Why would you roll your eyes? He married the woman who stood by him through thick and thin. Most black women or bytches like @BlackPearl only wanna be around when shyt is gravy. Kudos to him.
More deflecting. When did I fukking say all white women are dimes you fukking dipshyt? All women have entitlement issues, but I'm not discussing them right now am IAnd most white women are what?? Dimes?
Black women are the only people with entitlement?
This is some of the dumbest shyt I have read all year
nikka are you serious??
Truth hurtsBecause of stuff like what you proceeded to post after the bold![]()
Black women would rather a dude be alone and be labelled a bum ass negro then be in the arms of a white woman.
I remember posting women would you date a man making 12 a hour and what the responses were. The same chicks talking about light skin bae, hairlines and he gotta make at least 70k a year to spoil me are upset a broke, dark skin bald headed man married a Becky who was down for him
Most sucessful black men are married to black women...stop entertaining this delusional bedwench African broad.
I dated a white girl that knew I was broke. This was around 2011 where I just met her by spitting game. She knew I was living with my grandma helping her out, was looking for a job and used my grandma's car to see her when my shyt was broke.
She even offered me gas money a few times and I declined.
I've been fortunate though with women regardless of race knowing they weren't after me for $. My last ex was Hispanic and her and I are both successful in the tech field. I make six figures now but I don't advertise it. Shame because if I felt if we got things right between us she'd be ride or die but such is life![]()
They don't want to hear that.
They see one or two Black celebrities with white women and want to paint all Black men the same.
Deep down, most Black women have very low self-esteem.
So, they use the Black celeb choosing a white woman over a Black woman as evidence that even the Black man finds her worthless.
As a Black woman, she already feels worthless. To be able to project that belief onto Black men helps to substantiate her own feelings of worthlessness.
Most Black women talk about dark Black men in the same way CACs do.
They're usually parroting stereotypes about dark brehs--that is, unless the breh is making money and is successful!
Other than that, a dark breh is either trouble or just a sex object to them.
Whereas a light breh can be a damn felon and have Black women swooning over him!
Exactly my point, white women scout n see your potential
Exactly my point, white women scout n see your potential