Man of Steel is the most underrated superhero movie of all time.


  • It is, it is a great movie.

  • Nope, it sucks (I only watched it once)

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R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Just because you call something a sonning doesn't make it one, you know. Of course, assuming is something you do a lot apparently.

All of which is very ironic since "assuming" is very far removed from "knowing" which you sure pretend to do a lot.

There's nothing in that rebuttal that justifies the fact he took a fight carelessly into a populated area, something people always ignore when they try to pretend that Supes can not be held responsible for the damage caused in Metropolis during the Zod fight. It's pure hypocrisy and you know it. Also, you call that another instance of "sonning" but you actually agree the scene has in your words "a legit writing oversight", which is a very nice way of saying it's just all around poorly written.


I didn't bother to click any of those links, breh. You're the one who dated them and I don't give a fukk either way. Again you're just leading away from the actual point I was making. You know the reason I notice threads like these whenever they're reupped? Because when I'm skimming the first page or two I always look out for threads I've posted in before. You know, them miniature avatars next to the avatar of the OP? Simple as that.

And you notice I don't make threads about movies that seem under appreciated and deserve to be talked about more? I guess I kinda gave up after this thread couldn't make it past one page (on the GOAT 50ppp setting of course).

Hey, that's funny, it's that Citizen Kane movie everyone has forgotten about. :jbhmm:

Anyway, what you have seemingly failed to notice while noticing a bunch of irrelevant shyt is that I'm one of the few, very few, posters, who actually bothers to write his thoughts on a movie in the "Last Thing You Watched" thread. Because I do believe every movie needs to be talked about but unlike @satam55 I don't believe every movie I watch (or plan to watch but never do) necessarily needs its own thread.

And I'm quite please you still remember my "Defective Comics" avatar because I had totally forgotten about it which just tells me that shyt made you catch feelings.:umad:

Especially because even an idiot could tell I made that avatar as a joke and the only other person to catch feelings over it is that never fun having, always crying and whining about mythical Marvel Stans @Prodigal Syndicate .

Oh yeah, last but not least.

You keep saying it's "too easy" but if it really were "too easy" you wouldn't be responding with a post that just as easily resembles
I guess I'll further son you starting from the top and working down this time. I never tried to justify Superman taking the fight into Smallville. Saying it was justifiable would mean I was saying it was right. No one has ever said it was right. Superman himself in both movies never tries to justify the damage he caused. I explained his motivations for his actions. Matter of fact, Superman was held responsible for his actions in Metropolis. I sincerely hope you try and say something about it taking a second movie for a superhero to be taken to task for their destructive actions. Please do:ohlawd:

Guess what? I am the one that brought up leaving Martha with the Kryptonians could be a legit writing oversight. You never brought it up. Your fellow stans never brought it up. I did. Meaning the movie you stans assume I blindly defend is one I express possible flaws in even while defending it from your biased, empty criticisms. Not sure what you were trying to prove by bringing that up except showing that I'm far more objective when it come to these movies than you are.

You gave up making threads about movies you feel should be talked about after a thread you made about a movie in 2014 didn't get past one page? Yet you not only bring up said movie in an argument in 2016, but you haven't given up talking about a movie you hate, in your words, every three months. Got you boss. I'm in my feelings because I remember an avatar you willingly took the time to upload, but you somehow fail to realize you took the time time to give enough of a shyt to use said avatar. Same dude who laments the upping of a thread about a DC comics franchise, took the time to have a DC comics avatar. Got you boss.

I don't give a shyt about what other threads you post in, btw. You decided to post in this thread, ironically talking about how this thread gets upped so often. You say every movie needs to be talked about then complain when this movie gets talked about. You don't think every movie needs it's own thread but have been one of the top posters in most DC related movie threads. Again, I got you boss.

Oh, and of course you didn't bother to click those links. I mean, you bothered to say they were both made in March. Meaning one of two things: You clicked on said links and are illiterate or a compulsive liar, or you seem to have "caught feelings" and thought you remembered the dates of threads from months ago despite allegedly not remembering your own avatar. Furthermore, you claiming not to have clicked the links, if true, proves you talk out of your ass hoping people will get tired of going back and forth and not call you out on your bullshyt. Unfortunately for you, it's nearing Fall and getting a little chilly here in New York. I have some fresh butter Timbs that yearn to be put on nikkas necks. Reply as you please, breh


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
I guess I'll further son you starting from the top and working down this time. I never tried to justify Superman taking the fight into Smallville. Saying it was justifiable would mean I was saying it was right. No one has ever said it was right. Superman himself in both movies never tries to justify the damage he caused. I explained his motivations for his actions. Matter of fact, Superman was held responsible for his actions in Metropolis. I sincerely hope you try and say something about it taking a second movie for a superhero to be taken to task for their destructive actions. Please do:ohlawd:

Guess what? I am the one that brought up leaving Martha with the Kryptonians could be a legit writing oversight. You never brought it up. Your fellow stans never brought it up. I did. Meaning the movie you stans assume I blindly defend is one I express possible flaws in even while defending it from your biased, empty criticisms. Not sure what you were trying to prove by bringing that up except showing that I'm far more objective when it come to these movies than you are.

You gave up making threads about movies you feel should be talked about after a thread you made about a movie in 2014 didn't get past one page? Yet you not only bring up said movie in an argument in 2016, but you haven't given up talking about a movie you hate, in your words, every three months. Got you boss. I'm in my feelings because I remember an avatar you willingly took the time to upload, but you somehow fail to realize you took the time time to give enough of a shyt to use said avatar. Same dude who laments the upping of a thread about a DC comics franchise, took the time to have a DC comics avatar. Got you boss.

I don't give a shyt about what other threads you post in, btw. You decided to post in this thread, ironically talking about how this thread gets upped so often. You say every movie needs to be talked about then complain when this movie gets talked about. You don't think every movie needs it's own thread but have been one of the top posters in most DC related movie threads. Again, I got you boss.

Oh, and of course you didn't bother to click those links. I mean, you bothered to say they were both made in March. Meaning one of two things: You clicked on said links and are illiterate or a compulsive liar, or you seem to have "caught feelings" and thought you remembered the dates of threads from months ago despite allegedly not remembering your own avatar. Furthermore, you claiming not to have clicked the links, if true, proves you talk out of your ass hoping people will get tired of going back and forth and not call you out on your bullshyt. Unfortunately for you, it's nearing Fall and getting a little chilly here in New York. I have some fresh butter Timbs that yearn to be put on nikkas necks. Reply as you please, breh

Now you're officially just rambling so I'm just going to ignore all that chatty patty and cut to the chase. Half the shyt you say makes no sense whatsoever. Me not thinking every movie deserves its own thread is completely unrelated to me being a top poster in any thread, DC or not. Because for what its worth, I do think pretty much every comic book movie deserves its own thread, since I think every blockbuster with a bit of anticipation deserves one.

I also don't get why you are hammering down on that post about the links. Because you are the one that mentioned one thread was upped in March. <--That was Tuesday <---That was May. This thread was upped a couple days ago. The post before it was upped was in March <---May, as well. Seems like you, and everyone else, had no interest in talking about Citizen Kane. My dude Naitch was tripping balls and caring about that movie dolo

It's too easy:francis::francis::francis:

I guess I read the shyt wrong, since a thread made this May obviously couldn't be upped in March, but that's what I read and replied to. The fact that I got it wrong I'd say supports my claim that I couldn't bother to give a single fukk about that whole shyt, while you are of course being a nitpicking Nancy again.

Also, I don't know what the fukk that fake internet thug shyt about a chilly New York and putting Timbs on necks is about, but I guess good for you?:skip:

But if you want to I guess I can throw some fake internet thug shyt back at ya. 'Cause here in the lowlands it's quite warm still for the time of year, and you know when the block gets hot you ain't gotta be messing with no white boys from Holland because we invented putting little homies like you on a boat, ya dig?:troll:

Still FloW

Gawd Of Shinobi
Dec 5, 2012
Inside K. Michelle's Box
@obarth didn't leave anything for the rest of us :to:

He killed every moron in this thread in two posts :wow:

:dead: @ the terrible excuse for "rebuttals" :mjlol:

DCEU on a roll brehs :wow:

Suicide Squad with only an 18% drop this weekend nearing $700M worldwide now :russ:

bu bu it needs $2 billion to break even :damn:

700 million worldwide is a flop :damn:


fukk WB :pacspit: , its BASED SNYDER GANG :lawd:

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
MOS is about how Superman reacting to his powers and the world he lives in

BVS is about the world reacting to Superman's powers and him living in it

Suicide Squad is about the government trying to deal with a post-Superman world that still contains people like Superman (for better and worse).

BvS and SS are why Pa Kent was so :whoa: at a young emotional Clark revealing his powers :banderas:
:whew: but none of them tied in with each other :hula:


Jun 26, 2014
As a child, he saves a bus full of people. A kid that bullied him was one of those people.

(I eagerly await the deflection to his pops saying maybe he should have let them die)

As a child, he's getting bullied by two kids. He doesn't fight back, despite being clearly angry (proven by the fact he bent a metal pole he was holding onto, and well him saying he wanted to hit them).

He saves some guys working on an oil rig. Damn near drowns in the process

He turns himself in to the custody of the U.S military. Even lets them cuff him. Expresses that he did so if it would make them feel safe. Literally conveying that he prioritizes the frailty of human life

He's getting his ass beat by two Kryptonians. The military shows up and starts shooting. Not just shooting the bad guys, but Superman as well. Despite getting his ass beat, he takes the time to save a dude falling out of a helicopter. Said action leads to him getting his ass further beat.

Matter fact, prioritizing the frailty of human life is what stops him from turning this dumbass dude's head into particles

That's five scenes off the top of my head. There's more than that in the movie. He deliberately took one life in Man of Steel. He deliberately saved billions of them. At the end of the day, I don't care if someone likes the movie or not. That's all subjective. But when the complaints that are made can be easily rebuttaled with facts, it becomes quite the head scratcher as to if nikkas actually watched the movie or not. I see the same shyt with B vs S. I haven't seen Suicide Squad yet, but I have a good feeling that cats are gonna keep the ball rolling with the blind hate.

Touche :ehh: