No woman who isn't low self esteem should want preferential treatment from any man who casually refers to women as hoes.
I'm not saying unequivocally that these women aren't being approached. Although contrary to what men think, many women are not, especially if they are unattractive or often even when they are attractive but have 'intimidating' qualities. But still, you guys fail to talk about who they are being approached by and for what.
Being approached by bums is not a win to most women. Being approached by successful Black men who only want to use you for sex is not a win. Men and women don't view attention from the opposite sex in the same way in that many men think any attention is good attention and welcome.
And I will answer the question about the fixation on professional Black men as soon as you guys answer why the fixation on "attractive" Black women lol. Men feel they are entitled to a woman they find attractive, women feel entitled to a man they find successful. So unless you're willing to negotiate on your bare minimum requirement...
What is a bum exactly? For dudes like Mike and Omar they were educated but going after goals that don't pay directly out of school. Now I'm not gonna act like being in your late 20's and broke is cool but we can't wag fingers at a dude riding with the woman who rode with him when he had nothing.
As far as the "used for sex" thing, that has a few sub-points for me but in a nutshell the top 10-20% of men of any race are not rushing to choose one. Period. I don't know the age your 2 friends are or the men they were dealing with but that's just a reality.
Attractiveness is variable and subjective, especially considering men don't need 9s and 10's. Most men will and are working with strong 6s in the looks department who treat them well. Black men don't expect prime Nia or Halle. But on the other side of the table there's a fixation on six figure brothers who on top that need to be tall, dark, handsome with his ball-playing body still in tact.
Black women have to stop expecting men at the top of the food chain to automatically pick them, or in personal cases, forget when they were studying/grinding and too broke to afford nice clothes to impress women or consistent dates to appease the antiquated concepts of courtship. When men go through that they aren't incentivized to narrow their dating pool let alone pick a wife when they spent their 20's lonely every weekend.
If brehs were getting love while struggling we wouldn't be able to say anything.