LSA has the #HOH Hall of Fame


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
This guy who I was in a situationship with, I wanted to be with him but I was just his cum rag, he gave me a STD and I went off on him about it. He told me "oh well, you should've never let me fukk" and don't contact him again. I was young and inexperienced, he was my first and only and he made me have sex with him by manipulating me and my low self esteem felt like I deserved every bit of it. I still haven't gotten over that.Since then I just let guys fukk me and be done with them since thats what they all seem to want anyway. I never get taken seriously or even get a call back.



Mar 21, 2013
Master Roshi's Island
When I was younger I told a guy was dating for about a year that I was molested by an (adult) cousin of mine when I was young. I was really nervous to tell him as most survivors of rape are but I felt like I could trust him with it. At that point Id told maybe 2 people... ever. t was a good conversation and he was seemingly very sympathetic.

A few weeks later I was showing him some family pictures and a few pics of me when 11 or 12. He said, "Wow you were a cutie" I said thanks. He took another look and added, "You look wayy older than 11 or 12 in this. You look exactly like the sexy woman you are now then"

Then he added, "That's probably why you were molested"

I was so shocked all I could say was "Um.... I was molested when I was 6yrs old."

Then he said, "Oh do you have pictures of you then?"


"Just curious." Leery grin.

Then he said, "I was thinking maybe the reason youre so good in bed is you were introduced to sex so young? You ever think about that?"


I could list mean things men have said, but that to me are probably the coldest things any man has ever said to me.


Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Re: The Coldest Thing A Man Has Said To You
"You can't dress"
"You're a nobody"
"You're too broke for me to date"
"I can do way better than you"
"I'm smarter than you are"
"You're average looking"

Women say this shyt all the time like it's okay though. :yeshrug:

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I found out my ex cheated on me a few years back and that he had lied about being arrested too - one charge was for battery. I broke up with him and he came to my apartment 3 days later to get his things (I had his TV and dvd player).

He came over mad about me breaking up with him and started an argument. Then things got physical and the harder I tried to fight him off of me, the more challenging it got. He was bigger than me (he was about 6ft4in) and he eventually ended up punching me in my throat, chest, and hard pinching/hitting my arms. He slammed me against my window (breaking my blinds). He straddled me down, ripped my shirt, and fondled me.

When I reached for my cell he pushed me to the floor then told me "You deserve to die today for all the shyt you put me through. You arent leaving me on your own" and started running to go. On his way out he said he was going to his car to get his gun "and finish this". I locked the door immediately after he left, got on the ground of my rm and called the police. After I got off the phone I looked at myself in the mirror and cried and cried. I had huge red marks on my chest and arms from where he hit me, and my hair was all over. I didnt feel like myself. I was scared to call my parents, scared to call anyone... I felt so broken and violated; I lived with a roommate and she didnt even help while she heard all of that going on.

I pressed charges and in court he lied and said "he didnt even know me like that". When we had been together for almost 2 years. He brought the girl he was cheating on me with to the courtroom to "testify"... she lied under oath.

That really fukked me up and I have a ton of trust issues from him. He would also tell me things like "you dont need to wear your hair like that ever again. You dont look good like that". I remember sometimes hed pass other girls when we were together and say things like "you need to be more like that."

Looking back I feel so stupid, but I was alone in a town all by myself and a sophomore in college. He was my only "family" and I really depended on him. I thought it was real love smh.

Im in a much better place now, but I unfortunately still am scarred.

This was a tough read. There are some real bad men out there.