Nope, I will not subscribe to this idea that I am a second-class citizen. Society may wish to treat me a certain way, but I will never accept being a second-class citizen. I have come from a very poor, broken, unstable, unhealthy environment and family, and I have "made it" so-to-speak, and am well on my way to even more success than I have achieved thus far. I can list off my accomplishments, but that shyt is self-serving and not a part of my modus operandi. Let's just say that I think my belief that I am not a second-class citizen, which my mom drilled into me from a young age (I love her for that), has allowed me to rise up from the disadvantage I was born into and become a rather successful young adult.
Secondly, I am not angry at the idea that I may be a second-class citizen, but afraid to admit it, as you seem to be inferring. I am actually upset that you would relegate yourself to the status of being a second class citizen. If we all accepted our "place" in society then we'd be in a much worse position than we are now, and things like the civil rights movement wouldn't have happened. As a matter of fact, if we all started seeing ourselves as just as good as everyone else on this planet, and just as WORTHY as the majority, I think we'd be progressing faster than we are (despite the fact that we are progressing rather quickly as is).