@Sccit said he saw
@Luken whippin his alleged lambo on IG. And that you made fun of Kobe Byrant after his death. He also said you have "Delisions" of Grandeur. He goes back to edit the post to say Delusions of Grandeur. IDK if any of that is true but since the fire is already kindled on here I figured why not throw some more wood into it, you know what I mean?
Bet. Now since I'm awake at the moment, I'm going to body this bytch Sccit, and when I'm done, everyone need to toss some negs at his rep for lying on me
1. Sccit will co-sign anyone he think is antagonistic towards me, and he will LIE to do it. He says he saw Luken whipping the Lambo on the IG, huh?
How, when Luken himself stated the Lambo was NEVER POSTED TO HIS INSTAGRAM?
Cause i barely use instagram and dont put all my business out there like that duh, especially when weirdos like @Nicole0416_718_929_646212 leave comments on my videos/channels
the only cars i have my insta are my M4 and E46 M3
2. I did not "make fun of Kobe after his death". This is another lie Sccit and 10bandz have tried to spread in the Laker threads amongst the community because I call them out for their blatant Kobe stannetry and dikk riding.
The video I made
was made a day before Kobe Bryant died. In that video, LeBron had surpassed Kobe on the all time scoring list, and I literally told KOBE STANS THAT HATE ON LEBRON to eat shyt.
Look up the date LeBron surpassed Kobe on the all time scoring list. You will find it was January 25th, 24 hours
before Kobe was killed. That video had nothing to do with Kobe--
it was a humorous video directed at Kobe stans.
I literally make comedy call-out videos for a living.
3. Which brings me to the "Delisions" of grandeur, with his illiterate ass.
As I explained earlier, I am famous on the internet. You can verify this by checking out my channel, which is nearly 200k at the moment. I have 44 MILLION views. Yes, MILLION, with an M
I have over 80k followers on Instagram:
There are at least two wiki articles on me and my work:
Anthony West, better known online as Th3Birdman, is an American YouTuber from Los Angeles, California, best known for his satirical criticism of CinemaSins. Th3Birdman created his channel in late 2008, where he claims to have created his channel in order to argue with another user. He began...
Th3Birdman (real name Anthony Edward West) is a YouTube personality from Los Angeles, California. He's a voice actor, self-proclaimed nerd, comic enthusiast and gamer who rose to prominence as a critic of CinemaSins. Whilst his channel began as …
There's even a website that attempts to calculate my net worth (They're waaaaay off. Needs more zeroes)
Th3Birdman is an American ▶️ YouTube channel created 16 years ago with 238.00K subscribers and 804 videos. Th3Birdman's current net worth is ...
Count that shyt up: 44m views, 200k subscribers, 80k followers on IG, multiple independent outlets reporting on and cataloguing me, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Where are these "delisions"?
Now, I expect a healthy NEG TRAIN on this bytch ass nikka Sccit.