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Mission: Yozakura Family Volume 21
As the twins go from Kyouichiro to Futaba where they see Futaba's best traits. Out of the older siblings she has always been the one that protected them from their visible sight since Kyouichiro protected them from the shadows. It's very easy to see why Alpha would feel at ease around her. Unsurprisingly Hifumi feels jealous. Futaba has a match with Hifumi where it goes horribly for her. Futaba helps showcase Hifumi's strengths when they take out a rocket in grand fashion. Showcasing how high the twins' potential can be. We get Hifumi to be fond of Futaba just like her brother.
We also meet Lando and Nemo who are twin kids a little older than the twins. Nemo is very similar to a young Shion and Lando seems to seem like a more confident and not as strong Shinzo. The amusing part is how much Lando respects Taiyo. Once again it showcases Taiyo's strengths, for a being a guy with humility. Next comes Shion and Kengo. For the most part their personalities remained unchanged, but their skills have most likely improved as they showed. Their test to the twins is a game of tag, and it becomes mission impossible until what Hifumi considers "Bad Alpha" comes out.
"Bad Alpha" is something only Hifumi knows. Essentially as Nemo puts it, it is a split personality for Alpha where his kind nature is gone. Essentially Alpha becomes super optimized with his skills and use resources his regular self would never do. The issue according to Hifumi is that he remembers everything his split personality did. Luckily Hifumi knowing him well was able to get him to snap out of it. Now Alpha knowing the situation, he smartly knew Kengo and Shion would prioritize his safety above all else. That is what allows them to get the stamp from these two. It's very in rhythm to Taiyo's match with Shinzo during his silver rank spy assignment and used that to his advantage. So you see a lot of Taiyo in Alpha. Of course when Alpha's split personality comes out, he gets over worked and feels ill. But Taiyo and Mutsumi make it back to comfort him and give him the family soup to make him well again. Ai and Ayaka are here leaving only Shinzo and Nanao left of the family to rejoin.
The issue is that Nanao doesn't want to come back home. And we see a rather disturbing panel of him with tubes up his body, which leaves a concerning fear. Kyouichiro sets out to find him and the twins sneak along. Of course, they realize their fear of being alone with him
. Kyouichiro unlike their parents wants the twins to be involved after all they are part of the family with unique powers. So getting 2 stamps is a big win for the twins. The issue comes finding a route to find Nanao. Alpha's hair being an extremely special case is interesting as well.
As the twins go from Kyouichiro to Futaba where they see Futaba's best traits. Out of the older siblings she has always been the one that protected them from their visible sight since Kyouichiro protected them from the shadows. It's very easy to see why Alpha would feel at ease around her. Unsurprisingly Hifumi feels jealous. Futaba has a match with Hifumi where it goes horribly for her. Futaba helps showcase Hifumi's strengths when they take out a rocket in grand fashion. Showcasing how high the twins' potential can be. We get Hifumi to be fond of Futaba just like her brother.
We also meet Lando and Nemo who are twin kids a little older than the twins. Nemo is very similar to a young Shion and Lando seems to seem like a more confident and not as strong Shinzo. The amusing part is how much Lando respects Taiyo. Once again it showcases Taiyo's strengths, for a being a guy with humility. Next comes Shion and Kengo. For the most part their personalities remained unchanged, but their skills have most likely improved as they showed. Their test to the twins is a game of tag, and it becomes mission impossible until what Hifumi considers "Bad Alpha" comes out.
"Bad Alpha" is something only Hifumi knows. Essentially as Nemo puts it, it is a split personality for Alpha where his kind nature is gone. Essentially Alpha becomes super optimized with his skills and use resources his regular self would never do. The issue according to Hifumi is that he remembers everything his split personality did. Luckily Hifumi knowing him well was able to get him to snap out of it. Now Alpha knowing the situation, he smartly knew Kengo and Shion would prioritize his safety above all else. That is what allows them to get the stamp from these two. It's very in rhythm to Taiyo's match with Shinzo during his silver rank spy assignment and used that to his advantage. So you see a lot of Taiyo in Alpha. Of course when Alpha's split personality comes out, he gets over worked and feels ill. But Taiyo and Mutsumi make it back to comfort him and give him the family soup to make him well again. Ai and Ayaka are here leaving only Shinzo and Nanao left of the family to rejoin.
The issue is that Nanao doesn't want to come back home. And we see a rather disturbing panel of him with tubes up his body, which leaves a concerning fear. Kyouichiro sets out to find him and the twins sneak along. Of course, they realize their fear of being alone with him