Loser Mentality Amongst Blacks...

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
I really can't take you serious even though you bring up valid points. I know it's wrong of me but you could state the sky was blue and I still wouldn't agree with it.

1. You can't dress for shyt.

2. You attempted to clown black women as a whole because you couldn't get one.

3. You posted a picture with that cave lady, drunk off the cave ladies poison, looking like a chump.

4. It's July 1st and you still hadn't paid your monthly fee ngga.


Time to collect



By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War
May 31, 2012
Dallas, TX
Okay so how about a new question:

If you care so much, why do you dissociate yourself from your own race and constantly look down upon them, rather than channeling some of your positive energy and personal success as reinvestment into this group of people you seem to care so much about? Like why don't you blog (since you're "culturally internet" or whatever you called it) or volunteer some time or something to help underprivileged youths view the world in a more positive way?

Or are you really just concerned with your own ego and making sure everyone knows how much better you are than the rest of the folks who look like you?

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
OP, didn't you have a story where you stole chicken wing table scraps of a white dudes plate, then stood silently when his sister spit at you and called you a ******? Does this sound familiar? :leon:
A lot of wild sh!t has happened in my life. Being a black dude in often homogenous non-Black environments a lot of that sh!t is racist as all Hell. It happens. Black people have a narrower social margin of error than other demographics. You live and you learn that as you advance. Yeah? And? It's just a fact of life as I've come to know it. It's not fair, but so what. At least I can walk around in a sunny day without being attacked by the good grace of God.

Because most african americans come from a lineage of belittlement and degredation that has been passed down since slavery. Its something an African cant understand, coming here with their own nationality. In my mothers generation our people were being sprayed with hoses, told they were ******s and had dogs let loose on them. The miseducation from those times is not something that can be shaken off in a generaiton.
Why would anyone identify with that or internalize it? I mean, I grew up with society and my peers constantly telling me that I wasn't shyt due to my being Black... but I actively fought against that for a large part of my younger days.

I guess it was easier for me not to feel that inferior because I grew up with parents that constantly reinforced that I was "different from" and "better than" Americans, regardless of race, despite being one myself. It's something most first generation kids get told. It comes with constant negative reinforcement, so I guess it's not without its faults. Also, I grew up in an economically depressed sh!thole so it was pretty easy to see myself as "better than" most white people I dealt with. I grew up with white people in the same context as most people grow up with Mexicans. But at the end of the day, I had to make the conscious decision that I was better than the next man. All that "less than" sh!t stopped applying to me. I'm not worse off because I'm a Black man.

Why can't more Black people stop associating themselves as individuals with this second class mentality. It's noticeable and its really really disturbing. I guess in real life it translates into riding on a bus, a bum steps on it, causes a scene, and everyone looks at him, then looks at you, and sees a little bit of the same person. It's really disturbing when you stop and think about it. Maybe its because I just recently moved into a city, but it's shocking to me. Now, I don't really internalize that as any feelings about myself... but sometimes that brief glance does hit me really hard. I dunno... it's just bothersome seeing some of this nonsense on such an extreme basis then see it being reflected and perpetuated online.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
I have noticed it...and even noticed it on a live event...

the fact is the blacks have been mistreated over centuries in the united states...300+ years...however one cannot hold on to such victimhood...I think the cause is blacks want to hold on to their culture...in the states...but its so marred with negativity...that they look to kkkakkks as positive...and blacks like to rehash the past...but also blacks outside of united states, some do share the kkkakks is better myth...

when you think about it...you kkkoons aint wining because without societal power...were all powerless...or do yall really believe kkkakkks are better...after they held you back? not that you cannot vote...you could vote...but they didnt want you to vote? not that you werent smart...you are smart...but they want yall to have influence...not that you were lazy...you are hardworking but they didnt want yall to have economic power...not that you are follower...ohh no maybe you are because...mentally u trapped to kkkakkk sadistic theories and demise of your neighborhood/mind/body and soul.


May 4, 2012
Why would anyone identify with that or internalize it? I mean, I grew up with society and my peers constantly telling me that I wasn't shyt due to my being Black... but I actively fought against that for a large part of my younger days.

I guess it was easier for me not to feel that inferior because I grew up with parents that constantly reinforced that I was "different from" and "better than" Americans, regardless of race, despite being one myself. It's something most first generation kids get told. It comes with constant negative reinforcement, so I guess it's not without its faults. Also, I grew up in an economically depressed sh!thole so it was pretty easy to see myself as "better than" most white people I dealt with. I grew up with white people in the same context as most people grow up with Mexicans. But at the end of the day, I had to make the conscious decision that I was better than the next man. All that "less than" sh!t stopped applying to me. I'm not worse off because I'm a Black man.

Why can't more Black people stop associating themselves as individuals with this second class mentality. It's noticeable and its really really disturbing. I guess in real life it translates into riding on a bus, a bum steps on it, causes a scene, and everyone looks at him, then looks at you, and sees a little bit of the same person. It's really disturbing when you stop and think about it. Maybe its because I just recently moved into a city, but it's shocking to me. Now, I don't really internalize that as any feelings about myself... but sometimes that brief glance does hit me really hard. I dunno... it's just bothersome seeing some of this nonsense on such an extreme basis then see it being reflected and perpetuated online.
The rise of African Americans is slow and steady. Expecting a 24 hour 180 is unrealistic considering the history of our people in America. We will be ok. Civil rights struggles were just the end of some forms of oppression institutionally. Now, we have to work on our minds and unlearn inferiority. It takes time but it will happen.


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
:beli: Isn't the threadstarter the same fella that made that thread on SOHH about how you had chicken wings and fries thrown on you by a white girl while she called you "******" repeatedly?


The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
:beli: Isn't the threadstarter the same fella that made that thread on SOHH about how you had chicken wings and fries thrown on you by a white girl while she called you "******" repeatedly?

Like I said earlier, a lot of wild sh!t has happened in my life. Being a black dude in often homogenous non-Black environments a lot of that sh!t is racist as all Hell. It happens. Black people have a narrower social margin of error than other demographics. You live and you learn that as you advance. Yeah? And? It's just a fact of life as I've come to know it. It's not fair, but so what. At least I can walk around in a sunny day without being attacked by the good grace of God.


May 2, 2012
A lot of wild sh!t has happened in my life. Being a black dude in often homogenous environments a lot of that sh!t is racist as all Hell. It happens. Black people have a narrower social margin of error than other demographics.

now who sounds like they have the "victimized inferiority complex" :leon:


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
Like I said earlier, a lot of wild sh!t has happened in my life. Being a black dude in often homogenous non-Black environments a lot of that sh!t is racist as all Hell. It happens. Black people have a narrower social margin of error than other demographics. You live and you learn that as you advance. Yeah? And? It's just a fact of life as I've come to know it. It's not fair, but so what. At least I can walk around in a sunny day without being attacked by the good grace of God.

Letting someone belittle you like that, doing nothing, and making a thread complaining about it is sort of... IDK.... Playing the victim and accepting second class status....

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
now who sounds like they have the "victimized inferiority complex" :leon:
Inferiority? Hey, as a black person if you make a white person mad enough especially in a group of other white people they will drop the N bomb and act hella irrationally. It happens if you have the combination of enough sack and opportunity to violate their sense of superiority in an egregious manner without incriminating yourself in the process.

However, scenes like that don't happen very often now that I'm anywhere between 185-195lbs of muscle these days. The physicality factor pretty much deads that nonsense to a grumble before it escalates. That and the fact that men and boys that look like me are killing people here in record numbers has people walking on egg shells, so go figure. But yeah, even if they were to drop the word I'm not going to freak out or something. I'm a grown ass man, not some butthurt, snotnosed hot head.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Like I said earlier, a lot of wild sh!t has happened in my life. Being a black dude in often homogenous non-Black environments a lot of that sh!t is racist as all Hell. It happens. Black people have a narrower social margin of error than other demographics. You live and you learn that as you advance. Yeah? And? It's just a fact of life as I've come to know it. It's not fair, but so what. At least I can walk around in a sunny day without being attacked by the good grace of God.

ok...kkkakkk can be mean and cruel...

so...what did you do, when the lil pale kkkakkks girl created a scene?