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I call BS on you not believing there's been backlash for black men dating out on or off television. Interracial coupling period has never been just cool to do and I'm young but for as long as I can remember black women around me have felt like black men with money grab up white women. Do you think Kanye West would end the song "Gold Digger" the way he did if he wasn't exposed to the sentiment rich black men marry out?Nope. I call BS. You can't make the false equivalence of people's reaction to something that is happening in real life and is a trend to a TV show. Compare TV show to TV show. There is no outcry when a black man is with a white woman on TV (at least by Black women) and it happens all the time. In fact, half the time black women are the biggest supporters. Happy Endings, Power, The Game, Jessica Jones, and more. Where was the public outcry from black women? Nonexistent. But black men whine about Scandal to this day so much its disgusting.
As for the rest of your post, black women are under no obligation to lower their standards any more than black men are. Again, when black men start telling other black men to work with fat women, black women with no t&a, black women who are frumpy, black women who are awkward, black single mothers, black women with checkered sexual history, black women who aren't submissive, black women who are dark skin without thin features, black women who have hair just as nappy as yours, black women who aren't super feminine in behavior, and all the other types of average black women you all pretend don't exist, then we'll talk. But as it is, you all won't even acknowledge average black women get leapt over by average black men every day. So why should anyone understand your situation when you refuse to understand theirs. You're aiming high, let them.
Last thing that's really funny to me in what you just said too. I was hoping it came up because I noticed the contradiction a long time ago, and sure enough it did. Let me ask you all: How is it that you guys always project every negative behavior black men have onto black women with "if Black women just did this, black men would do that" but only when it suits you? According to this logic, if black women just hold the standards you say we have and stop messing with men who aren't 100k professionals, etc. all black men will rise to the occasion. ...Right? Instead, you all have already revealed earlier in the thread that when black men come up and get more attractive qualities they just get access to more women and reveal their true feelings all along that black women aren't a priority. Basically you all have revealed you want black women to give you a chance when you're at nothing but when you have more she should fight for your attention. Black women should give black men attention no matter where we are in life, but black men should rightfully show no preference for black women once he gets to a better station
Truth is you never preferred us at all, and you just need to stop blaming us for it.
And I can't stress enough how insulting it is to ask black women to compete for black men once they've made it, while shaming and trying to punish black women who have proverbially "made it" (attractive) for telling black men to compete for them.
When the only black people around look like this remember this thread.
fukk this bedbuck. Imma still watch the show
As a black man who used to date only white women, I can say white women are great scouts , you csn be strugglkng today, working a avg or crummy jobz be unemployed but if they see potential in you, your still game.
I've dated white women who came from millionaire families, who were doctors, lawyers, accountants and sometimes I didn't even have a penny to my name at that point, no car but still.
However for black women it's somewhat different , but I will say once they get to know you as a person it changes.
Exactly, so there is no real preference. If you only "prefer" Black women when you literally have slim to no other options, you don't prefer them at all. And I can't stress enough how insulting it is to ask black women to compete for black men once they've made it, while shaming and trying to punish black women who have proverbially "made it" (attractive) for telling black men to compete for them.
Jesse Williams is a bad example because these men complaining aren't giving full Black women who look like her a chance, period. But they want all the chances in the world when they are broke and unattractive. There is no balance to their viewpoint, they just want black women to give and make allowances while they do nothing of the sort.
Barack is also a bad example, seeing as how he was a freaking Harvard Law student. Despite the lies, most Black women would jump on that.
Black men deal with fat women. Some love it, some hide it some call them "thick". Every black man is not with or expecting video vixen built women because ever black woman ain't even built that way. Frumpy is extreme but if she's not wearing dirty shyt or things that don't fit we don't care about what designer women have on. Most women are awkward. Despite what the Coli says most black deal with single mothers because they're too common not to. You have dudes on here who say they don't care about woman's body count. You have dudes that like women who grew up a tomboyish and aren't extra girly. Submission depends on the man and what he thinks his wife should be doing. But we know girlfriends and wives won't be waiting hand on foot on us. Plenty of dark skin women are getting dated, fukked, seeded, and married, light skin women are not the only women getting attention, you have many dudes on here who vocalize preference for dark skinned women and some go out of their way to antagonize light skinned women.
If black men didn't feel alienated or overlooked by black women when he had nothing, no resentment would be harbored when he rises up and had something. You saying I'm exposing black men but really you're exposing the mentality that black women are only obligated to give brothers a chance when he's doing well.
If you gave Black Man A a chance when he ain't have shyt you wouldn't have to fight for his attention when he IS THE shyt. I don't understand why that's so difficult to get.