Yeah. shut up. Godamn can you be LESS deLIBERAtely annoying,
people are really in here arguing for 2 days about coffee and grits while there’s a pandemic, hacking of water sources, infrastructure breakdown, rampant anti-black covert/overt racism and unemployment, food shortages - could have taken a entire 2 day educational course or made money from an online gig but on here giving dissertations and policy summaries about breakfast facts

No one posts in the survivalism thread though - the irony of talking about food when you’re about to be food if you don’t focus up on what’s really needed and food deserts with less nutrition sources. Dumb and short minded asf- pure stupidity for all of the wrong reasons. Do y’all ever re-read your posts days later and get second hand embarrassment off your own comments?? Doing brand advertising and promotion for free off companies that could care less. Quaker is eating off this thread. Another irony.
I’m dead