A few years before selling, Lucas was saying stuff that was implying that he was ready to finish his story. However, between the fan backlash and his age, he was saying stuff like he would be too old to finish it. That's why KK and the rest of his people were kept on. He wanted them to finish his story. He left them with an outline - the blueprints, everything. All they needed was to make a script out of it and at least finish the Skywalker tale.
You can tell that he's aching inside, whenever he sees a new movie. Hell, Hamil practically spoke for him. They've butchered his baby, and have failed to create any interesting new characters. And for the record, he donated that $4B.
Once again thank you for telling the truth. Everyone who knows the story if lucas and star wars knows he left blue prints for all this shyt. Disney hoe ass bought the franchise and told lucas to kick rocks and dumped his blue prints.