Mad Men: Season 7 (Part 1) 'The Beginning' - April 13th

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven

yo he's been wearing that eye-patch forever now, i've been wondering the same thing. i thought he would've healed up by now but i guess he's cyclops status from now on.

so it was icy at first, given the circumstances and history....but now that peggy and don have "clicked" again, don's gotta eventually use that to push himself forward, right? i mean, this totally solidifies that he's still got mentor status over peggy, even if peggy's technically his superior. and regardless of their respective positions, it'll probably always be that way. so not only did he pull a power move on the partners that wanted him out the most but now, with a few drinks, some honesty and a dance, he has his direct boss back on his side. maybe it wasn't all calculated like that with peggy but i'd assume don would realize that gets him out of the doghouse with her, which is big. he probably won't be just a guy writing taglines anymore, he's gonna be much more involved in the creative process. i guess he's gotta get to lou next?

by the way, lou is a great character...acted well, such good writing. right from his first scenes, you had to hate that guy...and he hasn't given you a reason not to ever since.

what's crazy is it took pete of all people to bring them in. he was an a$$hole in the beginning.. but now he really respects don's work.. he had no idea how bad they were treating don in the office.. he just came in, and threw don all up in the meeting, threw him the lead role in the meeting, and then ok'd everything he wanted to do

i like how don acted like he didn't care, but when peggy left, you actually saw don happy and excited again. and once peggy called him.. he went right down there to help her out

i think they gonna build back up.. and crush the fukking buildings next seasons either there, or somewhere else. but it's apparent that those 3 have buried all hatchets and are moving as one now :wow:


Apr 30, 2012
Don likes control, especially of his bytches. Remember that psycho shyt he was did was ol' boy's wife? He probably doesn't even want Meagon anymore. He literally rather sit mid-tier at a company he built, than go live with his actress wife in LA with more money than he knows what to do with. Don can EASILY get a job in LA, but that nikka feels lonely even with his wife. She literally brought another bytch to try to get him hooked again. What was the first thing Don said to Meagon when bytch showed up? "What are you doing here?" Not a hey babe, or a smile, that nikka looked PUZZLED. Don don't want that bytch now. It ain't nothin' to cut dat bytch off.


Staff member
May 1, 2012
i think they gonna build back up.. and crush the fukking buildings next seasons either there, or somewhere else. but it's apparent that those 3 have buried all hatchets and are moving as one now :wow:
That last scene was dope. Don says that every table in there is a family dinner table. The camera pans out and every other table has a traditional family eating dinner.

I think it was showing us that those 3 are like family now. They're closer to each other than they are with their real families. Just great symbolism and cinematography to bring it all home to close out the episode


KiD WavE

All Star
Jun 9, 2012
Southeast Ohio
yo is it me or is Pete's girlfriend a lot like that girl Don dated for a couple episodes . They both look a lot alike and have similar mannerisms. Even if their personalities are different.

this is who I'm talking about



All Star
May 15, 2012
There are some great posts in this thread. Only one episode left until the big break.

They were definitely saying that Don, Peggy, and Pete are the lonely ones who found each other. They're all they have now, no matter how you cut it. Don already gave up on the marriage long ago, the only thing that made him rush out to see Meagan was his "niece" showing up in a jam. She even knew more about Don than Meagan did. In a hail mary attempt, Meagan and her friend couldn't even swing Don back over for her. I think Meagan realizes that it's all a lost cause now and Don couldn't be any more disconnected from their marriage. He had a chance to come out and stay with her when he was without a job, hell, he could have moved out there in the first place but gave it to Ted (unbeknownst to her). However, all of things that Don has hid from her, you just KNOW that she knows. She can't put a finger on it, call it intuition, but she knows that he doesn't care anymore, that she's old news, and that he's never going to go all in for her the way that she has and continues to do for him. Don is never going to surprise her with his own rendition of Zou Bisou Bisou.

Pete's temporary swag was short lived as well. Not that I think that woman was right for him anyway, or that LA suits him as well as he had hoped. In typical Pete fashion, he went all in, approaching his new scenery as corny as possible but still doing it well. We're talking about the guy who practiced dancing with his wife before a company dinner just so he could look better.

Peggy is all over the place. She hasn't been anchored to anything worthwhile in forever. She aborted Pete's child, she got treated like shyt for years (still does), she dated a guy that she treated like shyt, she can't trust her family who has judged her into a corner, she's tried every approach to the normal life and respect for so long now that it's all futile. She's so calloused and cold about everything now. The only guy that even cared about her anymore was batshyt crazy and cut his nipple off so he wasn't homo anymore. She hated Don, but Don is the most solid thing she's been attached to in a while. I'm sure that's the first time that she felt like she could comfortably rest her head on anything in a very long time.

The company itself is decomposing right before our very eyes. The secrets, the meetings, the maneuvering. No one respects anyone else, people are losing their minds, accounts are coming and going quickly. At this point, we're all just assuming that the cigarette company, Burger company, and Buick are shoe-ins. There's a lot that has to happen for everyone to be alright in the end. If they only land one or two of those companies, it's still looking bad.

I'm following what other people are saying about Don, Pete, and Peggy breaking off. There could be a situation in which Bob and Pete bury the hatchet so that the old gang can work on bringing in Buick. I could see Peggy working some magic to give a big "fukk you" to Ted and take this burger account as hers on the run. Don could work his magic and bring in the cigs again, all while pulling the rug out from underneath the two fukkfaces who were trying to bury him. There's a lot of chances for some "OOOOOHHH MY FUUUUCKEEERRYYYY" at the end of this season.

Needless to say, there is a rift happening at the company, and it's very apparent. Even before Don came back, the place was hectic and crazy.


All Star
May 15, 2012
yo is it me or is Pete's girlfriend a lot like that girl Don dated for a couple episodes . They both look a lot alike and have similar mannerisms. Even if their personalities are different.

this is who I'm talking about

She was Betty in training. Don just had her out and about to please his psyche. When she tried to pull her "you have to wait for this" game on him you could hear the air deflating from that storyline and her character in general. Betty Jr could never hold a candle to Pete's girl. Pete's girl was joining the mile-high club, strutting her shyt everywhere, eye fukking Pete's friends, all in the name of "yes, I am bad." She had that west coast swag, but she also had a little bit of power swag to her as well. Betty Jr would cower around the Mile High Real Estate Mogul.

We Major

All Star
Jun 9, 2012
I found the Burger Chef scene fitting, the first shot showed Pete on his own at the table and then Don showed him. Pete was :flabbynsick: and Don was :smugdraper: . A contrast to the scene in LA where we first saw Pete looking :smugdraper: and Don was a bit :flabbynsick:

Also playing on the fact that LA suits Pete and not Don and vice versa. Bonnie to Pete "I don't like what New York does to you", the levels :wow:

Roaden Polynice

May 1, 2012
Vulture's recaps and Mad Men coverage is the best.

Matt Zoller Seitz's recap this week was superb.

Ever since they changed the AV Club's format for recaps with Sonia and Todd going back and forth they've gone downhill. Shoulda just let Todd handle the recaps :upsetfavre:


No nikkas!
May 2, 2012
I hate to be THAT GUY, but does anyone else feel like this show has done way more to show the plight of homosexuals than the plight of African Americans. Aside from the little jab Dawn and the other black girl said amongst each other about their coworkers getting each other confused, all of the black centric drama was portrayed in the perspective of their white peers. It felt like blackness was discussed on this show in how it made the white people feel about it.
May 13, 2012
On the low, Don has been there for pretty much everyone!

He told Joan not to fukk that dude for the contract, he turned up to the bedside when peggy had the abortion (and he didnt tell anyone else about that situation either), He was there when Roger had his heartache after banging that chick in the offices, Kept it a secret when found out that dude from season 1 or 2 was gay..dude has secrets but he keeps other peoples secrets too.


All Star
May 15, 2012
On the low, Don has been there for pretty much everyone!

He told Joan not to fukk that dude for the contract, he turned up to the bedside when peggy had the abortion (and he didnt tell anyone else about that situation either), He was there when Roger had his heartache after banging that chick in the offices, Kept it a secret when found out that dude from season 1 or 2 was gay..dude has secrets but he keeps other peoples secrets too.
I feel like when all of these people come into their darkest times, Don is always there because he's always in his darkest times. He sees them at their most vulnerable because he's constantly wandering around the rock bottom dredges. Eventually someone has to fall down there to him as well. Granted, you are correct, he's always there to help them or pick them up, but it makes sense why he's always the one that's there.