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Elusive Samurai Volume 3
The man who attacked Kojirou and Ayako was Fubuki whom Shizuku is aware. Fubuki was defending the village from attacks from the former warriors that becomes bandits. Simply due to the location size of the village, Fubuki used his leadership skills to guide the kids so they can effectively help out where they can. But this was a fight they showcased Tokiyuki and his retainers skills. For Koijrou and Ayako despite their relaxed manner with Tokiyuki, they have a difficult task to protect him. Though here you really got to see how strong they are especially when working together. Meanwhile for Fubuki, as a dual wielder his strength becomes very clear. He makes for a great addition to Tokiyuki's retainers. Lastly Fubuki lesson to Tokiyuki is how to use his elusive nature in battle. Obviously the retreat and swing approach will only work 1 on 1. But in the case of his battle it is a deadly long timed strategy. Getting victory here was huge as the village serves as a great vital position going forward.
There is a shroud of mystery surrounding both Suwa and Shizuku. There is so much they know that can be hard to comprehend. What Shizuku showed Tokiyuki is fascinating. Meanwhile, from Takauji's side we see with working with his brother. For every bit as strong as Takauji's intuition was, the same can be said of his brother Tadayoshi and his intellect and wisdom. More and more it's clear that Tokiyuki's journey will be a difficult one.
The man who attacked Kojirou and Ayako was Fubuki whom Shizuku is aware. Fubuki was defending the village from attacks from the former warriors that becomes bandits. Simply due to the location size of the village, Fubuki used his leadership skills to guide the kids so they can effectively help out where they can. But this was a fight they showcased Tokiyuki and his retainers skills. For Koijrou and Ayako despite their relaxed manner with Tokiyuki, they have a difficult task to protect him. Though here you really got to see how strong they are especially when working together. Meanwhile for Fubuki, as a dual wielder his strength becomes very clear. He makes for a great addition to Tokiyuki's retainers. Lastly Fubuki lesson to Tokiyuki is how to use his elusive nature in battle. Obviously the retreat and swing approach will only work 1 on 1. But in the case of his battle it is a deadly long timed strategy. Getting victory here was huge as the village serves as a great vital position going forward.
There is a shroud of mystery surrounding both Suwa and Shizuku. There is so much they know that can be hard to comprehend. What Shizuku showed Tokiyuki is fascinating. Meanwhile, from Takauji's side we see with working with his brother. For every bit as strong as Takauji's intuition was, the same can be said of his brother Tadayoshi and his intellect and wisdom. More and more it's clear that Tokiyuki's journey will be a difficult one.