manga: what you reading brehs....


All Star
May 31, 2022
I completely agree about the peak. I really liked the battle with the ants, and even the the king of ants vs the captain of the shadows for leadership roles. But after that, it really felt like the MC was way too overpowered for anyone to threaten him. Then when they brought in potential threats to him, they were too strong for any of the side characters to do anything worth a damn.

The sequel follows a son character who has no powers until he gets a visit from Beru (the ant shadow). It really started strong tbh, I'm excited to read more but it's still early for the manwha, so I dropped it to let the chapters pile up...I'll def binge it.

I'm caught up on the chapters so far on SL Ragnarok and I'm still unsure if it will have the same problems
If you didn't like the original MC's power ups then semi-bad news...
The son has already gotten pretty strong quickly, without as much work as pops even since he wasn't born :flabbynsick:
He already contending with C+ level threats and it's Ch 19
(Beru considers him a prodigy)

On the bright side, the power ceiling for the big bads is already high considering we know what pops has dealt with.
So far seems to be more shine given to side characters, which might help. However every side character that's popped up so far has been "beginning-of-Metroid-nerfed" to match MC for now

To me there doesn't seem to be as much of a focus on the guilds (which could be seen as a good or bad)


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
At this point, it would be wrong to not expect the unexpected out of Sensei. He is the 2nd human alongside the hero to meet the Fairy Queen. Though given how the hero failed to meet expectations, having something like Sensei who is more of a realist might be something she is interested in to lending her power. Although it seems the whistle calls up Solulu. Her strengths were present when they freed Waldelia's dragon.




Though the most concerning bit is that the peaceful land of Zauberberg isn't so peaceful. After the issue with Waldelia's dragon being resolved, they have a conversation with Annette's former student, Itsuki. Being forced to dangerous missions to collect points is fukked up. Even worse, after their mission ends, they get sent back to prison. They do meet up with Archbishop Elton, who is the only Goblin Archbishop. Sensei has been one whose instincts have been very sharp and while he himself isolated from the group, it felt like he did so for his selfish interest and to protect the rest.



Elton mentions that there is a dangerous group named Deracine that could be abducting the kids. But rather once Annette, Tama and Nir infiltrate the prison, they encounter a Dark Knight. They are reunited with Yamada back when they dealt with Esche and the villagers a lit bit back. Though his news of their information being beyond wrong is disturbing. As he mentions, Elton is the one behind it.






As Sensei meets Queen Saphira he can clearly see that this woman putting a mask on her emotions. Elton too has a mask on his emotions. His nice guy act is a lie. Bold of Sensei to call him out like that. Still, this makes things here very interesting what the plan is for Sensei. He does have Solulu's help that could potentially happen, though being inside a castle might not suit her strengths.





May 23, 2012
I'm caught up on the chapters so far on SL Ragnarok and I'm still unsure if it will have the same problems
If you didn't like the original MC's power ups then semi-bad news...
The son has already gotten pretty strong quickly, without as much work as pops even since he wasn't born :flabbynsick:
He already contending with C+ level threats and it's Ch 19
(Beru considers him a prodigy)

On the bright side, the power ceiling for the big bads is already high considering we know what pops has dealt with.
So far seems to be more shine given to side characters, which might help. However every side character that's popped up so far has been "beginning-of-Metroid-nerfed" to match MC for now

To me there doesn't seem to be as much of a focus on the guilds (which could be seen as a good or bad)
Damn, that progression speed is nuts :mjlol: . But it did seem like the enemies are gonna be a lot stronger to matchat least. It just seems impossible to keep side characters relevant in a world where no one else can grow, and he's flying up the charts. I'll probably enjoy it off nostalgia, even if it's got issues...I'm just about caught up on Hardcore Leveling Warrior and every time they bring back a character from Part One, I geek out heavy.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
Damn this volume hitting in the feels :mjcry: consequences are real.

It's been awhile since they did a main quest. We got a mecha like battle between The Unholy God Robinson vs God of Fire Marbel. As they are fighting against Akira's former allies, it wasn't a surprise that there will be tense emotions. Amano making moves to target Marbel's core, has to deal with the resistance that Ren and are triggering. The truly saddest point is when Ren turns Akira into an NPC.




Here we learn Ren's true nature. He never turned into an NPC. But rather the sought to turn everyone else into an NPC. We knew that he wanted to assimilate in to this new world, but from one POV it makes sense that he wanted to assimilate from a single player point of view. If there can only be 1 playable character, then everyone else should then become an NPC by his logic. Sadly, he doesn't realize that these are other people's lives. What makes this crushing is how Akira and Amano bonded. Her ripping the necklace is proof that the old Akira is gone.







But it gets even worse. It seems that in the main quest the NPC's kill themselves if Marbel's core is destroyed. The despair that Amano feels is done so well. You can feel his desperation that he wants Haga to restart the quest. The unfortunate reality that Akira they knew is gone. Though as they report bugs, could it be possible to eventually learn how to turn NPC back into Player control again? Though that might be wishful thinking. Curious how the group's morale is going forward.







All Star
Apr 10, 2014

New series in WSJ with aecent start. Comedy works well with a socially awkward Mc. The fact the girl has been living an artificial life gives an added dynamic they can explore

I assume we will mostly get SoL comedy at the start. So how it executes the relationship between the Mc and the girl is vital. If it does that well, it can build to something really good. The start of this series is crucial.

Akane-banashi Chapter 126

Akane-banashi continuing to prove it's the best series in WSJ :wow:

This chapter added layers. Shiguma mentioning what if he was expelled because he chose "Shibahama"? Essentially, the point is that Issho & Shiguma vowed to protect the previous Shiguma's Art. So it makes sense that if Shibahama is a stepping stone to learning Shiguma's Art. Simply he viewed him not worthy. At least we can understand why he did it. I like how it brushes more light on Issho with his actions in chapter 1, but doesn't take away from Akane wanting to prove him wrong.





In all honesty, Akane made her choice a long time ago. Her decision is clear. However, what Shiguma is letting her know that this will be a much tougher road ahead. Which makes him a great master. He wants Akane to put her all if she really aims to do this.





So this was the first of the 100 lives that Julian spent. I am genuinely interested in learning more. Really got Akros off guard.





Haruto always looked up to his brother and quite simply, his measure of success was Shuji. Hina brings up a great point of being proud of who you are. He may not be as successful as his brother, but that doesn't take away who Haruto is. Sure, he has attitude problems here and their, but his work ethic is inspiring.



Hopefully, we start seeing Haruto focus on improving himself grow rather trying to mirror his brother. I thought the comparison of Haruto to the puppy was both cute and funny.


Taria took a giant step here. Sometimes our most difficult obstacles are ourselves. Taria has been someone who put himself down more than we can count. This is the first step for him, but it is one that will launch him forward.


Azuma has no doubts about her feelings for Taria as both a friend and if she truly loves him. Great chapter.


Sakamoto Days Chapter 182

Damn Shin got wrecked real quick :picard:

Spy x Family Chapter 105

Frankie is a good dude. I give him props for saving his friend instead of going to the date. One day, all of this suffering will pay dividends.

The Elusive Samurai Chapter 172

Nitta wasn't the smartest of the bunch, but he was a warrior. I am truly interested to see how little Nitta's journey to be a warrior matches his father.

Mission: Yozakura Family Chapter 242

Regression works as expected from Nanao. Now the signal is up for Taiyo. Things are going too well here. I got a bad feeling.

Ichi the Witch Chapter 2

The banter between Desscaras & Ichi will be great. And Desscaras can even interact with Uroro makes it even better.
Considering around 2700 Majiks have yet to be discovered, I am interested in where this goes.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014

Started reading Medalist after hearing how many great things about the manga. Really solid start. You have the failed mentor Tsukasa Akeuraji and the Kid Inori Yuitsuka with the desire to reach for their dream. Good start since Tsukasa sees Inori and sees similarities in himself as a skater with the drive, but is starting early. Really like how dynamic the art looks. The anime will be a mess with Engi adapting it.

One thing that this volume does well is showcasing in how important is to start when it comes to Ice Skating. Tsukasa notices the disadvantage he has when starting later than everyone else. Inori's mom brings up the point of how Inori's sister started before Inori's current age. At the same time, noting how much time she had to spend. It is a good contrast from the bad parent trope that clashes with child's dreams. Her mom's concerns have merit even after they see Inori skating. Though Inori passion for it really comes out well. She has the talents, but given she has the drive that Tsukasa could relate to, it seems like a no-brainer. There are 7 stages until Inori can compete in All-Japan and Top World Events.






As we continue, we expand the cast. The first being Hikaru Kamisaki, who is quite famous, but Inori comes to acknowledge her as a friend. She gives Inori a great motivation as someone to catchup too. Hikaru is kind at getting Inori's confidence back up by saying not to mind what the mean comments from the adults. The art of the magic shines as it focuses on Hikaru dancing. As Inori gets her first badge, she realizes it will be awhile until she catches up to Hikaru, but that only leaves Tsukasa impressed by Inori's motivation. Meanwhile, Rio Sonidori is an acquaintance of Hikaru. Who comes off as disrespectful to Hikaru. Showing that not everyone will be friendly to Inori.






There is the issue that Inori's mother says she will only let Inori skate up through middle school. Makes sense for a parent to still have doubts after it failed with her first child. Tsukasa's plan seems solid to get the mom invested again. As the pressure has been getting to Inori, Tsukasa skating helps alms her down. In which we next meet Ryoka Miketa, who has a fiery personality and rebels against her coach, Mario Nachi. Initially, Ryoka takes a liking to Inori as a friend, but Ryoka has trust issues when it comes with adults. Which makes you wonder why especially considering her age. Obviously, Inori doesn't want to disrespect Tsukasa who gave her this opportunity. Which creates an interesting rivalry which Ryoka creates.







For Inori the two approaches are the slow and building a great foundation or going for a more results strategy. A great moment which Tsukasa mentions to Inori you need to be able to make your own decisions. Which is important as Inori has had difficulty standing up for herself. Still, I do love you see the frustration from Tsukasa because he knows the best decision, but he puts her in the best position while respecting her wishes.





The extra chapters were nice. You see that overtime the old man got invested in Inori being able to Ice Skate. Makes for a sweet relationship that I would like to see build upon more. Meanwhile, Tsukasa's past is one that I am intrigued by. Was Meiko the mother and wife of the family Tsukasa was living with? It is nice he is back living with good people which are like family to him.


All Star
Apr 10, 2014

I have been reading Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister, which is another one of WSM's harem series. It starts of generic in the first few volumes, but it has been better as it focused on the dynamic of the 3 sisters.

This was a major arc for Yae, but there are nice moments that Uryu shares with both Yuna & Ashai. Asahi having the complex of comparing herself to Yae especially given their age gap. Uryu mentioning he enjoys simple beauty is a nice point that flashy stuff is great, but substance occurs in simplicity as well. With Yuna more & more, we see Uryu knowing how she clicks. She has a sense of duty, but doesn't want to be pushy.



Yae's best friend, Makoto is one who is very protective of Yae. She has a sense of distrust in Uryu to the point that she has to keep her eye on Yae. The big clue is that the name Reiko Ichijoji that is present on Yae's driver's license is mentioned by Makoto as that person doesn't exist. As we learn, it is meant that Yae's old life she left behind. The more concerning thing is what Makoto says next. Your dreams won't come true if he gets involved. It intrigues the reader about what was the life Reiko Ichijoji.



Very nice symbolism is used when Uryu goes looking for Yae after she falls. Understanding why Yae is so skilled in so many aspects is because that was what was expected of her. Her mother appears to be beyond cruel. As the guards aim to take Yae back to her mother, Uryu guides her back and frees the chains that Yae is under. For once, Yae wanted to decide how she lives. Which is the one thing she still struggles with and that is making decisions. Why when making designs it takes so long to make. This adds a lot of meaning to Uryu and Yae's relationship.






The question of Yae's feelings for Uryu is now interesting. When Asahi was looking to find the answer from Yae it is clear now that even Yae wasn't sure. Her feelings for Uryu were always there, but it was just until then for her to realize it.




All Star
Apr 10, 2014

From the author of Kekkaishi, creates this new series with 2 chapters out. Very curious how the use of magic is in this world. Gems are what can allow one to use magic at a fundamental level. The most interesting in chapter 2 is that the Prince is made up of mana and Wizards are experts at dealing with Mana. But mana can be poisonous, but does this imply the prince is responsible for ruining his nation? Even more so, he is responsible for the former wizard.

There appears to be plenty of secrets Gemu is holding, but the prince capable of reviving the dead is a big drop. The fact the declaration that he should never use it truly implies a consequence if he were to use it.

Nice volume with a focus on Asahi. From the start, she has been someone who wants to be independent, but at the same time truly cherishes the bond with her sisters. However, it does serve the point that these two desires can be conflicting. There should be a path that Asahi can have both.

For Uryu the big lesson here was less to find a solution to the problem, but it was to understand the wishes of others. He had to realize what Asahi truly wanted and that was a wish for balance of her desires.



As Grandpa Amagami mentions of the secret of the shrine. It seems likely they will find out who has been guiding Uryu secretly. Curious if this has a connection to the sisters' mother, or it is something else




All Star
Apr 10, 2014
One big thing coming from this volume which makes a ton of sense is that Uryu was pushing himself too hard. Mostly spending too much helping with shrine activities rather than wanting to become a doctor. One that becomes clear is how the girls have had an effect on him. Where he's falling back into the beliefs it had while his mother was around. Most notably, Yuna's work ethic is even what motivates him even more.

The even more interesting thing is that the girls' relationship with each other is much like Uryu had with the kids from the orphanage. It puts a really nice parallel. Although we only know what was the case in Yae's past. Since right now, it leaves Asahi & Yuna's past as a mystery.




Much like with the arcs for Yae & Asahi, we get a supernatural occurrence again. Could that mysterious person be the girls' adopted mother even if she has a different hair color than she did in the flashback? One really good moment is that we see both Uryu & Yuna appreciate the high standard the other takes in their studies and Miko work. They don't want to let the other down and in which can lead them to get a better appreciation of what the other goes through.

Though Uryu dealing with Yuna's friend might be a bigger headache then one may originally think.




All Star
Apr 10, 2014

@42 Monks @LordDeathwatch @storyteller

New Mecha Manga on Jump+. Might give Centuria and Galaxias the run for best new manga for this year. 2 chapters in had me like

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014

@42 Monks @LordDeathwatch @storyteller

New Mecha Manga on Jump+. Might give Centuria and Galaxias the run for best new manga for this year. 2 chapters in had me like
say less

btw, i tried Blame! and its.... not terrible


Valar Morghulis
Feb 10, 2017
Baltimore, MD / Charlotte, NC

@42 Monks @LordDeathwatch @storyteller

New Mecha Manga on Jump+. Might give Centuria and Galaxias the run for best new manga for this year. 2 chapters in had me like
Mech series? Shiiiiiit that's jumping to the top of the list after I get current on Wistoria. :wow:


All Star
Apr 10, 2014
As Inori's sister Mika has come back to visit from school, we get a great chapter focusing on Inori's family. We see that despite starting at a young age and failing at skating, not only does Mika hold no hard feelings about Inori skating, but is in 100% support mode for her. Despite Inori doing well so far, just the fear of failing has her mother traumatized. As she seems Inori performing her heart out, she feels guilty for never noticing it. Her mother finally has her eyes opened to Inori and vows to help her reach her dreams. Great moment in understand it is not easy to be a parent, but it is never too late.





Meanwhile, for Ryoka as she performs after Inori she is still set on placing number 1. The issues become what if she makes that one mistake? For skating, this moment showcases the importance of recovering and this is something Ryoka didn't put enough focus on. When she messes up she wants a do-over and, obviously, in a competition people don't get ones. As such, Ryoka doesn't know how the best way to handle the situation and thus her performance isn't as good as it could have been. Great moment for both her coach, Mario & Inori to lift her back up. Mario her to be her strong, confident, arrogant self. Which is what makes her unique. For Inori to continue being friends and not to have heart feelings. So in the sense, Ryoka gets the do-over that she wants with working on her personality in terms of the fight with Inori.



It finishes up with a nice focus on Tsukasa. Learning that Hikaru's current coach Jun Yodaka is what inspired him to become a coach. Although Jun hearing Inori's words of thinking Hikaru as a rival and thinking they are a joke. Tsukasa does the right thing and defends his student Inori against the man who was his inspiration. Along that we meet Yudai Jakuzure and his two students, Ema Yamato & Suzu Yamato. Meeting Yudai Tsukasa wanted some advice, but it becomes apparent that there was no advice to give. Tsukasa simply needs to have more confidence in himself. As for Inori he may have Hikaru as her rival and friend, but she shouldn't sleep on Ema, or she will pass her.



As this volume was dealing with the body swapping, the big thing that was clear is that Uryu didn't understand Yuna. There is a reason she didn't share with her friend Omicchan that they found a successor in the shrine. A lot of has to do with the guilt that Yuna holds. Unlike how she is now, Yuna was a very spoiled child. Granted her mom loved her to pieces, but sadly, her mom got sick and died as a result. For Yuna her putting her all has to do with making amends. While it is obvious that she is punishing herself too much here, you can empathize with her.




Ultimately, Yuna's dream was to be the head priest of the shrine and that is a mountain to climb. Omicchan knew that was the dream she sought out, thus in many ways, Uryu's appearance makes a roadblock to that dream. Unfortunately, males have it easy in becoming the head priest of the shrine. Much like how Yuna respects Uryu's dreams of becoming a doctor. Uryu wants to respect Yuna's dream of being the head priest and the best way to do is for her to become arrogant and challenge her.


Also, we got mention that the one swapping bodies between Yuna & Uryu is the god of the shrine. Given she holds a hairstyle similar to their mom, it makes that point rather curious. Beyond both Yae & Asahi have their moments with Uryu. We get the sweet moment that Uryu will always find Yae when she is lost. While for Yae she needs to be assertive like the young adult, she wants to be. The play goes well, and you see the parallels between the characters that Yuna & Uryu are acting as and themselves. Yuna being envious of Uryu's privilege of being a male. While Uryu finds joy in supporting Yuna's dreams. But after the play, Yuna recognizes her feelings for Uryu, which leads to all the sisters being in touch with their feelings now.




The volume ends up by noticing the connection between the girls and their friends. As well as how each of the friends know each other. While we know Mahiru & Yomiko know each other. It is funny that they have a connection with Miemon as well. What is rather more interesting in the relation between each of the friends. As there are 3 big families. First is Karen's family Matsugazaki, which is a sponsor for Omicchan's family Dango Shop. Meanwhile, the Ichijoji Clan, which is where Yae came from, is more leading the educational institutes. Makoto's family, the Takeda's supports the Ichijoji. Considering her friendship with Yae who left the family, this is an interesting wrinkle to add. Of course, the last big family is the Kitashirakawa family, which we met earlier.


