MAMMI OPRAH WINFREY denied by a store. Saleswoman assumed she couldn't AFFORD to shop there.


Jun 21, 2012
you have to proceed caustiously when you objectively discuss these issues....because lord knows nikkas love to scream racism at any given opportunity.


lil' haitian nikka
Jul 26, 2013
Boston. on thot ave. with a big booty island gyal
you have to proceed caustiously when you objectively discuss these issues....because lord knows nikkas love to scream racism at any given opportunity.


are ppl srs with some of the posts in here?


Apr 30, 2012
Erin Burnett's Cringe-Inducing Discussion of Oprah Winfrey's Brush with Racism

PHILIP BUMP5,233 ViewsAUG 9, 2013

CNN's Erin Burnett, covering the story of the Swiss store that told Oprah Winfrey a purse she wanted to see was "too expensive," offered a cringe-worthy assessment of the situation. Burnett first falsely suggested that Oprah herself was trying to play the race card and then compared Winfrey to a hooker.

Burnett's remarkably tone-deaf commentary can speak for itself. At the beginning of the segment, she played a clip of the Entertainment Tonight segment during which Oprah first told the story.

In the clip, Winfrey says, "I could have had the big blow-up thing, and thrown down the black card and all that stuff, but why do that?" Burnett then picks up the interview with filmmaker Safiya Songhai.

Oprah's made it very clear. She thought this was an act of racism; she was subjected to racism. She says, look, I could have thrown down the whole black thing, but I chose not to.
"The whole black thing," Burnett says. Winfrey could have "thrown down the whole black thing." Except that it is obviously not what Winfrey said. When Winfrey says "thrown down the black card," she makes a gesture as though she's putting down a credit card. Because that's what Winfrey means: she could have laid down the exclusive black American Express she carries to show that she could afford the purse, but she didn't. Winfrey even accentuates "card" — "I could have thrown down the black card" versus "theblack card" — but Burnett doesn't pick up on it. Because to Burnett, Winfrey is being overreactive in suggesting it's about race.

In fact, Burnett has a theory for why Winfrey didn't get service. Maybe, she implies, it was about class. And she has a movie clip to make her point.

Yes, Burnett says that it may not have been about race — it may instead have been like the scene inPretty Woman, when a prostitute is turned away from a high-end store. "It's sort of like that moment," Burnett says. She continues:

They didn't want a hooker in their store, and they knew she was a hooker. But you look now, and they say, well, was it just that they thought she couldn't afford it. And if so, even if it wasn't overt racism, did they say, well, because this woman's black, she can't afford it.
This is literally what Burnett says. The most generous assessment of that statement is that perhaps the store wasn't being racist, they simply thought that because Winfrey's a woman who's black, she can't afford it.

Which is the definition of racism.

It's easy to see how race played a role in Winfrey's experience. Burnett tries twice to suggest it's not, first by implying Winfrey threatened to play the race card (which she didn't), and second by saying that it may have just been because they assumed Winfrey was poor because she was black (which is racist).

There's a reason that Winfrey is the most powerful woman in media.


May 22, 2012
lol at white ppl who think white ppl as a whole arent racist
ANYONE that thinks that one race is more racist than any other judging solely by their race is an idiot.

Racism is NOT exclusive to white ppl.

In America there are more whites, and yes there are many whites that are racist. But their are more that are not. Just as there are many racist blacks, Asians, natives, Latinos, etc


Jun 21, 2012
Erin Burnett's Cringe-Inducing Discussion of Oprah Winfrey's Brush with Racism

PHILIP BUMP5,233 ViewsAUG 9, 2013

CNN's Erin Burnett, covering the story of the Swiss store that told Oprah Winfrey a purse she wanted to see was "too expensive," offered a cringe-worthy assessment of the situation. Burnett first falsely suggested that Oprah herself was trying to play the race card and then compared Winfrey to a hooker.

Burnett's remarkably tone-deaf commentary can speak for itself. At the beginning of the segment, she played a clip of the Entertainment Tonight segment during which Oprah first told the story.

In the clip, Winfrey says, "I could have had the big blow-up thing, and thrown down the black card and all that stuff, but why do that?" Burnett then picks up the interview with filmmaker Safiya Songhai.

Oprah's made it very clear. She thought this was an act of racism; she was subjected to racism. She says, look, I could have thrown down the whole black thing, but I chose not to.
"The whole black thing," Burnett says. Winfrey could have "thrown down the whole black thing." Except that it is obviously not what Winfrey said. When Winfrey says "thrown down the black card," she makes a gesture as though she's putting down a credit card. Because that's what Winfrey means: she could have laid down the exclusive black American Express she carries to show that she could afford the purse, but she didn't. Winfrey even accentuates "card" — "I could have thrown down the black card" versus "theblack card" — but Burnett doesn't pick up on it. Because to Burnett, Winfrey is being overreactive in suggesting it's about race.

In fact, Burnett has a theory for why Winfrey didn't get service. Maybe, she implies, it was about class. And she has a movie clip to make her point.

Yes, Burnett says that it may not have been about race — it may instead have been like the scene inPretty Woman, when a prostitute is turned away from a high-end store. "It's sort of like that moment," Burnett says. She continues:

They didn't want a hooker in their store, and they knew she was a hooker. But you look now, and they say, well, was it just that they thought she couldn't afford it. And if so, even if it wasn't overt racism, did they say, well, because this woman's black, she can't afford it.
This is literally what Burnett says. The most generous assessment of that statement is that perhaps the store wasn't being racist, they simply thought that because Winfrey's a woman who's black, she can't afford it.

Which is the definition of racism.

It's easy to see how race played a role in Winfrey's experience. Burnett tries twice to suggest it's not, first by implying Winfrey threatened to play the race card (which she didn't), and second by saying that it may have just been because they assumed Winfrey was poor because she was black (which is racist).

There's a reason that Winfrey is the most powerful woman in media.

This article is nonsense.

There is not one ounce of evidence that the clerk's presumptions were grounded in race other than Oprah being black herself and the clerk being white, I guess by default that makes this "racism?"

Like I said, nikkas love to scream racism


Nov 22, 2012
Everywhere...You never there.
Why don't you dudes understand it's not about the 38k. I've said numerous times that I'm well aware of Oprah's financial situation. We all know 38k is nothing to her. It's paying 38k for a handbag that's ridiculous.

I need to stop posting in TLR, you dudes are too much for me.


I'm super frugal, I don't like excess... can be a class warrior at times...but I dunno man...

All these people on getting six figures, right?!

But don't understand finance, right?

Nah... Something ain't right. Y'all niccas lying on here, and getting exposed.

I don't get it.

For regular folks, Oprah's potential handbag purchase is equivalent to putting a quarter in the machine outside of the grocery store to get the little plastic ring.

Buying that handbag is NOTHING to her. NOTHING.

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. So it's no loss in her world or to the world at large.

It's nothing, man. It really is.

As another poster mentioned, numbers are viewed in a completely different light at the stage of the game Oprah's playing on.

Chill out.

There was a time when I would ride with you on this argument. But I was much, much younger. A misguided contrarian. And still learning how the financial world, market value, econ and big budgets work.

Take this advice niccas are giving you man. Someone needs to tell you before you get caught out there.

Just BUY the employee person.

On some "I have your papers" steez. :wow:

Not a bad angle. Kinda warped lol! But I get where you're coming from. First, I would have never gone to the media with it. The incident would have remained private.

If the saleswoman was cooperative, I probably would have continued to browse and chatted up the saleswoman to bring about a learning or "teaching moment" as Oprah calls it. I woulda made a lil' small talk to see what her family life is like (kids, marital status, etc.). Transitioned into what motivated her to typecast me specifically and generally (exploring her fears, biases and prejudices).

Then punctuated it with ether in form of a quick, verbal lesson.

Then I woulda given the saleswoman 38K in cash.

I'd tell her to "stay blessed."

And woulda walked out.

15 mins. tops.

"And like that... we gone!" - DJ Drama


Top 75 All-Time
May 23, 2012

I'm super frugal, I don't like excess... can be a class warrior at times...but I dunno man...

All these people on getting six figures, right?!

But don't understand finance, right?

Nah... Something ain't right. Y'all niccas lying on here, and getting exposed.

I don't get it.

For regular folks, Oprah's potential handbag purchase is equivalent to putting a quarter in the machine outside of the grocery store to get the little plastic ring.

Buying that handbag is NOTHING to her. NOTHING.

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. So it's no loss in her world or to the world at large.

It's nothing, man. It really is.

As another poster mentioned, numbers are viewed in a completely different light at the stage of the game Oprah's playing on.

Chill out.

There was a time when I would ride with you on this argument. But I was much, much younger. A misguided contrarian. And still learning how the financial world, market value, econ and big budgets work.

Take this advice niccas are giving you man. Someone needs to tell you before you get caught out there.

Not a bad angle. Kinda warped lol! But I get where you're coming from. First, I would have never gone to the media with it. The incident would have remained private.

If the saleswoman was cooperative, I probably would have continued to browse and chatted up the saleswoman to bring about a learning or "teaching moment" as Oprah calls it. I woulda made a lil' small talk to see what her family life is like (kids, marital status, etc.). Transitioned into what motivated her to typecast me specifically and generally (exploring her fears, biases and prejudices).

Then punctuated it with ether in form of a quick, verbal lesson.

Then I woulda given the saleswoman 38K in cash.

I'd tell her to "stay blessed."

And woulda walked out.

15 mins. tops.

"And like that... we gone!" - DJ Drama

Take your on advice breh. I'm not the one typing paragraph type posts regarding Oprah.

Edit: And I refuse to argue with the 100th nikka who refused to read what I've read, and instead chooses to tell me how 38k is nothing to Oprah.


May 22, 2012

I'm super frugal, I don't like excess... can be a class warrior at times...but I dunno man...

All these people on getting six figures, right?!

But don't understand finance, right?

Nah... Something ain't right. Y'all niccas lying on here, and getting exposed.

I don't get it.

For regular folks, Oprah's potential handbag purchase is equivalent to putting a quarter in the machine outside of the grocery store to get the little plastic ring.

Buying that handbag is NOTHING to her. NOTHING.

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. So it's no loss in her world or to the world at large.

It's nothing, man. It really is.

As another poster mentioned, numbers are viewed in a completely different light at the stage of the game Oprah's playing on.

Chill out.

There was a time when I would ride with you on this argument. But I was much, much younger. A misguided contrarian. And still learning how the financial world, market value, econ and big budgets work.

Take this advice niccas are giving you man. Someone needs to tell you before you get caught out there.

Not a bad angle. Kinda warped lol! But I get where you're coming from. First, I would have never gone to the media with it. The incident would have remained private.

If the saleswoman was cooperative, I probably would have continued to browse and chatted up the saleswoman to bring about a learning or "teaching moment" as Oprah calls it. I woulda made a lil' small talk to see what her family life is like (kids, marital status, etc.). Transitioned into what motivated her to typecast me specifically and generally (exploring her fears, biases and prejudices).

Then punctuated it with ether in form of a quick, verbal lesson.

Then I woulda given the saleswoman 38K in cash.

I'd tell her to "stay blessed."

And woulda walked out.

15 mins. tops.

"And like that... we gone!" - DJ Drama
If Oprah was really the humanitarian, Good Samaritan, or amazing person she would have done this. But in reality she is just a self serving c*nt, that preys on dumb women. I can't stand her fake ass.

Take that 38k and go invest in the community in Chicago. Take some of her billions and help clean up her own damn city that's riddled with poverty and crime.

Naw...that fake ass bytch is to self serving for that.

Fukk her. I don't care if she is black, white, or other. She is a fraudulent person.


Nov 22, 2012
Everywhere...You never there.
If Oprah was really the humanitarian, Good Samaritan, or amazing person she would have done this. But in reality she is just a self serving c*nt, that preys on dumb women. I can't stand her fake ass.

Take that 38k and go invest in the community in Chicago. Take some of her billions and help clean up her own damn city that's riddled with poverty and crime.

Naw...that fake ass bytch is to self serving for that.

Fukk her. I don't care if she is black, white, or other. She is a fraudulent person.

I hear you. The way she handled this situation is very, very telling.

Oh, and @Spud34 one last thing to piggyback off of your edit...

You don't understand the concept of market value as another poster mentioned. Get you an Econ book man and read.


May 1, 2012
ANYONE that thinks that one race is more racist than any other judging solely by their race is an idiot.

Racism is NOT exclusive to white ppl.

In America there are more whites, and yes there are many whites that are racist. But their are more that are not. Just as there are many racist blacks, Asians, natives, Latinos, etc
Name a system of supremacy other than the white version.