Please learn the difference between real life and TV. I specifically said Black women will say something about Black men in real life interracial relationships. But we don't incessantly complain about television shows like Black men do. Black women are more likely to complain about being continuously phased out and erased from TV than who Black men are portrayed as dating on it.
And the only type of Black men who are getting with these women are thugs and athletes? Be honest with yourself. This is where you all lose all sympathy wit because you can't extend it. You will swear every type of Black women gets love in some way, but flat out deny it happens for Black men in some weird, incredibly sad victim game. And that's not even the worst, part the worst part is you can't just lie to yourselves about that, you have to take it a step further and blame Black women for non-thug, non-athlete, non-rich, non-professional men getting love and having to go to the much more appreciative and mild tempered non-Black women. Just admit you're desperate for non-Black approval and leave.Black
Adding to a lack of family structure in the Black community isn't negative behavior, but a Black woman that has everything going for her that doesn't want to settle for a lower tier Black men is negative behavior that forces Black men who prefer Black women to go elsewhere?
And y'all perpetuate the idea that you are entitled to a woman you find attractive or a woman's attention period because you are alive and you are male. The attractive woman is going to hold out for the best experiences just like the surgeon and hedge fund manager you just mentioned are. Despite the fact that you think she just "woke up like this" and doesn't have to work for anything, so doesn't deserve to hold out for better, she will anyway. So...maybe tell you and your friends to get over it?
Yes. Just like Black women have to wait their turn. Its life. Again, its life. You want to talk about that being unfair and wanting to change it, great. But talk about changing it on both sides. Don't start whining about regular guys not being able to get a shot with top tier girls only to deny the reverse is an issue or even justify those women having to wait around for the top tier guy. Otherwise, nobody is trying to hear it.
No. For the last time I am exposing that you cannot preach to top tier Black women to give the middle lower class Black man a chance, while justifying top tier Black men whoring for all eternity. And this is what I was saying earlier. Top tier non-Black men have no problem leading normal lives instead of trying to recreate something in a rap song because they have a little change.
Black men aren't even marrying Black women at high rates so what do marriage vows have to do with anything lol?
Yet, unsurprisingly, the 180 that
all non-Black women did doesn't matter once he's rich. Predictable.
Nothing difficult to get about it actually. What's difficult to get is why you think you are entitled to attention from Black women who are THE shyt already, while thinking you don't owe Black women shyt once
you are the shyt. You want Black women's loyalty while not offering it back, simple as that. Fortunately for Black men, this is still what is happening today. But the next generation of Black girls from what I've seen do
not have time for that. They've grown up seeing the Tommy Sotomayors and Tariq Nasheeds and not to mention the rappers and entertainers downgrading their whole existence simply for being Black and female so they aren't about that long suffering life. So if you think its bad now...
At the end of the day Black men need to reciprocate or stop expecting sympathy for things they aren't willing to give back. Its not working anymore