Wear My Dawg's Hat
@Wear My Dawg's Hat its impossible for Black immigrants to be 60% of Black American population in NYC.
Black non ADOS ate hyper visible in music and media and in academia. Black immigrants makeup over
They are seemingly over represented in Rap compared to there percentage of Black population in the USA due to a variety of factors.
Black immigrant and their first/2nd descendants do a have a significant concentration in parts of the North East
Nationally Black immigrants are 10% of the Black American population.
see google and Black Immigration and the remaking of Black America
in my estimation Black immigrants and there 1st or 2nd gen descendants are no more than 15% to 20% of the NYC Black population even if you include the Spanish speaking Caribbean (Dominicans etc.)
This is from twenty-year-old NYC demographic research analysis (...and didn't include African immigrants):
"New York has been transformed by West Indian immigration. This scene in Caribbean Brooklyn also typifies West Indian neighborhoods throughout metropolitan New York. The rising predominance of West Indian communities in New York is a direct result of the rapid increase of black Caribbean immigrants over the last few decades. The 1999 Current Population Survey puts their numbers at roughly 600,000, which constitutes almost one-third of New York's black population. West Indian immigrants and their children now outnumber African Americans in New York-54 percent of the blacks in the city in the year 2000 were West Indian."