Look I'm a straight drank-a-holic and I'm sipping my last drink as we speak.

King Eros

Gold Blooded πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†
Dec 13, 2016
I'm not sure if I was ever an alcoholic or addicted. I think I probably qualify tho.

Started drinking at 21 in college. Countless good memories were made, and it's easy to see how alcohol became such a crutch for me being that I made so many positive associations with drinking during those early years.

It's also where I picked up the bad habit of binge drinking. I didn't really drink every day, but when Thursday would come around, my housemates and I would never fail to pick up a handle. We'd pour up and sip as quick as we could before we'd go out, each of us believing that we'd be saving money since we wouldn't buy overpriced drinks at the bar. That never worked tho, cause all it took was for one of us to buy rounds before we were fukkin up numerous shots or beers at the bar.

No hangovers, I was working out or balling up the next day, easy. Wasn't nobody fukkin with my clique, we grew so tight that I'm glad to say we're still close to this day. &The college girls were thirstin so heavy, had me real life acting a fool, disrespecting women because I had so many options.

I moved back to my hometown with no job lined up post grad, often finding myself isolated and idle. I was growing anxious and depressed, the post college blues hitting me hard. I was desperately trying to keep the good times from drying up, so I'd turn to the liquor, like it was the secret solution to all my problems.

It was never an every night thing, but I knew that as soon as the weekend came around, I HAD to check out of my mind, and check into a bottle. It started off innocuous enough, fun nights with old and new faces alike kept me preoccupied, too distracted to face my problems.

But I was dwindling at a painfully slow pace. The nights stopped being fun; the hangovers started feeling like concussions; and instead of alcohol acting as a sort of bridge for my social life, it became a barrier that actively hindered me from making new friends, and otherwise destroyed what little social circle I had in my hometown.

When I finally did get a job, I wasn't at my best. My job performance teetered between barely acceptable and worthy of termination. I was ashamed and debated if I was good enough. I carried a youthful indifference, but I was just in denial.

It wasn't an every day thing, but I was so desperate, and I wouldn't stop. I wanted to believe I could keep them good days going, so I didn't give myself any breaks. At that point, a week without drinking was worthy of celebrating, by drinking.

The nights turned ugly. I was miserable and the alcohol wasn't masking it any more. I rarely blacked out, but I had plenty of nights where I'd drink myself sick, clearly a form of self harm most likely done as a hopeless call for help.

No one came though or called me out on it. Most folks encouraged it to some degree. I wonder why in retrospect, it was clear that I was doing too much.

This post became a lot longer than I anticipated. It's the first time I've really reflected this thoroughly, and I'm glad I possess such a clear recollection of my ordeal. Sorry for the wall of text tho brehs.

I started my post by saying I didn't know if I was an alcoholic, but after all that typing, it's clear that I was. I suppose I only ever doubted it because I've been able to cut it out from my life completely without much issue psychologically or physically. 2019 has been the first year since I graduated where I actually have a positive outlook on my life going forward. I'm doing good and that ain't no posturing.

Breh, I walked with you through this story. I felt every word of it. That's exactly what being an alcoholic looks like. The key to the story is the PROGRESSION of the disease (and the digression of the man). That drinking shyt starts out fun and cool as hell, then it creeps up on you after some years. For some sooner, some later, but it always creeps up on you IF you have the genetic predisposition and/or the brain disease called ALCOHOLISM.

Peeps think alcoholism means you drink too much. No, there are heavy drinkers who aren't alcoholics. There are dry drunks who don't drink at all, but the second they do...down the rabbit hole they go. One way I heard it put is we have an "allergy to alcohol". Not exactly like an allergy, but that kinda helps peeps understand.

What I also got from your story is that you are what I call "high on the evolutionary scale". Being a black man is already being at the top of the genetic pool. But you have the intelligence and attractiveness (based on the choosing females) that favors evolution. In short, you were born to win.

I appreciate you telling your story. Glad to hear you got the monkey in a chokehold and are able to reflect clearly on it. Keep going, we need more sober black alpha males in this bytch to lead our people out of despair.


Smokin Rider

I been official
Apr 30, 2012
Seattle SuperChronic
Think I need to bush some old friends who are hardcore alcoholics as well. I'd hate to but they dont want to change and I do. One thing I realize too is how stupid we all sound drunk. My homie called me complaining about life and his own alcohol issues but couldnt comprehend what I was sayin, had to tell him go to bed or something cause he sound dumb as hell. Then they get defense talkin like "oh you too good now to kick it" like man shut up, I ain't tryna hear you ramble on :dahell:

Thank god my ex always put up with my drunk ramblings (she was never drunk, hates alcohol), my "brilliant plans and ideas and who I was gonna fight or kill" :russ:


Jan 19, 2016
July 21 2018 was my last drink, weed even longer. This. Shyt. The. WOAT. People say throw your life into work, working out, hobbies but cotdamn...my entire life a homework assignment.

Interacting with anyone socially a chore. So how do brehs do it? How do you socialize without alcohol?
I can socialize w/o alcohol or smoke but I will admit...the drinks and/or smoke makes it easier to let ur guard down and chill. Its like an ice breaker.

But if u wanna live an alcohol free life...its best to hang out with people who have ur best interest and who actually like and love u and not put u down. U don't need any negativity.

I would like to stop drinking but I do love wine and I like to do it on Friday nights and weekends.

Another concern of mine is drinking and driving. Peoold are social and alcohol (other drugs as well) is usually tied to social events like parties, clubbing, bars, kickbacks, etc. So many people drink and drive and don't think nothing of it. I am scared of getting a DUI and almost got one before and there were times I could've got one as well as many people I know. DUIs are costly as fuk in many ways and my dad's friend has at least 3-4. I know how cops are towards blacks and it scares me how easily u can get one and how life comes at u fast. I even reject some events like some happy hours because I don't wanna get in trouble.

That's one thing to consider when watching ur drinking. Plus alcohol and drugs affect ur judgment...and a lot of us already got enough shyt on our plates as it is.

King Eros

Gold Blooded πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†
Dec 13, 2016
Still been a struggle for me, the last post, I said it helps cause I've been working 7 days a week but, I been getting stressed out and my momma stopped talking to me for a reason I cant even begin to comprehend (sometimes she just distant but she hasnt returned a call or text in a month, and last time we talked it was all good and fun :dahell:). So I started drinking every night for a solid week but quit again for a week till last weekend. I decided since I finally got a day off I would celebrate with a bottle... it's all bad though because my ex, who I still love and knows what I been goin thru (and told her I quit drinking) called me around midnight askin wyd, she wanted to kick it... I told her I messed up and drank again and was too faded to get her. Even if i lied she would know immediately, she just ended up stayin on the phone with me for a couple hours tryna motivate me. Which helped, the next day I had a massive hangover but went and watched lion king with her anyway. No drinking today either, everytime I do, a good opportunity presents itself while I'm drunk and already fukked up :wow:
Is your mom an alcoholic too? I ask because mine is. We'll have a good convo or visit, then she'll "go dark" on me for literally months at a time. It's been that way my whole adult life so I ain't tripping as much. I'm an old man now with my own wife and kids, but the shyt is still messed up. She ain't no grandma to my kids and that's sad af. They only know my wife's mom as grandma.

I used to stop for a few days, a few weeks, even a month...then turn right around and "celebrate" with drinking again. Usually enough to make up for lost time. That's the addict mind at work my friend. It will have you thinking and doing a bunch of dumb shyt that only makes sense to yourself or another addict.

You might want to consider getting help. Or at least walk into an AA meeting. Those are free and can help you not feel so isolated and alone with your thinking & drinking.

King Eros

Gold Blooded πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†
Dec 13, 2016
Man i got stressed the fukk out n my intention was to try to get sick n fukked up enough to end up in the hospital. It worked. I was dt san Francisco and went to the bart booth and told them to call an ambulance. :snoop:
Damn homie. Hate to see you self-destructing in slo-mo...



Dec 16, 2012
hella international
Breh, I walked with you through this story. I felt every word of it. That's exactly what being an alcoholic looks like. The key to the story is the PROGRESSION of the disease (and the digression of the man). That drinking shyt starts out fun and cool as hell, then it creeps up on you after some years. For some sooner, some later, but it always creeps up on you IF you have the genetic predisposition and/or the brain disease called ALCOHOLISM.

Peeps think alcoholism means you drink too much. No, there are heavy drinkers who aren't alcoholics. There are dry drunks who don't drink at all, but the second they do...down the rabbit hole they go. One way I heard it put is we have an "allergy to alcohol". Not exactly like an allergy, but that kinda helps peeps understand.

What I also got from your story is that you are what I call "high on the evolutionary scale". Being a black man is already being at the top of the genetic pool. But you have the intelligence and attractiveness (based on the choosing females) that favors evolution. In short, you were born to win.

I appreciate you telling your story. Glad to hear you got the monkey in a chokehold and are able to reflect clearly on it. Keep going, we need more sober black alpha males in this bytch to lead our people out of despair.


Yo I truly appreciate the kind words and insight, but I am actually Mexican, and I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to pass off or pretending to be African American.

Smokin Rider

I been official
Apr 30, 2012
Seattle SuperChronic
Is your mom an alcoholic too? I ask because mine is. We'll have a good convo or visit, then she'll "go dark" on me for literally months at a time. It's been that way my whole adult life so I ain't tripping as much. I'm an old man now with my own wife and kids, but the shyt is still messed up. She ain't no grandma to my kids and that's sad af. They only know my wife's mom as grandma.

I used to stop for a few days, a few weeks, even a month...then turn right around and "celebrate" with drinking again. Usually enough to make up for lost time. That's the addict mind at work my friend. It will have you thinking and doing a bunch of dumb shyt that only makes sense to yourself or another addict.

You might want to consider getting help. Or at least walk into an AA meeting. Those are free and can help you not feel so isolated and alone with your thinking & drinking.

Great post, and yeah she is an alcoholic. Seems to have gotten pretty bad over the last year drinking wine every night. Matter of fact, most of my family is. Looking back, growing up I never saw my grandpa sober, always had a glass a bourbon on him, day/night before he died in 07. My father has had 2 DUI's and doesnt drink for the past 5 years, my sister been to rehab for alcohol 2 times and almost died of withdrawals a couple times. She sober now thank god. My mom been on/off with it. Knowing this when I was younger, I never wanted to drink, just did it on occasion because I didnt want to end up like them... and now? :francis:

Smokin Rider

I been official
Apr 30, 2012
Seattle SuperChronic
I can socialize w/o alcohol or smoke but I will admit...the drinks and/or smoke makes it easier to let ur guard down and chill. Its like an ice breaker.

But if u wanna live an alcohol free life...its best to hang out with people who have ur best interest and who actually like and love u and not put u down. U don't need any negativity.

I would like to stop drinking but I do love wine and I like to do it on Friday nights and weekends.

Another concern of mine is drinking and driving. Peoold are social and alcohol (other drugs as well) is usually tied to social events like parties, clubbing, bars, kickbacks, etc. So many people drink and drive and don't think nothing of it. I am scared of getting a DUI and almost got one before and there were times I could've got one as well as many people I know. DUIs are costly as fuk in many ways and my dad's friend has at least 3-4. I know how cops are towards blacks and it scares me how easily u can get one and how life comes at u fast. I even reject some events like some happy hours because I don't wanna get in trouble.

That's one thing to consider when watching ur drinking. Plus alcohol and drugs affect ur judgment...and a lot of us already got enough shyt on our plates as it is.

I've had a couple close calls being a dumb ass when I was younger. Once when I was 19 on new years, I got pulled over for swerving in and out of a lane but I told and showed the cop my driver side windshield wiper wasnt working and it was raining heavy. He let me go.

Another one was a couple years after that, I hit somebody leaving the store at around 2am (getting more alcohol with a friend). We was in the middle of the street by an intersection and the guy was complaining about "how could I not see him!?". I just let him complain cause my life flashed before my eyes, sitting there like


but I told the guy, "I hear you but let's pull into this parking lot to exchange info" I just didnt want no police to show up. I changed up after that, even tho I'm positive the guy I hit was drunk too, I thought about if I hit a mother and child and damn near shed a tear. Stopped after that.


All Star
May 25, 2012
Went into withdrawal this past Wednesday. :mjcry: Caught the bus to general hospital. Shaking n sweating. Yeah I might have put it on extra thick a lil cuz I wanted them to intake me for a few days n drug me up n it worked. Filled me with fluids cuz my liver n pancreas are fukked up brehs. Young Benzel was in that hospital bed staring at the ceiling thinking bout the good times I had with the coli brehs brehs. :to:

I checked out this Saturday clean.

I went in awhile back for a 3 day detox, they tried to get me to stay for 30 but i got kids and a job. I cant just be missing for 30 days bro

Now i take Disulfiram every morning. If i have a drink i will vomit, have diarrhea, heart palpitations, start sweating, etc... I take that every morning to ensure i wont drink. It takes 5 days to get out your system too so thats a plus


All Star
May 25, 2012
N they finally gave me my medication I been asking for.
I ain't sipping shyt no more n I'm actually getting hella shyt done now. I'm a lazy drunk.:yeshrug:

mannnnn i drink and lay down, nothing get acomplished, now im achieving so much people hitting me with the "man u changed since u stopped drinking"....i dont wanna say MFs hating but :sas2: