Black Clover: Yuno continues to do main character things and display ridiculous levels of power. He literally just beat the Wizard King, one that's amplified beyond reason, and now his street team is broadcasting the W to the whole kingdom. Meanwhile the Black Bulls are getting ready to fight an unknown quantity in Damnatio just to try and get Asta back on the scene. At this rate it'll be another 5 chapters before he actually gets back.
Chainsaw Man: The fact that Famine so easily lil sis'd the Falling Devil and now seems to be puppeteering current events should be scary AF to everyone reading. What's even more terrifying is that Famine and Control are trying to prevent the end of humanity and the rise of Devilkind because of 3 things: Chinese food, pizza, and school. This fukkery is unmatched.
MHA: Why are we doing this?

No, I understand we need to put a bookend on Toga and her losses and give Ochaco a shining moment but this shyt is boring. It's very obviously a cooldown (no pun intended, I promise) chapter following the conclusion of the Toya/Todoroki but it just sapped what little momentum they had.