Man of Steel is the most underrated superhero movie of all time.


  • It is, it is a great movie.

  • Nope, it sucks (I only watched it once)

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Aug 17, 2014
I think to say "comic book" superman wont work.... is bullshyt.

It can work.... just a matter of how they present it.

No one saying he gotta wear red undies over his tights, put his hands on his waste and talk people down.... but there are elements they can still use.

At the end of the day..... I dont need a superhero movie that simulates how it "could be possible" it could work in "real world"

Look that "real world" shyt left the train station the moment you tell me "there is an alien from a far far planet" that looks EXACTLY LIKE humans and can just come to earth and basically blend right in easily.

No, just be real and true to source.. thats all people want, nothing more nothing less.

The JL and JLU Superman, or SPMN from the "young justice" series and even the most recent animated movies have been great Supermen.... nothing like Reeves and excellent renditions of who Superman is. That could EASILY translate over to the big screen

We the fans how to let "comic book movies be comic book movies" and accept the fact they are what they are and stop wanting these movies to be shyt like Citizen Kane or movies based off real shyt. Nothing wrong and no shame in suspending disbelief.... I mean cats have NO problem suspending disbelief when Vin Diesel can get up into a Saudi Billionaires princes house and party, steal his 2 million dollar car and then drive it through 3 buildings hundreds of feet apart and thousands of feet in the air.:stopitslime:
There's this misconception nowadays that a comic book movie has to be "realistic" in order to be good. Comic book movies just need to take their source material seriously. There's nothing "realistic" about the Harry Potter movies but they're great films. That's because they stay true to the source and take themselves seriously. MOS just was not true to the source.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
There's this misconception nowadays that a comic book movie has to be "realistic" in order to be good. Comic book movies just need to take their source material seriously. There's nothing "realistic" about the Harry Potter movies but they're great films. That's because they stay true to the source and take themselves seriously. MOS just was not true to the source.
Can you point out any posts anywhere or articles saying comic book films have to be realistic to be good?

Their is a big big difference between realism and giving weight to the story and characters.

Man of steel,bvs,ss none of those films strive for realism.

The only comic book films I can even think that wanted that were Nolan's.

And ive never seen the sentiment or misconception you're talking about.


Aug 17, 2014
Can you point out any posts anywhere or articles saying comic book films have to be realistic to be good?

Their is a big big difference between realism and giving weight to the story and characters.

Man of steel,bvs,ss none of those films strive for realism.

The only comic book films I can even think that wanted that were Nolan's.

And ive never seen the sentiment or misconception you're talking about.
See honestly, I think this is where a lot of the divide comes from. If your a combic book head that wants comic movies to be like the comics, I can see why you might not have cared for it.I loved MOS specifically because it didn't feel like they just took him out of the comics and threw him a live action movie.

To me MOS wasn't a Superman movie, it was a movie about an alien who came to earth. The other alien who was genectically bred with the sole purpose of defending Krypton no longer had a planet to protect, and since that was his main purpose in life he had to create krypton or he really had no reason to live.

Zod was no longer your typical bad guy. He had to teariform earth for his own existence. I don't even think earth was really personal, just business:yeshrug:.

As for the fight and casualties again, it all in the game:yeshrug:. I mean sure it would be great if no one died but, if Superman was a real person and an Alien group almost as strong as him came to tearform Earth people are going to die :yeshrug:.

And that's why I felt it was one of the best comic movies of all time. Because if felt believable, like thats prolly how it would go down in real life.

To contrast I really cant fukk with Marvel movies (:whoa: no disrespect) because I'm always reminded through the whole movie its straight out of comic.
One liners while the earth is on the brink of destruction, captain America wearing that bright blue outfit during covert night missions, barely anyone gets killed. It doesn't feel at all close to reality so it almost like a joke to me.

So I think it just comes down to what you want to see. Comics in live action, or movies that represent what those characters would be like if it were real.

To me when I watch movies. When I say believable, it doesn't mean I have to believe aliens look like humans and can fly because of the increased gravity on his planet. I mean believable in the context of who they say he is. They say he's an alien from krypton, that can fly n shoot laser beams out eyes and gets power from the sun. Thats fiction and movies for you:manny:.

My thing is how would that guy be if it were really happening. They did it pretty well in MOS imo and I really liked that.

I guess part wonders what's the point of making a live action movie with real people if not to take a more realistic take or the characters. As I said in a post before if your just going to port the comic book movie you might as well do an animated movie where its better captures the comic book feel.


Thats what people say they want it to be more realistic.

Its still a fictionalized comic book movie but has realistic elements.

Its like watching World War Z or I Am Legend, etc. completely fictional but just had more realistic elements then say Resident Evil or Zombieland.. All enjoyable movies based of fiction just different tones

Also, you can go to any movie discussion board on any DC movie.


Jun 26, 2014
Can you point out any posts anywhere or articles saying comic book films have to be realistic to be good?

Their is a big big difference between realism and giving weight to the story and characters.

Man of steel,bvs,ss none of those films strive for realism.

The only comic book films I can even think that wanted that were Nolan's.

And ive never seen the sentiment or misconception you're talking about.

I think it's more the misconception on WB's part that making properties grim-dark will make audiences take them seriously.

Doing that with Superman misses the point of what the character's about.

Like when Grant Morrisson wrote Batman, he strived to make Gotham look like a good place to live, because otherwise the dark knight's activities aren't having any feedback on the community.

Similarly, if you have Clark murking characters and trashing cities then who or what the fukk is he meant to be saving in the long-term?

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012

Also, you can go to any movie discussion board on any DC movie.
In the posts you're quoting they are even saying they just want the stuff handled realistically aka the story and characters having weight to them. In the same post they are even saying the films aren't realistic just the way the story is dealt with is realistic in the sense that it makes sense.

I don't see anybody saying that comic book films have to be realistic to be good. The quotes you provided don't say that.

The only misconception is you confusing a handful of people's opinion that they like situations dealt with realistically to them saying combo ok films have to be realistic to be good.

Because again,none of these films are striving for realism. They are striving to give characters and story realistic weight to them.


Aug 17, 2014
In the posts you're quoting they are even saying they just want the stuff handled realistically aka the story and characters having weight to them. In the same post they are even saying the films aren't realistic just the way the story is dealt with is realistic in the sense that it makes sense.

I don't see anybody saying that comic book films have to be realistic to be good. The quotes you provided don't say that.

The only misconception is you confusing a handful of people's opinion that they like situations dealt with realistically to them saying combo ok films have to be realistic to be good.

Because again,none of these films are striving for realism. They are striving to give characters and story realistic weight to them.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
I think it's more the misconception on WB's part that making properties grim-dark will make audiences take them seriously.

Doing that with Superman misses the point of what the character's about.

Like when Grant Morrisson wrote Batman, he strived to make Gotham look like a good place to live, because otherwise the dark knight's activities aren't having any feedback on the community.

Similarly, if you have Clark murking characters and trashing cities then who or what the fukk is he meant to be saving in the long-term?
Supes wasn't out there killing people and destroying cities with no purpose.

Superman killed zod in the first films and smiled about.

Superman in mos killed zod to save people's lives. He had to save the world from destruction alone. The destruction was just a natural consequence of what was happening.


Jun 26, 2014
Supes wasn't out there killing people and destroying cities with no purpose.

Superman killed zod in the first films and smiled about.

Superman in mos killed zod to save people's lives. He had to save the world from destruction alone. The destruction was just a natural consequence of what was happening.

I thought in the Donner flicks he threw Zod in the negative zone :patrice:

In any case, I think Clark would care more about saving lives than taking them.

That seems to be the crux of what makes the character interesting IMHO, you're the only invincible person on the planet so you get hyper-sensitive to the frailtiy of human life, your adopted people, and the only way Clark can convince himself that he's human is prioritising lesser beings' existence at his own expense.

I don't think MoS conveyed that well at all.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
There's this misconception nowadays that a comic book movie has to be "realistic" in order to be good. Comic book movies just need to take their source material seriously. There's nothing "realistic" about the Harry Potter movies but they're great films. That's because they stay true to the source and take themselves seriously. MOS just was not true to the source.

Thats how I feel about movies like the Fast series... theres absolutely NOTHING realistic about any of them.... but they are great and fun films. From Fast 7, that bus stunt with Paul Walker.... no way in 100 years and 100 tries would that have EVER worked in real life but it was fun and cool to watch. I mean this nicca was running up (without slipping) a bus falling off the edge of the cliff then at the last minute leaps and Leddy miraculously times it right to drift across the edge at the point where he can reach her car and catch himself.

Or in one of the others where Dom see Leddy is falling from a bridge and is able to launch himself to catch her and fall perfectly on a car and not kill himself yet alone break a bone.

Even in movies so called as real as "The Raid" aint no cop under those circumstances surviving that.

Its funny how and when cats love to pick and choose when they want to suspend their disbelief and be snobbish about "reality"

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
I thought in the Donner flicks he threw Zod in the negative zone :patrice:

In any case, I think Clark would care more about saving lives than taking them.

That seems to be the crux of what makes the character interesting IMHO, you're the only invincible person on the planet so you get hyper-sensitive to the frailtiy of human life, your adopted people, and the only way Clark can convince himself that he's human is prioritising lesser beings' existence at his own expense.

I don't think MoS conveyed that well at all.
But attacking them is what saved them.

They were literally hell bent on killing every single person on the planet.

What other way could he save lives in that situation? If at any point he stopped to help a single individual it would have resulted in the death of hundreds or thousands more.

Man of steel merely stacked the deck against him. He did what he needed to do to save the world. The consequences were too large for any other action to be taken.

I just don't understand the complaint. It's basically saying yes he saved the planet,but he didn't do it in a way that appeased me.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Like I said... in comic book movies... I dont really care for all the "realness"

I wanna see powers, I wanna see magic, I wanna see flying and death defying shyt

I dont want realness cuz I dont want it to hamper or handicap what these characters need to be or need to face.

If you inject too much realness into these movies they cant face some of they greatest foes and then we just gonna get stuck with seeing them face robots and humans with a bunch of cronies.

Breh earlier laughed when I mention Clayface and Sharkman but hey I would love to see more of the so called rogues vs humans with no powers that barely get a one on one with the hero.

They just send hordes of they squad or have some crazy bomb or something the hero must stop before time runs out