MAMMI OPRAH WINFREY denied by a store. Saleswoman assumed she couldn't AFFORD to shop there.

Jun 4, 2012

That's what racism does to ya. It makes you actually believe this sort of statement which is absolutely false. White people reject each other all the time for infinitely many reasons. You have convinced yourself it isn't so and have thereby created a mythical sort of brotherhood out of white people which is easily affirmed by watching Hollywood movies on racism. There are many different types of white folk and they all treat other people in different ways, depending on their beliefs and goals etc. You know virtually nothing about this clerk yet all you can project onto her personality is the image of a 2d privileged white person that you have encountered in other situations. That is the essence of how racist reasoning works..So who's the racist here?

The real problem is that you can't see things for what they are and see things that you want to see. You have a shallow view on what motives people might have. Your interpretation of my post shows this. I wasn't saying that if you don't reference race in your words that you can't be saying something racist. I was saying that her words don't show that the 'hidden agenda' behind her actions was racially motivated. They only show that she didn't think Oprah could afford the bag. The reasons for her thinking this cannot be discerned from her words. To assume that it was because of racist thoughts is to be racist towards her. But Oprah (and apparently plenty coli posters too) can't fathom that. That's why she's a victim. She takes on an attitude where she can only interpret other people's judgments on her as being made because of her skin. That's just one of the many subtle ways that racism affects people's minds.
It could have been racially motivated. In this particular case though, there is no way of knowing. Assuming that it was perpetuates the mechanism by which people take on roles in which they see each other as a person of a certain race first. And that's wrong. But MLK was just a c00n right?

By your logic you know nothing about me and yet you're projecting on me an image of a race crazed person blinded by Hollywood's projections and images, who see's all white people as some sort of mythical brotherhood. And one who can't think objectively and analyze a specific situation regardless of what past situations I may have seen or been in. Also, by your logic you want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt even if their actions are plain as day. In the real world no one is going through a rolodex or checklist of prejudices trying to figure out which one they have been subjected too.

Oprah has been alive a lot longer than you and I combined probably. She is intelligent and I think she knows racism when she experiences it first hand. Sure there are other forms of prejudice, and you are very right on that account, but I'm speaking about this specific incident. For you to shrug it off and come up with every other form of prejudice on the planet as an alternative for this situation, as if Oprah doesn't know any better, is actually pretty arrogant and condescending.

You're thinking about this all in theory when there is an actual specific real world example right in your face. This is a very high-end exclusive shopping area in Zurich, Switzerland where the wealthy (MOSTLY white, not all white, some Arabs) shop. Now Oprah is very wealthy, but she doesn't look like the rest, so what makes her different and easy to differentiate? Umm...not her clothes, but her skin color! I'm willing to bet that was the reason she was denied that purse. I don't have to know the store clerk or a genius to see discrimination based on race at play.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

The real problem is that you can't see things for what they are and see things that you want to see. You have a shallow view on what motives people might have. Your interpretation of my post shows this. I wasn't saying that if you don't reference race in your words that you can't be saying something racist. I was saying that her words don't show that the 'hidden agenda' behind her actions was racially motivated. They only show that she didn't think Oprah could afford the bag. The reasons for her thinking this cannot be discerned from her words. To assume that it was because of racist thoughts is to be racist towards her. But Oprah (and apparently plenty coli posters too) can't fathom that. That's why she's a victim. She takes on an attitude where she can only interpret other people's judgments on her as being made because of her skin. That's just one of the many subtle ways that racism affects people's minds.
It could have been racially motivated. In this particular case though, there is no way of knowing. Assuming that it was perpetuates the mechanism by which people take on roles in which they see each other as a person of a certain race first. And that's wrong. But MLK was just a c00n right?

All things considered, why would they not allow a patron to view their wares?

Just run that by me. :beli:

You have a lot of nerve talking about "intent" to even mention that them asserting this black woman can't afford the purse would be motivated by anything other than race.

Maybe Oprah IS poking the flames, but how else could a visual assessment of a customer be interpreted?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
There isn't a bag in the World worth 38k breh. Just because you can buy it, doesn't mean you should be an idiot and purchase something so stupidly overpriced.

What the fukk is wrong with you?

What you would buy doesn't equate to what the world should buy.

No economist would even defend your view on this.

its a luxury item. its supposed to cost whatever people are willing to spend.


Jun 23, 2012
Doesn't matter what I'd pay 38K for.

If I had it to spend on something and wanted to, I should be able to.
That reply wasn't to you. I was going to quote you earlier but didn't, my bad.


May 6, 2012
By your logic you know nothing about me and yet you're projecting on me an image of a race crazed person blinded by Hollywood's projections and images, who see's all white people as some sort of mythical brotherhood. No, I am actually going on what your words explicitly said. This is different from how you're treating the clerk. And one who can't think objectively and analyze a specific situation regardless of what past situations I may have seen or been in. Also, by your logic you want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt even if their actions are plain as day. In the real world no one is going through a rolodex or checklist of prejudices trying to figure out which one they have been subjected too. Innocent until proven guilty is bad now? By your logic, you will see racism in everything and grow up a victim, as I mentioned before. Cognition is much more complex than 'black and white' reasoning. We should respect that fact.

Oprah has been alive a lot longer than you and I combined probably. Irrelevant in this matter. She is also known to identify as a 'strong black woman'. This makes her oversensitive to racial context. She is intelligent and I think she knows racism when she experiences it first hand. This is the crucial point. She 'felt' racially profiled. This is not the same as being racially profiled. To know whether she was, we'd need more information about the clerk's point of view. There is none, so why judge her anyway? 'Cause you like pointing out that racist people are still abundant? You're too eager.
Sure there are other forms of prejudice, and you are very right on that account, but I'm speaking about this specific incident. For you to shrug it off and come up with every other form of prejudice on the planet as an alternative for this situation, as if Oprah doesn't know any better, is actually pretty arrogant and condescending. No, I'm going by the information that is available. How would Oprah know what the clerk's motive was? From a look? From the fact that the clerk thought she wasn't rich enough? Maybe Oprah saw what she wanted to see. Even though she's rich people can still be racist towards her. Maybe she wants to feel 'black', promoting this movie of hers. Maybe not. Again, we don't know shyt. Quit acting like I'm being an apologist for white people when all I'm doing is exposing the faulty logic and racist motives behind these posters' comments.
You're thinking about this all in theory when there is an actual specific real world example right in your face. This is a very high-end exclusive shopping area in Zurich, Switzerland where the wealthy (MOSTLY white, not all white, some Arabs) shop. Now Oprah is very wealthy, but she doesn't look like the rest, so what makes her different and easy to differentiate?
The clerk probably does look for a certain sterotype customer but she probably also turns down many white would-be-customers because they don't fit that type. It doesn't mean she thinks all black people are poor or some bullshyt. Chances are fairly slim that she's never had a black customer in her entire life, even in Zurich. She just didn't think Oprah looked like she had money. White people get treated suspiciously in stores all the time too. Maybe Oprah was acting a little too arrogant and the clerk just didn't feel like helping her or kissing her ass. We don't know shyt about the entire situation.
Umm...not her clothes, but her skin color! I'm willing to bet that was the reason she was denied that purse. I don't have to know the store clerk or a genius to see discrimination based on race at play. Exactly. You're just assuming here basically. You're seeing what you want to see, based on insufficient evidence.

Now stop stereotyping me as a Hollywood movie white person you slimes. :stopitslime:


May 6, 2012
All things considered, why would they not allow a patron to view their wares?

Just run that by me. :beli:

You have a lot of nerve talking about "intent" to even mention that them asserting this black woman can't afford the purse would be motivated by anything other than race.

Maybe Oprah IS poking the flames, but how else could a visual assessment of a customer be interpreted?

fukk would I know?

Could be millions of things, that's the point. Maybe:

- Oprah was being arrogant.
- Oprah was being annoying.
- The bag Oprah wanted was the last one and she promised it to someone else already but didn't bother to say so.
- Store was about to close, she didn't want to grab a bag that was out of reach.
- Many people ask about expensive shyt all the time just to look cool and then end up buying nothing.
- Maybe the clerk would have gotten a bonus if she sold an x amount of bags of the one she was trying to sell to Oprah and she wanted to play down the other bag.

There are literally infintely many reasons man. The clerk could have just said to Oprah she probably couldn't afford the bag as an excuse because she didn't feel like showing the bag for whatever reason. We know absolutely nothing about the clerk's motives. Why assume? Just to prove to the world that people are still being racially profiled? We know homie. How 'bout only speaking on particular cases when we know for sure and not just when we feel like we know it..


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
fukk would I know?

Could be millions of things, that's the point. Maybe:

- Oprah was being arrogant.
- Oprah was being annoying.
- The bag Oprah wanted was the last one and she promised it to someone else already but didn't bother to say so.
- Store was about to close, she didn't want to grab a bag that was out of reach.
- Many people ask about expensive shyt all the time just to look cool and then end up buying nothing.
- Maybe the clerk would have gotten a bonus if she sold an x amount of bags of the one she was trying to sell to Oprah and she wanted to play down the other bag.

There are literally infintely many reasons man. The clerk could have just said to Oprah she probably couldn't afford the bag as an excuse because she didn't feel like showing the bag for whatever reason. We know absolutely nothing about the clerk's motives. Why assume? Just to prove to the world that people are still being racially profiled? We know homie. How 'bout only speaking on it when we know for sure and not just when we feel like we know it..


Just wow.

In this view, theres never been a racist event then. In your eyes, its probably something less obvious. Like you know. Maybe the salesperson was having a bad day or the sales person had a hangover :leostare:


Since no one has said "I'm not selling this to you because you're black"

As someone who used to work at an electronic store, when someone comes in to spend money. You take their fukking money.

Jun 4, 2012
@inndaskKy is a st0rmfr0nt agent.

I really don't understand how this jackass can sit here and front like:

1. Racism doesn't happen unless he qualifies it.:comeon:

2. That calling out racist.:stopitslime:

3. That there was some other reason Oprah got denied access to this bag. :beli:

Dude is living in a bubble and just arguing for the hell of it. It could be right in his face and he'll still make an excuse. :snoop:

Ol' bu bu bu she wasn't racist to my face ass nikka