Finding a HOF QB is one of the hardest things to do in SPORTS. I just started realizing this, THIS YEAR. That's why you still have players like Flacco and Cousins still being successful and this point in their careers. You can look at half of the NFL (if not more) and say "they're having their "Tomzack year". You can't put that on them
That is true.
Yet if that organization.
Already had a legacy qb.
that was a hof. I can not take their excuses or reasons for botching a pick at qb.
after becoming familiar.
with said talent At qb.
In the case of flacco. Flacco was with an organization.
that was formerly the browns. this was not the colts who had unitas. This was formerly the browns. So for the ravens to fix shyt. Like they were rhe 85 bears. To win a bowl as a expansion franchise that was formeely the browns.
flacco is better than pr'd. With the redskins. The redskins had Joey t and Doug Williams. To draft rg3 and cousins was rhe back up. So those two kinda do not count in the idea you posted. Yet I do agree.
With the bears. The bears played games at qb on mcmahon. When they had a bomber. Yet ditka undermined mcmahon.
For mike tomczak.
For hence the tomczak years. That is why I titled them the tomczak years. As the tomczak years should not not occur. to amy franchise.
After you had eyes.
on the franchise history most talented qb.
The tomczak years is a callback to ditka undermining mcmahon. Then also making tomczak a deer in headlights in undermining mcmahon. Then undermining flutie tha gawd to harbaugh and later pt Willis.
That is why I call this period, rhe tomczak years. As the franchise playing halas hall qb face ass games. When they already had relevent eyes on what a great qb is. Yet playing front office.
meets halas hall with ditka games on said qb.
In reference to rhe steelers. It definitely is rhe tomczak years. As they did exactly what ditka did. Undermine a hof pedigree idea of what a steelers qb is. In favor of a halas hall con job at qb. That is also damaged goods and a deer in headlights.
from the neg based experience from halas hall. That now the steelers organization has to mentally rehab from the type of bullshyt pressure created within the confines of halas hall. To place said qb or tomczak in this instance into a confused deer in headlights based space. Which is totally damaged goods at the position. Why employ a project. When said project not even good enough to do all that for. The tomczak years is just my comedy based take.
on that whole bullshyt halas hall qb fraud shyt.
Glad you asked about this. So I could expound. For those that have no reference about a buster like tomczak.
In regerence to the steelers. We got not one. bUt two tomczak years ass nikkaz in fields and wilson. As wilson is damaged goods from beastmode to denver. Plus fields is damaged deer in headlight goods directly from halas hall.
When Pittsburgh knows from experience. Tomczak at qb. Or anyone emulating being damaged goods like tomczak at qb.
does not win titles.
Art Barr