Lou Will says Sacramento is trash. What's wrong with Sac town?


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Part of the multilayered problem with the shyt on Sac threads is that it's constantly compared to LA and The Bay, rather than cities within or close to its weight class...

Sacramento has the 20th largest media market in the United States. It's not a small city, and objectively it's not even a medium sized city. There's only 19 larger markets nationally. It's a large American city, it just isn't a super large region like LA or The Bay...

Sacramento has the 25th largest CSA, 25th largest urban area, 28th largest MSA, and 35th largest city population in the United States. The city population is irrelevant though, Sacramento has more people in its city limits than Atlanta and Miami but we know those are bigger cities than Sacramento...

So if you average its placements out Sacramento is average ranked 26.6; it's 24.5 if you leave out city limit populations...

I've been all over this fukking country, I could easily make the argument Sacramento is a Top 25 city...

And unlike "The Bay", Sacramento is a standalone city that has always carried its own weight and been the primary city of its own large region. "The Bay" is a conglomerate of suburbs surrounding one alpha city, literally every single other place there grew its existence off the strength of San Francisco. That's not hyperbole, that's a historical fact. Bay industry and movement and money came from SF, and its quite an overrated place...

San Francisco was much better when it was actually welcoming to black people, it's now just as overrated as everywhere else there...

Nationally, cities within Sacramento's weight class that are it's actual peers are:

San Jose, Nashville, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Columbus, Kansas City, Cincinnati, Las Vegas, Austin, Pittsburgh, Portland, San Antonio, Charlotte, Orlando, St Louis, Baltimore

And if you compare Sac to cities within its actual weight class it comes out nowhere near the bottom of this list. But what all these cities have in common is they are all the largest or 2nd largest cities in their states, except the 3 Ohio cities which are all around the same size and Austin and SA which are basically tied for #3...

Sacramento is the 4th largest Cali region after LA, The Bay, and SD. This effects perception when people are talking about the biggest city in a state or there's 3 or 4 other cities you can put in front of a city...
Sac is a WOAT Cali city. All those central valley cities are meth havens.

I'm still a Kings fan tho :birdman:

Low cost of living and proximity to the Bay are the only benefits to living there.
This the type shyt that trip me out...

Theres no way this board is supposedly mostly black posters and yall say Sac us worse than The Bay. There's no way anyone has spent time in both San Francisco and Sacramento and come away thinking San Francisco is a superior city for Black people...

You nikkas just be saying anything...

SF is easily more WOAT than Sac, though it's a GOAT city if you're wealthy or gay or are one of these blacks who prefers more nonblack people to black people...

Just off the strength of this alone SF is more WOAT and among the worst California Cities. Oakland is trending there, and SJ is same boat as SF...

The rest of them Bay "cities" are sprawling suburbs, but to each it's own. I'd rather live in an actual city with its own cultural footprint than the daisy chain of places whose only relevance is that they are "The Bay"...
Sacramento got zero bytches :mjlol:

It’s the equivalent to going to Rochester NY :mjlol:
Rochester is actually really cool but it's less than half the size of Sacramento, this isn't a comparable analogy. Sacramento is a bigger city than Rochester and Buffalo combined...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Sacramento shouldn’t have an NBA team. Really, any sports franchise, in general :manny:

Baltimore should have an NBA team before Sacramento :blessed:
Baltimore is overrated, and is easily the worst destination of the NE corridor big cities. Every other 95 city is a few levels ahead of Baltimore...

I do think Baltimore has some charm but it's roughly the same size in city and metro population as Sac, so this ain't really some bigger city we comparing Sac too. Sac is way less impoverished, far more integrated and diverse, and can match Baltimore step fir step. So if Sac shouldn't have a team neither should Baltimore, which is, like Sac, in the shadows of a larger next door city and region...

Sac could easily have supported one of the Oakland teams that left (A's or Raiders), it's a bigger metro and media market than Vegas, and a bigger city by multiple measurable than places like New Orleans and Buffalo with 2+ teams...
Sacramento is one of the few cities left in California where people with average salaries can afford to buy that cliche suburban home with a pool and a grill in the backyard.

The city won’t appeal to celebrities or people that go out partying every weekend but if you are the type of person that just wants a comfortable and quiet suburban life, it’s a great option.
People say quiet suburban life but you can live an urban lifestyle if you're Downtown, Midtown, or the close in parts of the North and South (like Oak Park or Land Park or Uptown, etc)...

Every single city has quiet, suburban areas. Sacramento doesnt actually have more than most cities its size, the perception of Sac doesnt really match reality...
It’s California

But it’s really should be a midwest Milwaukee, Cleveland
Bruh have you been to these places?

never been to Milwaukee, but i have been to Cleveland. Which is similar size as Sac with worse weather, older, crumbling infrastructure, and more violence and poverty. Its wild yall compare Sac to Midwest places and I actually like Cleveland but come on, fam...
your boy might be gay

Sacramento has the best looking women in all of California. Half the bad bytches in LA are from Sacramento on the low

Issue with Sacramento is that its sprawled out compared to most cities in California and kind of boring. Also not many tourists, so its more of a local bar feeling, even if you go to a nightclub

:gucci: its pretty widely known Sacramento has a high amount of bad bytches :gucci: yall really come on here and just type crazy shyt :gucci: Their was a point in time when 90% of the girls on Wild'n Out were from Sacramento :mjlol:

Spend enough time at parties in LA and you'll quickly realize a lot of bad bytches out there are from Sacramento

Saying Sacramento dont got bad bytches would be like saying Dave and Busters doesnt have filipino girls as frequent customers :mjlol: just blasphemy

And anyone who likes black women will enjoy Sac, no it doesn't have the most black women but our women in general are top tier and there are mad fine black women in Sacramento...

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal
This the type shyt that trip me out...

Theres no way this board is supposedly mostly black posters and yall say Sac us worse than The Bay.
Who said anything about if the city was good for Black folk or not? :dahell:

I was speaking for just overall shyt to do and scenery.

Gotta tone the militancy down, breh. It's not that serious! :heh:

Paper Boi

May 15, 2013
I'd argue it sucks whether you're rich or regular lol. It's a generic city with worse [everything] compared to every other noteworthy city in California. Worse food, worse things to do, worse stores, etc. Maybe traffic is better than in LA but that's about it.
and what's the cost of living vs LA or every other noteworthy city like?

terrible take


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
meh getting paid millions of dollars a big house and amenities

buffalo is one of the WOAT cities to me but besides willis mcgahee most bills players love it there, jim kelly, thurman thomas still live in buffalo

i was even gonna say lol

if you got millions and a big ass house, does a destination even matter?

you can go anywhere in the world and stack as much shyt in your crib :manny:
Football have to play wherever the money is


May 18, 2012
there’s nothing wrong with Sacramento if you live the lifestyle of a normal person

if you are an NBA player I can see why you’d find it boring compared to other NBA cities
While I understand wanting to live in a better city I think the fans overstate it a bit. You guys realize they’re traveling for half their games? Do they even spend more than 3-4 days at a time in the home city during the season?


Apr 5, 2017
Dallas, TX
Baltimore is overrated, and is easily the worst destination of the NE corridor big cities. Every other 95 city is a few levels ahead of Baltimore...

I do think Baltimore has some charm but it's roughly the same size in city and metro population as Sac, so this ain't really some bigger city we comparing Sac too. Sac is way less impoverished, far more integrated and diverse, and can match Baltimore step fir step. So if Sac shouldn't have a team neither should Baltimore, which is, like Sac, in the shadows of a larger next door city and region...

Sac could easily have supported one of the Oakland teams that left (A's or Raiders), it's a bigger metro and media market than Vegas, and a bigger city by multiple measurable than places like New Orleans and Buffalo with 2+ teams...

People say quiet suburban life but you can live an urban lifestyle if you're Downtown, Midtown, or the close in parts of the North and South (like Oak Park or Land Park or Uptown, etc)...

Every single city has quiet, suburban areas. Sacramento doesnt actually have more than most cities its size, the perception of Sac doesnt really match reality...

Bruh have you been to these places?

never been to Milwaukee, but i have been to Cleveland. Which is similar size as Sac with worse weather, older, crumbling infrastructure, and more violence and poverty. Its wild yall compare Sac to Midwest places and I actually like Cleveland but come on, fam...


And anyone who likes black women will enjoy Sac, no it doesn't have the most black women but our women in general are top tier and there are mad fine black women in Sacramento...
Bullshyt. Baltimore already has two major sports franchises with a rabid fan base. The Ravens & Orioles have tremendous fan bases who are loyal and hardcore. Baltimore has proven to be a great blue collar sports town. Several levels above Sacramento. Also, taking into account Baltimores rich history in basketball. The same BS thinking that Baltimore would struggle to gain fans because of the Wizards in the same market is idiotic. The same questions were said about Washington getting a MLB team in the same market as Baltimore. An NBA franchise could thrive in Baltimore as It’s also a true basketball town. You talk about Sacramento‘s diversity but only as it pertains to Hispanic & Asians. Baltimore has a much larger black population which has always been a large percentage of NBA fans through the past several decades.

As a matter of fact, if Las Vegas & Seattle get expansion teams and are in the West, the next logical step would be to relocate Sacramento to Baltimore & move to the east :jbhmm:
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Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I'd argue it sucks whether you're rich or regular lol. It's a generic city with worse [everything] compared to every other noteworthy city in California. Worse food, worse things to do, worse stores, etc. Maybe traffic is better than in LA but that's about it.
More hyperbole...

You want people to believe Sac has worse everything in California, but among California large cities, it doesn't have the lowest number of black people, lowest opportunities for Black people, most poverty, worst traffic, worst crime, worst schools, worse dating scene, etc...

Sac doesnt have the worst anything but we'll let yall tell it...
Sac region does have good looking women. If I was single...i probably wouldn't be as miserable out here. But women dont even walk outside besides old sac where its somewhat dense.
Old Sac isnt the only dense area of Sac, stop it. It also isnt true that you dont see women outside. You need to get out more, bruh...
Rochester and Bufflao got some ugly ass hoes there man smh

I’d smash a hoe from Albany before I smash a broad from Rochester
Albany def has better looking women than Buff or Roc, so does Syracuse...
Sac can't be any worse than OKC, Utah, Port,
It isnt. Salt Lake is a lot more popping than cats here let on though. Just not enough of us there...
san antonio, indianapolis, cleveland, orlando, miluakee


quite frankly i'd rather live in Sacramento than Phoenix, Dallas or Boston


Never been to Phoenix, don't wanna go either. @TAYLONDO SAMSWORTHY from the North and loves it there, Arizona not my speed though...

I've been to both Dallas and Boston and much prefer Sac...

There's not a single city in the Midwest I'd live in over Sac. Chicago and Minny without the winters would stand a chance but you can't just subtract that...

Nowhere in the South I'd live in over Sac besides Charlotte...

Nowhere on the East Coast I'd prefer to Sac and I like the Northeast. Dont wanna live there though, but I love Virginia...

Sacramento objectively shyts on most the US. If it wasn't in California, which is loaded with popping destinations, the opinion of Sac would be much more favorable...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Bullshyt. Baltimore already has two major sports franchises with a rabid fan base. The Ravens & Orioles have tremendous fan bases who are loyal and hardcore. Baltimore has proven to be a great blue collar sports town. Several levels above Sacramento. Also, taking into account Baltimores rich history in basketball. It’s a true basketball town. You talk about Sacramento‘s diversity but only as it pertains to Hispanic & Asians. Baltimore has a much larger black population which has always been a large percentage of NBA fans through the past several decades.
Baltimore lost its NFL team once before, let's not play that game...

And no when I speak on diversity I'm including everyone...

Baltimore does have a far larger black population which would be a plus but the length of shytty black schools, high black poverty, and high black crime take the shine off it. This isn't a city with a ton of black people like Charlotte or NY that outperform Baltimore in quality of life metrics...

I know you don't really believe Black Sacramentans don't play ball 😂 I don't know if they still have em but there used to be tournaments at Valley Hi park, my brother's dad used to hoop with Rae Carruth in the street ball tourneys...

Sacramento is a strong sports town, all the major sports have followings here and the city is easily big enough to support another major league franchise...

Who said anything about if the city was good for Black folk or not? :dahell:

I was speaking for just overall shyt to do and scenery.

Gotta tone the militancy down, breh. It's not that serious! :heh:
Not militancy and I'm not militant. I've been black my entire life and most black people enjoy being around each other and lifestyle options that cater to us...

All I'm saying is you're not getting that in SF the way you get it in Sac, so your opinion of SF as better than Sac is more of a visitor's perspective than having to live in one or the other. Been black for 34 years, most black people are choosing Sac over SF. This ain't the 60s...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
@murksiderock I take a nap and wake up to these bytch ass nikka talking shyt?!
Bruh this narrative that Sac is garbage is only because it's in California. I'm never gonna get tired of defending Sac from these wack ass untruths...

Lou Will from Atlanta, I lived there a decade ago and you live there now. Atlanta is more popping but I would never live in Georgia again, you'd have to pay me an astronomical amount of money to do so. And my mom and brother live in Gainesville, got a sister in Columbus and a brother in prison in GA...

Atlanta is a tight place to visit but I'd never live there again, and if I had to choose between it and Sac it's an easy choice for me...

nikkas will call Sac "suburban" when huge ass suburban cities like Atlanta exist 🤣 🤣

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal
All I'm saying is you're not getting that in SF the way you get it in Sac, so your opinion of SF as better than Sac is more of a visitor's perspective than having to live in one or the other. Been black for 34 years, most black people are choosing Sac over SF. This ain't the 60s...
You putting words in my mouth. I never said San Francisco, I said the BAY AS A WHOLE.

You wanna be mad, go ahead. It's not making Sacramento look any better :umad: