
Mar 11, 2022
From the biggest lupe stan who stopped listening after f&L 2…

I enjoyed this album. I’m pleasantly suprised.:ehh:

However, I’m about to go on a rant here…

Musically, I haven’t really connected with lupe since lasers. Or somewhere around the enemy of the state tapes.

Around that time period.

I feel like lupe lost his artistic / relatable side. As in, he doesn’t try to connect with the listener anymore. As if music just became a hobby or business to him. Not like an art you used to hear him take it. Idk if he’s become bitter or what…:jbhmm:

No more vulnerable tracks, soulful songs, or even silly lines. No more 1st person songs about himself. He doesn’t do any storytelling tracks anymore either. That makes me sad a bit. His imagery used to be top tier & he wasn’t using random big words like that before.

He’s gone into this super technical wordy rap mode & can’t switch it off. It feels like he takes every song now recently as a complicated rap drill. Tries to make each line as clever as possible. It’s not as natural like he used to be. Of course , he did used to flex his rap mode back then occasionally but now it’s just stuck permanently on. Add in a little social commentary. Boom. Album done. Repeat. That’s what I see now.

That’s how I feel & why stopped listening to his newer music. I miss the old lupe.:to:

End rant.
Have you listened to Drogas Wave?
May 30, 2012
Someone I know called Lupe's latter part of his career a successful Canibus. I can't get it out of my head. :dead:

I don't see it as too bad, though. It seems less relatable in a broad sense, but Lupe probably just hunkered down on what he enjoyed most in his expression after label politics. He definitely deserves more flowers for not only making music that is audibly tasteful, but if one chooses to dive into the lyrics its another dimension to sift through.

I'd want another run of Fahrenheit type of music myself, but I realize the evolution of the artist and his placement now renders that mostly a dream. :francis: That isn't to say I don't like newer Lupe, but such is the route after one goes into the industry. How much of classic 50 Cent do people enjoy, over this new stuff? Kanye is the same. I'm just glad Lupe isn't devoid of all art, and - most importantly - he still values good writing at the expense of pop appeal. He is still a stellar artist, and I hope we get more overall.
What's in the past is in the past, but I could see him doing more conventional storytelling, along the lines of Ms. Mural for a full album. He can do the interwoven narrative/stream of consciousness acrobatics in his sleep, but a linear Point A to Point B story might be more of a challenge for him these days.

Chip Skylark

Jan 2, 2014
From the biggest lupe stan who stopped listening after f&L 2…

I enjoyed this album. I’m pleasantly suprised.:ehh:

However, I’m about to go on a rant here…

Musically, I haven’t really connected with lupe since lasers. Or somewhere around the enemy of the state tapes.

Around that time period.

I feel like lupe lost his artistic / relatable side. As in, he doesn’t try to connect with the listener anymore. As if music just became a hobby or business to him. Not like an art you used to hear him take it. Idk if he’s become bitter or what…:jbhmm:

No more vulnerable tracks, soulful songs, or even silly lines. No more 1st person songs about himself. He doesn’t do any storytelling tracks anymore either. That makes me sad a bit. His imagery used to be top tier & he wasn’t using random big words like that before.

He’s gone into this super technical wordy rap mode & can’t switch it off. It feels like he takes every song now recently as a complicated rap drill. Tries to make each line as clever as possible. It’s not as natural like he used to be. Of course , he did used to flex his rap mode back then occasionally but now it’s just stuck permanently on. Add in a little social commentary. Boom. Album done. Repeat. That’s what I see now.

That’s how I feel & why stopped listening to his newer music. I miss the old lupe.:to:

End rant.
Someone I know called Lupe's latter part of his career a successful Canibus. I can't get it out of my head. :dead:

I don't see it as too bad, though. It seems less relatable in a broad sense, but Lupe probably just hunkered down on what he enjoyed most in his expression after label politics. He definitely deserves more flowers for not only making music that is audibly tasteful, but if one chooses to dive into the lyrics its another dimension to sift through.

I'd want another run of Fahrenheit type of music myself, but I realize the evolution of the artist and his placement now renders that mostly a dream. :francis: That isn't to say I don't like newer Lupe, but such is the route after one goes into the industry. How much of classic 50 Cent do people enjoy, over this new stuff? Kanye is the same. I'm just glad Lupe isn't devoid of all art, and - most importantly - he still values good writing at the expense of pop appeal. He is still a stellar artist, and I hope we get more overall.

Gotta keep it 100. Every time I read “super technical” or “comparing Lu to Canibus” I automatically assume you’re using a narrative given by people who probably heard a song or two who really didn’t understand what he was saying without really listening to Lupe in my opinion.

I can’t think of anything he’s done that’s really “complicated” he’s been in pocket, hasn’t said anything lyrical miracle, and his storytelling and messages have been great.

From Lost In The Atlantic to Drill Music In Zion. Lupe hasn’t wasted a bar and every song has had pretty straight forward message. Outside of Tetsuo and Youth which is meant to be abstract as for as the overarching storyline of the album, many songs on there are straightforward.

Canibus literally rhymed words to rhyme A LOT. Lupe doesn’t. He rhymes in metaphor when showcasing his ability and has dabbled on every flow possible.

In the past ten years what exactly has he written that would garner anyone to say he’s anything like Canibus or hasn’t written anything heartfelt.

Drogas WAVE is a pretty straightforward album about black slaves destroying slave ships and etc and contains two of the most heartfelt songs written in the past decade

Pharaoh Height was him literally just flowing over dilla and stranger things beats. The first song is literally about the power of language

“I brought here a slave but I’ll leave here a pharaoh”

With the last song being one of the most creative things in a long time. Him telling his nephews a random action packed bedtime story

All of this is straightforward.

Drogas LIGHT is a pop rap album that’s m straight forward. With one of the realist song ever.

And of the best verses about finding peace

Even the freestyles from last year

The house ep is another case of its messaging being straight forward and Lupe having messages on each song. From talking about man made art to natural art, how the dinosaurs were here first and that we can be next how you can be a model on social media and profit, comparing shoes and the building of them to black men plights while discussing The Ahmed Aubrey incident to telling people to stay in the house cause of Covid. There’s nothing lyrical spiritual complicated of the messaging here.

DMIZ, the last song summarizes the album perfectly. Being a victim of perpetrator of gun violence I understand the sentiments of the entire album to a T.

Canibus has never done anything close to what Lu did on Tetsuo

Canibus was never writing anything like this. Neither is it wordy. But like I said the overarching theme of tetsuo is extended metaphor and once listened to can be deciphered And that’s what’s most of Lupe Fanatics want from him

😂 long rant but I don’t see nor hear what y’all are suggesting. It all sounds like a talking point that’s easily proved wrong. All these talking points sound lazy and shows the lack of actually listening to what Lupe had released
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All Star
Nov 20, 2014
Man, this album is fantastic. Dunno why but I really love the production on Drogas Wave & Drill Music In Zion than much more than T&Y or Drogas Light.

Hope Lupe continues down this direction :wow:

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013

It’s here


Jan 1, 2014
At first, I was thinking Mean & Vicious, but now it's Gotta Eat. Creative, but digestible wordplay from start to finish.
Yup very much in the Gotta Eat category, might even argue it’s thematically superior in concept and musically better…

But he didn’t make it in 2006-2007… so it’s wack now :pachaha:

That major label machine and nostalgia is a bytch