines with Taiyo. Obviously, this is high risk since Taiyo is just as vulnerable as well. Still, we will see both Futaba & Kyo pushed to their limits to save their beloved brother.



Curious if there will be a battle inside of Taiyo of Asa vs Taiyo.

God seriously this chapter was hard to read:sadbron:

God this was uncomfortable to read. When you think about Mima and she has been alone. Trying to make her father proud, but to see him betray her and seeing that rapey scene was just ugh. Tokiyuki overcoming the Gods might have been too much to overcome.




Now the focus is on Shizuku. Yes, she made the promise to Tokiyuki, but obvious she would use all her power to save him. God next chapter is going to hurt like hell.




Also, Matsui having this chapter just when the anime ended. Man I can't imagine binge reading and catchup to this point.

Julian clearly read what Akros's trump card is and took full advantage. His true strength against Julian was land, not the sea. Things are about to get really interesting next chapter.



Great chapter. As Kyo was there for Taki like at the beginning of the series, Taki is there for him. He truly is a great friend for Kyo to tell him he is being taken advantage of. Sometimes Kyo can be too considerate. It's part why people trust him, but he will simply be burned out. But who will be there to pick him up when he's down?



I empathized with Kyo when he called himself a slowpoke. Like the saying goes, we miss 100% of the shots that we don't take. Not a surprised that Kyo wasn't feeling well, but Ayame is the one to be the first to his aid. I just hope Kyo can take the initiative and expressive himself to Ayame.



Needless to say going from saying Stop to mind controlling to break something feels like a big jump. I am still waiting to figure out what the drawbacks of this power are for Shin. Good to see them accomplish their goal of hopefully meeting Atari soon.



Shin & Heisuke inspiring Boiled was a nice. Sad to see he lost his way for so long after his fight with Sakamoto.

Akane-banashi Chapter 128

Just seeing everyone reacting to Akane's accomplishments really made this chapter feel tense as hell. You don't need much dialogue to convey what was needed here.

This really makes a perfect stuff for a reread since these are all the characters the Akane has interacted with along the way.

Ichi the Witch Chapter 4
We see Desscaras describing the state of the world of magic, and we just know Ichi is about to spin that upside down. :mjlol: Ichi is just very earnest which I like. Poor girl has been up since 5 AM and doing deliveries and seeing a male be able to catch up to her might be a traumatic experience in its own right.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
So as Mahiru meets up with Azuki, she wants her to tutor Uryu. Though the ironic part is that they already met. What I do like that their goals in becoming a doctor both lies in their admiration for Mahiru. For Azuki while she was a delinquent she was saved by Mahiru when she was still studying to be a doctor, which clearly is Azuki's motivation to becoming a doctor. While for Uryu as Mahiru raised him he wanted to be able to help her. Not to mention that he lost his mother when she was ill. These two getting closer and getting more focus on Uryu's goal of being a doctor is a nice change of pace.




We finally get a big piece of information on Asahi's backstory. As expected, like Yae she had her own birth parents. Her father is an internation journalist named Ginji Kiyomizu. Essentially, he is chasing after his wife who left him. Asahi's situation is pretty shytty. A mother who didn't care to be a wife or a mother. A father who only cared to chase his wife. Essentially, Asahi was neglected severely. It makes her harsh reaction to seeing her father add up. Hard to see who her relationship with her father can be repaired like it was for Yae's parents.




Although curious why Asahi wants to move to America. For one, it could be studies or for running. But I feel there is something more. Does she have the desire to travel much like her parents do? She is definitely hiding something.



All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Very interesting as Asahi declares that she would move to America for running. Yae & Yuna are in full support of their sister, while Uryu is against it. As Azuki points out, that sometimes our goals can appear something that seem far from possible from the outside. However, what changes is ones work ethic to reach those goals. Azuki being a former delinquent who failed in school, turned into a doctor is one example of that. Uryu is someone who is extremely logic, but sometimes those type of people need to willing to understand when logic doesn't give all the answers.






However, Uryu gets tested even more when he gets a dream of a 22-year-old Asahi mentioning how she failed when she was in America. Which leads to again Uryu's logic of his dreams being right most of the time. However, Yomiko mentions in a conversation to Uryu why she should stop following her dreams. To make him truly understand, she offered the hypothetical what if the dream was you failing to become a doctor. Putting himself in that situation, he would at least be able to be given the chance to prove that dream wrong. Him being able to understand Asahi's feelings was the big thing he was lacking. He wanted her to succeed and put her in the best situation possible, but what works for one person doesn't work for everyone.



What is actually the most interesting is that Asahi wanting to go to America is Uryu. Asahi had to decide between athletics or working in the shrine, but Uryu gave her that motivation to have both. Becoming big with her athletics would allow her to give the shrine a big boost. Uryu basically taught her to be greedy with her goals. It was also nice to see Uryu use this lesson to understand both Yuna and Yae's feelings. Yuna essentially going full out in her goals for working at the shrine by becoming the head priest. For Yae diving into the world of art, which is a field that is unknown with certainty.






We learn that the Cinderella Series Sneakers that Asahi wears are vital to her. She wants to continue running with those sneakers only. So when her dad brings her a warehouse of those sneakers, she lets her emotions get the best of her and rejects them. Uryu providing the point if you want to only run in these sneakers to accomplish your goals, who cares where they came from. Though when Asahi's father points out that his wife and Asahi's mother designed those sneakers, it adds a very interesting wrinkle. The mother that Asahi detests designed the sneakers that she treasures greatly.





All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Giving the series a reread for the first 12 vols.

Tbh I forgot how much Taki admired Natsu. It is a drastic difference to where it is currently in the manga. Though him getting a wish ribbon from Natsu sets the foundation of the series of them setting out for nationals together despite competing in different sports. Gives a feeling that each other is giving the other support even if they aren't always there.



One thing that is really nice is that the goal isn't simply out of his admiration for Natsu. He genuinely loves Badminton and the pressure that comes from it. It is that love that guides him to improve that tells you his desire to prove comes from his wanting to get better. Of course seeing Natsu's work ethic just adds to the motivation. Though Natsu noticing Taki and how hard he works as Taki easily noticed the same from Natsu was a great moment. Sometimes we can overlook the hard work we put in because we can be too hard on ourselves. Someone else noticing and pointing it out can be very meaningful.




Taki & Haryu's relationship is really interesting. As Haryu seems like initially as a mountain that looks like impossible to compare yourself to. To see Haryu's foundation, from Taki's perspective, has to be impressive. As the misunderstanding from Taki's POV of Haryu & Natsu's friendship gets resolved, we really see how much of a good dude Haryu is. He sees the potential Taki has is willing to push it to the max. Him being the 2nd person to notice Taki's work ethic is huge.



Meanwhile, we have Kyo who is obviously Taki's closest friend. We get scenes like the conversation of between Kyo & Natsu where you can tell Kyo is a good friend. He knows that Taki isn't getting anything out of this bet that Haryu pushed on him and is able to let Natsu to know about it. Obviously, since again we know Taki works hard and Natsu knows this already. So the date between Taki & Natsu was a big symbolism of the friendship between Taki & Kyo.



Meanwhile, we got a focus on Hina. Similar to Taki her sport is for individual based. But we slowly see some jealously signs coming from Hina regarding Taki & Natsu's relationship. As she sees the wish ribbon shared between those two sparks that jealously again. Are these feelings of lover or admiration for Taki. Or is more jealous of the bond between Taki & Natsu and less for Taki himself.




All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Overall, Asahi's arc was an interesting one. I do like how, unlike with Yae's parents, it didn't turn into a sob story of how their parents were actually thoughtful of her. At the end of the day, Asahi's mother only cared about advancing her career and her father only cared about chasing her mother. Though it was ironic that the shoes that her mother made were able to make its way to Asahi and been her rock for running. Although it is very neat to notice that just like her parents, Asahi looks after her own goals first. But doing so leaves her friends behind. Though following Uryu's advice that she should use anything to advance her career and goals.





It is nice to nice Mahiru and the other girls know that Uryu would put too much on his shoulders with the shrine. Giving him a reality check that he needs to focus on exams. His conversation with was nice because while she did everything in her power to become a doctor. At the same time, she has been alone. Her brother has been the head of the shrine, and they live in two different worlds with their interests. She respects Mahiru too much to view her as a friend, and she is essentially Uryu's mentor. Though seeing how Uryu is much the same, you can be sure that Uryu would love to be a buddy with her.




As we got the focus of Yuna taking care of the shrine while Uryu is away. She pushes herself to get things done in her way, which was great. Of course with the incident of kid & current Yuna swapping places makes for the first supernatural incident in quite a while. I do like that Mahiru recognizes something went down, but makes sure to make it clear to him that, despite what may happen down the line, to never give up on his goals of becoming a doctor. Kid Yuna swapping places with the current Yuna truly showcases how spoiled she used to be before her mom passed away.





