How did the white chick look compared to the black chick?
You can't just say it was about race. Maybe the black chick he asked could get better quality of men, and the white one couldn't. Or she just wanted to try some black dikk, and he wasn't threatening. You can't just say it was just a black chick didn't want him, and white chick did.
Let's be real, in the black community the women have more choice of men then white women. You could be fat, and still get men hitting on you. A white chick is not gonna have it so easy. her choices are bottom of the barrel white men, black men, and latins. I'm not trying to be funny, this shyt is real. When a white chick even hits a weight that isn't fat to us, white men will make her feel like shyt, so they go to us to feel better about themselves. Some black men are so blind to this that they just think white chicks are treating them better because they are white, when its really because she has no other choices like that.
The white chick was cute and in shape, it made no sense as to why she would want to date/sleep with him to be honest. No hate on my homie, but yeah she definitely wasn't struggling as she was often the talk of the lunch area among the dudes. I think that's the only reason shade really started.
She might have wanted a lay from a non threatening black dude, whatever the reason its something that he couldn't get from black women. And if he was just looking for sex and a white woman would have been his 1st I can see how that would royally screw up someone's out look.
Like I said, people like who they like but acting funny after the fact to him made no sense. Its not like he turned her down or anyone of her friends yet there it was.