Man of Steel is the most underrated superhero movie of all time.


  • It is, it is a great movie.

  • Nope, it sucks (I only watched it once)

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Oct 29, 2012
And it's OK that people liked the movie more than you did.

Yet you guys have to always whine when people praise it.
I agree, and Im not whining about people liking it.
Dude insulted my family members because I don't understand the back and forth going on about this movie:dead:

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
I agree, and Im not whining about people liking it.
Dude insulted my family members because I don't understand the back and forth going on about this movie:dead:
The back and forth is pretty simple.

Some people love this film. And like any film that's loved they enjoy talking about it.

Then the same 3-4 posters have to come in every thread where it's mentioned and repeat the same shyt they've said a 1000 times and tell people they're wrong for liking it.

The people that don't like it are obsessive about it. Complaining about scenes years after release.


Apr 30, 2012
It got very ugly in here :huhldup:

I also felt like it is worth noting that Batman vs Superman is now at 6.9/10 on IMDB. People have unfairly hated on both of these movies and the ratings are starting to stabilize with other "fan favorite" comic movies. It just goes to show you how that 27% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes is a bunch of bullshyt. 65% of people like that movie was down in the 30's because people love to follow the narrative that is spun out there.

Outside of the Batman films which have the highest comic book ratings overall among critics/fans.

These are the 2 most unfairly hated on comic movies I have ever seen in recent years, Watchmen is the only other that comes to mind. Ironically they are all DC properties :heh:

That is all for now.


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Now you're officially just rambling so I'm just going to ignore all that chatty patty and cut to the chase. Half the shyt you say makes no sense whatsoever. Me not thinking every movie deserves its own thread is completely unrelated to me being a top poster in any thread, DC or not. Because for what its worth, I do think pretty much every comic book movie deserves its own thread, since I think every blockbuster with a bit of anticipation deserves one.

I also don't get why you are hammering down on that post about the links. Because you are the one that mentioned one thread was upped in March.

I guess I read the shyt wrong, since a thread made this May obviously couldn't be upped in March, but that's what I read and replied to. The fact that I got it wrong I'd say supports my claim that I couldn't bother to give a single fukk about that whole shyt, while you are of course being a nitpicking Nancy again.

Also, I don't know what the fukk that fake internet thug shyt about a chilly New York and putting Timbs on necks is about, but I guess good for you?:skip:

But if you want to I guess I can throw some fake internet thug shyt back at ya. 'Cause here in the lowlands it's quite warm still for the time of year, and you know when the block gets hot you ain't gotta be messing with no white boys from Holland because we invented putting little homies like you on a boat, ya dig?:troll:
Nah, I'm officially just sonning you. More at 8. Or whenever I wake up after this shift


All Star
May 6, 2012
Still feel that this was a dope movie, even though I don't like bvs


Jul 5, 2012
Cavill is pretty lame and unconvincing as superman. Wish they picked another actor. Ms. Lane is an eye sore.


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
So you spend your day preparing to post a reply on the Coli but I'm the one getting "sonned", huh?:skip:
Nah, I was at work. I had a minute to look at my phone. I noticed your reply. I went out after work and got drunk with friends. I just woke up, and I'm going to continue sonning you. This is all off the top, btw.

Now you're officially just rambling so I'm just going to ignore all that chatty patty and cut to the chase. Half the shyt you say makes no sense whatsoever. Me not thinking every movie deserves its own thread is completely unrelated to me being a top poster in any thread, DC or not. Because for what its worth, I do think pretty much every comic book movie deserves its own thread, since I think every blockbuster with a bit of anticipation deserves one.

I also don't get why you are hammering down on that post about the links. Because you are the one that mentioned one thread was upped in March.

I guess I read the shyt wrong, since a thread made this May obviously couldn't be upped in March, but that's what I read and replied to. The fact that I got it wrong I'd say supports my claim that I couldn't bother to give a single fukk about that whole shyt, while you are of course being a nitpicking Nancy again.

Also, I don't know what the fukk that fake internet thug shyt about a chilly New York and putting Timbs on necks is about, but I guess good for you?:skip:

But if you want to I guess I can throw some fake internet thug shyt back at ya. 'Cause here in the lowlands it's quite warm still for the time of year, and you know when the block gets hot you ain't gotta be messing with no white boys from Holland because we invented putting little homies like you on a boat, ya dig?:troll:

I'm not rambling. I'm rebuttalling every one of your points. Since I'm rebuttalling points that are utter bullshyt, I can see how it might come off as rambling.

You don't think every movie needs it's own thread. You think all comic book movies deserve their own thread. You complain about this thread being upped "every three months". You are talking in circles and contradicting yourself because you realize you are getting sonned to Bolivia. But you're the type of poster who can get soundly trounced in a debate yet keep replying out of pride despite having nothing worthwhile to respond with.

"I guess I got the shyt wrong" is where you needed to stop. You were wrong. That's it. Continuing to type after that ended up with you doing what you're best at: sounding like a dumb ass. You are the one who complained about this thread being upped every three months and asked why can't other movies get threads made about them. It's not nitpicking when I take the specific movies you mentioned and pointed out threads have been made about those movies before this thread got upped recently. I'm responding directly to what you took the time to post. You further expose yourself by saying you don't give a shyt. You clearly give a shyt to have responded to my post about it in the first place.

Lastly, while I could already tell you're a socially awkward person, I figured you'd be able to recognize a pretty well know idiom. Apparently not. I did your googles for you, doe:

have one’s foot on [someone’s] neck To be in a superior, dominating position; to have someone at one’s mercy; to havecomplete control over another person. This expression owes its origin to the following Biblical passage:

Come near, put your feet upon the necks of these kings … for thus shall the Lord do to all your enemies against whom yefight. (Joshua 10:24-25)

Now there's nothing wrong with not being familiar with something. I'd actually be a "nitpicking Nancy" if I really came at you about not knowing that phrase. But it's interesting how you handled your perception of what I meant. You didn't know what I meant, so you defaulted to making a joke about slavery. I was being a "thug" for saying something you didn't understand. Got you boss. Nothing's funnier than people needlessly exposing themselves.

Lastly, I'm going to use your (and your fellow stans) tactic and explain to you how I know I'm sonning you. More people are dapping and replying positively to my posts than they are yours. So I'm getting critical support and making more numbers. That must mean I'm better than you right? Isn't that the mindset you and your fellow stans have when it comes to this DC vs Marvel fake war you've created? If it has higher numbers and critics say good things about it, it's better right? So by your own logic, you're getting sonned. Badly.