is this dude serious?
for starters on what's wrong with what this dumb motherfukker said.
-you don't have to get married to have kids and you don't have to be heterosexual either. there's plenty of closeted men that get married to women and have kids and eventually come out later on in life when they can no longer live a sham.
-marriage does NOT keep the family structure intact as you have many cheaters, divorces, and love childs out here.
-what about the fathers who are NOT interested in being dads to their children where they skip out on them. you have men crying about "child support" or saying the baby isn't theirs. that's a common theme on daytime television on shows like "divorce court" and "jerry springer".
-not everybody can has the ability to reproduce. it's called being sterile. what do you have to say about straight couples that get married where the man and/or the woman can't reproduce. are there marriages still void? how about older straight couples who can no longer reproduce? what about them? it would be discrimination to allow straight couples who may be married or not to adopt kids and to say NO to gay couples. that's discrimination.
-you don't know what MARRIAGE is. it's basically a contractual agreement which is sanctioned by the government. homophobia is based on religion and that breeches against the rules between the separation between church and state. the definition of marriage being between a man and a woman is also based on a religious principle. it should be based off of two adults that are in a consentual relationship regardless of their gender and sex.
-if you think that gay couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt kids, look @ the many single parents that are able to raise kids by themselves and adopt. nobody's worried about how the kids come out. if you think that someone's kids are going to come out to be gay by being raised by a gay couple then you need to look @ how there's plenty of straight couples and married people that end up with gay kids. a parents sexual orientation doesn't affect their kids sexual orientation.
your argument centers around ignorance and hate. when you can show some concrete facts showing your point, then get at me.