Not gonna lie, some of the responses in here hurt. I was never asking for what I should do, just interested in people's reactions because I'd rather have the convo here than in real life.
But yeah... I have to CHOOSE. Damn. People calling me a c00n and shyt in reps. Like I've never dated black women or turned down black women of similar value just due to blackness. I underestimated this section of the site.
Some of y'all are really willing to forsake love/happiness for the cause. A part of me respects that but a part of me doesn't understand it. Just hope you're as about it in other facets of life.
Bro, stop with this pity party. You're a hypocrite plain and simple. And now that people have called you out on it, you want to flip it on others as if they're not experiencing the same level of life and love as you. You're an example of Cognitive Dissonance in the flesh.
Oh, you're chick is so special that only she can give you this happiness? No black woman could do that for you? Ok, I see. Be with who you want to be with, but don't intimate that she alone, with her non-black self, has the key to making you happy. You choose who you fall in love with.
You, and others like you, claim to be pro-black yet don't live out the pro-blackness in your home or your bed. The foundational tenet of pro-black is a strong black community. Community has its foundations in the family. Family has its foundations in the man and woman who create said family. Well, we can't have a strong BLACK community when we have one black partner and one non-black partner filling the various homes of the "community." That dilutes the mission and just as importantly, dilutes the resources that would be attributed to the offspring of said family, which would be used to build and sustain the community.
A united black man and woman creates a black family. Said man and woman create a legacy by instilling the ideas of a strong black family into their children. When other black men and women do this, while simultaneously working with other black families to create black community ownership via commerce and politics, they create strong black communities. Where does a non-black person fall into this? How does their presence help that goal? It doesn't.
But do what you will. No one will notice. The only black people that are needed are the black people who want to be part of the above solution. Everyone else is dead weight.