heck, not even fame and fortune, just be over 30 and have your act together.
I don't care what anyone says, and I've told this story multiple times...but when I was in undergrad and grad school, I swear on a stack of Qurans that the black male computer science/pharmacy/math/econ/engineering/business majors were pretty much on their own on Saturday night....while I literally saw the black women on campus (both scholars and hoodrats) bringing men from the hood a few miles away onto the campus to be with.
When I was in HS, there were two BM from a class that graduated after me who went onto Princeton...I knew them both while they were in HS, and neither one of them dudes attracted BW at all...needless to say when I check up with them on FB, I see one of them works for NASA and has a Asian wife...the other is an orthepdic surgeon married to a white woman.
I don't judge them, because I understand why after seeing it for what it was