‘Luke Cage’ Actor Michael Colter Responds to Fans Criticizing Him for Marrying a White Woman


Oct 5, 2015
If you say so. Just apply the same logic and defend Black women who marry white men too I guess. Especially when they are dark skin, since there's plenty of actual evidence, not just anecdotal like you've given, that Black men ignore dark skin Black women. Just be fair :manny:
:jbhmm:most blk women are dark skinned.. most blk ppl are dark skinned.... how are these dark skinned babies still being made if dark skinned women are being ignore???????:jbhmm:

ugly bytches are being ignored... it's just that dark and ugly bytches use their skin as the reason why...:manny:

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
If you say so. Just apply the same logic and defend Black women who marry white men too I guess. Especially when they are dark skin, since there's plenty of actual evidence, not just anecdotal like you've given, that Black men ignore dark skin Black women. Just be fair :manny:
Nahhh, its not even the samething lol

I have never heard a black woman say that black men aren't checking for her, Men are men are going to check for women of ALL races for the most part. lol, sure if they grow up around nothing but white people and marry one ok.

If you want to say darker skin girls get teased or hate on more growing up. I 100 percent agree with that. But I think darkskin kids in general go through that. It has to be really hard on young women though.

But a black woman saying she can't get a black man and therefore has to get someone of a different race:patrice:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
The thing is outside of gift of gab/"game", a lot of these traits are outside traits; physqiue, height, clothing, which is something a great deal of black women put a premium on. Go to the Dealing With Women thread and various other threads and see how brehs stress the gym, clothing, fresh cut/line up and "swagger" because they know the importance. They don't make the advice and anecdotes race-specific but all the game and tools brehs share are primarily drawn from what they saw were successful with black women, in addition to the sentiment here that one should only be dealing with them.

Now I haven't dated a white woman but it's pretty telling how dudes who are deemed "corny" by us for lacking the external facets can get white women. So it seems as if the priority levels are not universal for all women...maybe other brehs who spent greater time on college campuses can attest to this or say I'm wrong...

Also black women cannot get a similar pass off the mere fact that men approach women so we know they had brothers approaching them, especially celebrity women are usually attractive. And I'm not one of the posters who throw "bedwench" around so I'm not defending the rampant use of the term.

No you don't know they are being approached. You also don't know, if they are being approached, by who and for what. On the point of who and for what, I have my own anecdote. I have 2 black girlfriends who recently married non-black men after having dealt with Black men their whole lives. The common experience they both had is that the professional Black men with things going for them had no desire to settle down whatsoever. Because the professional Black man is more of a rarity in our community than it is in others, they use that status to be long standing hoes. The men they ended up with are professionals but in their communities this isn't as special.

I say all this to say, you guys keep trying to have it both ways. You want to be justified in going outside but you want to deny Black women's experiences and reasons for doing the same. Doesn't work that way.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
Nahhh, its not even the samething lol

I have never heard a black woman say that black men aren't checking for her, Men are men are going to check for women of ALL races for the most part. lol, sure if they grow up around nothing but white people and marry one ok.

If you want to say darker skin girls get teased or hate on more growing up. I 100 percent agree with that. But I think darkskin kids in general go through that. It has to be really hard on young women though.

But a black woman saying she can't get a black man and therefore has to get someone of a different race:patrice:

LOL This is what I'm saying. There is always an excuse for Black men and only Black men. To you all there's no possible way a Black woman can't have men checking for her, but you all keep wanting us to believe Black men with things going for them are being passed up by Black women because they aren't thugs in the street. Its a blatant lie, and not to mention hypocritical, but whatever.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
I'm not going to lie, I don't believe you, especially after your other post that she was cute and in shape and all the men wanted her, but she decided on a fat, geeky Black man. Sounds like fan fic, but if you say so. Either way, my point is that what I see is that a Black man will not possess qualities that are universally attractive to all women, but as he gets older and gets those qualities to begin to attract women, he will only hold it against Black women for not accepting him before he was attractive. Every other woman will still be in play once he does get those attractive qualities, but Black women will be excluded for doing the same thing every other woman was doing when he was broke, fat, and socially awkward.

At the end of the day, if you all are going to stick by the lie that quality Black men are being passed on for thugs so quality Black men have no choice but to continuously seek out white women, at least allow Black women that same excuse and stop crying every other minute about "bed wenches".

Your problem is you think black women should have preferential treatment. You want white hoes, asian hoes and latina hoes to have common stock, while you get preferred stock on the successful black man eventhough you ain't invest in him when shyt looked ugly. That's.....stupid. The only way you get preferential treatment is if you were there first. That's how loyalty is inspired, brehette. If you dissed dude, then when dude gets into the position of leverage to have his choice of any woman, why does he owe you or any other black women special treatment at that point. At that point, you just another chick in the race competing with the Beckies, Marias and Chos. You don't get to use the "black card' like you should be get chose above all when you dissed and rejected dude all along. At that point, you just a normal, regular, non-essential, non-important contestant. Get in line with all the other broads, emphasis on "other" and do something to warrant getting picked. If you don't like the competition, scoop up a black man before then.
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Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
No you don't know they are being approached. You also don't know, if they are being approached, by who and for what. On the point of who and for what, I have my own anecdote. I have 2 black girlfriends who recently married non-black men after having dealt with Black men their whole lives. The common experience they both had is that the professional Black men with things going for them had no desire to settle down whatsoever. Because the professional Black man is more of a rarity in our community than it is in others, they use that status to be long standing hoes. The men they ended up with are professionals but in their communities this isn't as special.

I say all this to say, you guys keep trying to have it both ways. You want to be justified in going outside but you want to deny Black women's experiences and reasons for doing the same. Doesn't work that way.
Unless the black woman/women in question is just straight-up unattractive, they are not going through their college years/young adulthood unapproached. And I don't believe the myth that dimes are never approached either. And as far as the the black professionals your friends dealt with, maybe that is common. I'm not one so I can't use guy talk at lunch to tell you. But that goes back to points made in the independent woman thread last week; why the fixation on "professional" black men which is usually code for six figure career or close to it? Is a black man in that bracket the only form of quality?

I'm not saying black women don't have a set of challenges in modern dating but I and it seems like other brehs here feel as if black women don't admit to things that may have certain brothers feeling disconnected which might lead to Michael Coultiers, Omar Hardwicks, Robert Griffins, Kents, or whoever else.

I do agree there is a double standard on the Coli with interracial relationships.
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May 20, 2012
No you don't know they are being approached. You also don't know, if they are being approached, by who and for what. On the point of who and for what, I have my own anecdote. I have 2 black girlfriends who recently married non-black men after having dealt with Black men their whole lives. The common experience they both had is that the professional Black men with things going for them had no desire to settle down whatsoever. Because the professional Black man is more of a rarity in our community than it is in others, they use that status to be long standing hoes. The men they ended up with are professionals but in their communities this isn't as special.

I say all this to say, you guys keep trying to have it both ways. You want to be justified in going outside but you want to deny Black women's experiences and reasons for doing the same. Doesn't work that way.
Now, that is straight bullshyt!

They are just making excuses. Chances are the black men told them why they don't want to get married, and its because we have a lot to lose. That is it. If I made it, I'm not losing it to a chick I just met.

Other races still believe in the old american dream, but they end up getting divorce, and lose that belief as well, this is why you will find a lot of them are on their second, and third marriage. You know this is true because the divorce rates have been high for almost TWO DECADES! You even have men talking about going their own way(mgtow), and Tom Leykis show being so big.

I don't get why people aren't honest with themselves, and just becomes bitter people who talk down on their former lovers. We jsut shyt on each other because its the easiest thing to do since this country has been racists since its inception.


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
Your problem is you think black women should have preferential treatment. You want white hoes, asian hoes and latina hoes to have common stock, while you get preferred stock on the successful black man eventhough you ain't invest in him when shyt looked ugly. That's.....stupid. The only way you get preferential treatment is if you were there first. That's how loyalty is inspired, brehette. If you dissed dude, then when dude gets into the position of leverage to have his choice of any woman, why does he owe you or any other black women special treatment at that point. At that point, you just another chick in the race competing with the Beckies, Marias and Chos. You don't get to use the "black" card like you should be get chose above all when you dissed and rejected dude all along. At that point, you just a normal, regular, non-essential, non-important contestant. Get in line with all the other broads, emphasis on "other" and do something to warrant getting picked. If you don't like the competition, scoop up a black man before then.

Good analogy!

Black men aren't complicated. If a woman invested in him from the beginning, he's going to rock with her.