All Star
That's what racism does to ya. It makes you actually believe this sort of statement which is absolutely false. White people reject each other all the time for infinitely many reasons. You have convinced yourself it isn't so and have thereby created a mythical sort of brotherhood out of white people which is easily affirmed by watching Hollywood movies on racism. There are many different types of white folk and they all treat other people in different ways, depending on their beliefs and goals etc. You know virtually nothing about this clerk yet all you can project onto her personality is the image of a 2d privileged white person that you have encountered in other situations. That is the essence of how racist reasoning works..So who's the racist here?
The real problem is that you can't see things for what they are and see things that you want to see. You have a shallow view on what motives people might have. Your interpretation of my post shows this. I wasn't saying that if you don't reference race in your words that you can't be saying something racist. I was saying that her words don't show that the 'hidden agenda' behind her actions was racially motivated. They only show that she didn't think Oprah could afford the bag. The reasons for her thinking this cannot be discerned from her words. To assume that it was because of racist thoughts is to be racist towards her. But Oprah (and apparently plenty coli posters too) can't fathom that. That's why she's a victim. She takes on an attitude where she can only interpret other people's judgments on her as being made because of her skin. That's just one of the many subtle ways that racism affects people's minds.
It could have been racially motivated. In this particular case though, there is no way of knowing. Assuming that it was perpetuates the mechanism by which people take on roles in which they see each other as a person of a certain race first. And that's wrong. But MLK was just a c00n right?
By your logic you know nothing about me and yet you're projecting on me an image of a race crazed person blinded by Hollywood's projections and images, who see's all white people as some sort of mythical brotherhood. And one who can't think objectively and analyze a specific situation regardless of what past situations I may have seen or been in. Also, by your logic you want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt even if their actions are plain as day. In the real world no one is going through a rolodex or checklist of prejudices trying to figure out which one they have been subjected too.
Oprah has been alive a lot longer than you and I combined probably. She is intelligent and I think she knows racism when she experiences it first hand. Sure there are other forms of prejudice, and you are very right on that account, but I'm speaking about this specific incident. For you to shrug it off and come up with every other form of prejudice on the planet as an alternative for this situation, as if Oprah doesn't know any better, is actually pretty arrogant and condescending.
You're thinking about this all in theory when there is an actual specific real world example right in your face. This is a very high-end exclusive shopping area in Zurich, Switzerland where the wealthy (MOSTLY white, not all white, some Arabs) shop. Now Oprah is very wealthy, but she doesn't look like the rest, so what makes her different and easy to differentiate? Umm...not her clothes, but her skin color! I'm willing to bet that was the reason she was denied that purse. I don't have to know the store clerk or a genius to see discrimination based on race at play.