Look I'm a straight drank-a-holic and I'm sipping my last drink as we speak.


Automatic Ultra Reflex
Aug 1, 2015
New Yawk where I’m from / Bahston where I’m at
Just curious, before you guys went sober what was the extent of your drinking habits? Hearing and seeing success stories especially if your drinking habits were bad, is motivation for me. I used to drink a 6-pack every day like 2 years ago but eventually tapered. I still drink a 6-pack (usually 7% or higher; IPA drinker) on the weekends but even with that, I feel like it’s too much. It’s just hard imagining never drinking again is all, especially since I’m so used to it.

2-3 drinks 2-3 times a week.


May 21, 2012
Just curious, before you guys went sober what was the extent of your drinking habits? Hearing and seeing success stories especially if your drinking habits were bad, is motivation for me. I used to drink a 6-pack every day like 2 years ago but eventually tapered. I still drink a 6-pack (usually 7% or higher; IPA drinker) on the weekends but even with that, I feel like it’s too much. It’s just hard imagining never drinking again is all, especially since I’m so used to it.
Started getting bad when it was a 6-pack every night. That turned into a a 6-pack of tall cans every night. Then I started drinking hard liquor in the morning to cure hangovers quickly. That led to drinking a 5th every day. Then I started mixing in sleeping pills (ambien). I'd take like two 10mg ambiens through the day and still drink a full 5th. I was blacking out every day. I couldn't remember what happened the day before. shyt was getting very bad. I was even driving my car all fukked up (:snoop:). If I didn't drink, I would shake very bad. I had to have alcohol in my system to function. Looking back, I'm not sure how I let it get that bad. :huhldup:


Automatic Ultra Reflex
Aug 1, 2015
New Yawk where I’m from / Bahston where I’m at
"Hey what's up? Can I get a glass of sparkling apple cider and a O'Douls please? Thanks baby"


“I’ll take a stale ass seltzer and throw a smushed up lime in that bytch. Definitely in a pint glass with a regular straw not a down glass so people know it’s seltzer.”


All Star
May 20, 2012
Just curious, before you guys went sober what was the extent of your drinking habits? Hearing and seeing success stories especially if your drinking habits were bad, is motivation for me. I used to drink a 6-pack every day like 2 years ago but eventually tapered. I still drink a 6-pack (usually 7% or higher; IPA drinker) on the weekends but even with that, I feel like it’s too much. It’s just hard imagining never drinking again is all, especially since I’m so used to it.

Man I was getting fukked up every day and the weekend was some shyt.
...I drank till I literally fell out..like at the bar in the street or wherever the fukk I was...I had security waking my ass up in the bathroom cuz I was passed out on the floor...shyt wasn't right with me ..had police waking me up in the street...woke up in the hospital a few times...I was on some sorta self destructive mission


motorboat extraordinaire
May 1, 2012
somewhere between a pair of D cup tiddies
If I didn't drink, I would shake very bad. I had to have alcohol in my system to function. Looking back, I'm not sure how I let it get that bad. :huhldup:
Man I was replacing the kitchen floor in the county jail and could only work from 4PM-till whenever. During my PEAK alcoholism:merchant:
First off-I'm legally drunk easy without having a drink just from the night before. Even at 4PM just arriving.
Second-4PM is usually when I start drinking. Like clockwork. So I'm headin in with my tank on E :damn:
Third-I gotta sign in every time when I show up :bryan:
I'm shakin like a mug just tryin to sign my name every day:mjcry:
Got my boss over my shoulder (who knew I had a problem and we spoke about it often) watching me try to write and CO glaring right through me amplifying the anxiety :snoop:
Cold sweats, empty stomach, cops all around me, couldn't wait to get out of there. I always cut out early because I was suffering so bad.
And I was the only one who could do the job because I was the only one who could pass a background check :francis:
Extreme anxiety is expected.
That shyt was on another level.

I ended up getting sober shortly after that for some time (returned to drinking again and it escalated much worse) but those were some of the worst days of my life:mjcry:

As far as your last sentence @Ciggavelli - we get there before we realize it with no rhyme or reason (I'm sure you share the same sentiment) :sadcam:
Last edited:

King Eros

Gold Blooded 🏆🏆🏆🏆
Dec 13, 2016
July 21 2018 was my last drink, weed even longer. This. Shyt. The. WOAT. People say throw your life into work, working out, hobbies but cotdamn...my entire life a homework assignment.

Interacting with anyone socially a chore. So how do brehs do it? How do you socialize without alcohol?
Do you consider yourself an addict/alcoholic? Why did you quit?

I'm not sure how being social is a chore, unless you feel triggered to drink when you are around others who do. In that case, I understand.

I ain't "in the game" no more. I'm married with kids. So I can't speak on the meeting women while sober situation.

But I do still hang out with my fellas, family, and other social engagements. I have just as much fun (honestly more) than I ever did, I just don't drink. And I wake up fresh and remember everything the next day.

Congrats on your sobriety tho.

The next step is to get your ass on purpose and live your best life. Women and the social aspect of life should be a natural outcome of "doing you", not a goal by itself. Life ain't just going to come to you now that you're sober. You gotta go get that bytch!

King Eros

Gold Blooded 🏆🏆🏆🏆
Dec 13, 2016
Congrats breh :salute:

I'm at 1.5 years of complete sobriety. shyt really is like night and day. I'm so much clear minded and can focus so fukking well. I am killing it at work, finishing things ahead of time, creating very high quality reports, etc. I wasn't bad at work before, but I was at like 50% when drinking/using, but now I'm at like 115%.

Though, I always have to remember I'm in recovery and that it will be hard at times. It is hard at times, especially when you go out with friends/co-workers and can't partake. Also, about once a week, I dream about drinking. shyt's kinda fukking me up, but I guess it just goes to show that addiction is still affecting my sub-conscious. They say you never stop being an alcoholic; you are either is recovery or in your addiction. I guess that's true. I always put my year chip in my pocket every morning to remind myself of how far I have come.
Those dreams sound deep...

Maybe they serve as a reminder to stay on your game. So many fall off and relapse when everything is going well for a while. They catch the "I got this" bug...have one glass of sangria, then the monster overtakes them again. One glass of wine turns into one bottle. One bottle turns to two. Wine turns to vodka. 3 months later, back in rehab after a hospital stint. (TRUE STORY of one of my group members)

Salute right back atcha! 1.5 years ain't no joke!

King Eros

Gold Blooded 🏆🏆🏆🏆
Dec 13, 2016
Just curious, before you guys went sober what was the extent of your drinking habits? Hearing and seeing success stories especially if your drinking habits were bad, is motivation for me. I used to drink a 6-pack every day like 2 years ago but eventually tapered. I still drink a 6-pack (usually 7% or higher; IPA drinker) on the weekends but even with that, I feel like it’s too much. It’s just hard imagining never drinking again is all, especially since I’m so used to it.
My drinking was almost exactly like yours. Had the same "it's impossible" thoughts about quitting for life. Peep my earlier posts in this thread. I pretty much laid it out there.

Btw, you don't quit for life when you go sober...you just don't drink TODAY. Then you do it again the next day. Then again the next day.

On your deathbed, you'll look back and realized you quit for life (double meaning).


King Eros

Gold Blooded 🏆🏆🏆🏆
Dec 13, 2016
My problem was progressive. I didn't start drinking until my college years. I got drunk on Thursdays and Saturdays (those were the best days where it was poppin). Then as I got older I would start drinking more than those two days a week. There were events, after work socials, etc - all of which usually involved booze. Fast forward to when you settle down and stay home and have kids - that was where things started to get tricky. I was a first time home owner, feeling good about myself - and started turning up more for some reason. My son was small and my wife did the lions share of the work. I pretty much went phuckin crazy drinking everyday. I don't need to get into specifics, but I was very destructive to myself during that time.

Only now after 5-6 years after I am understanding how if I kept it going on that same direction it would be bad. I know its hard being a father of 2, a husband, having to provide for your children with the best opportunities you can provide them. THAT AINT NO EXCUSE! I think that is why some of us drink - the pressure of life is a muthaphucka, especially if you want to do the right thing.

After all the bullshyt, its never over if you want to make changes. I don't care how old/young you are when you are ready do it.
Alcoholism IS a progressive disease. It's scientifically proven.

Too much info to put here, I'll probably start a sobriety & recovery thread soon and break this shyt all the way down.

Good post breh, I feel u. Thanks for sharing.


Automatic Ultra Reflex
Aug 1, 2015
New Yawk where I’m from / Bahston where I’m at
Do you consider yourself an addict/alcoholic? Why did you quit?

I'm not sure how being social is a chore, unless you feel triggered to drink when you are around others who do. In that case, I understand.

I ain't "in the game" no more. I'm married with kids. So I can't speak on the meeting women while sober situation.

But I do still hang out with my fellas, family, and other social engagements. I have just as much fun (honestly more) than I ever did, I just don't drink. And I wake up fresh and remember everything the next day.

Congrats on your sobriety tho.

The next step is to get your ass on purpose and live your best life. Women and the social aspect of life should be a natural outcome of "doing you", not a goal by itself. Life ain't just going to come to you now that you're sober. You gotta go get that bytch!

Without getting into too much, I stopped because of stipulations coming from work. Trying to embrace it without being bitter is hard. As to the bolded, haven’t learned how to do that in this capacity, but good perspective to consider. Salute breh. :salute:


All Star
Aug 24, 2017
My drinking was almost exactly like yours. Had the same "it's impossible" thoughts about quitting for life. Peep my earlier posts in this thread. I pretty much laid it out there.

Btw, you don't quit for life when you go sober...you just don't drink TODAY. Then you do it again the next day. Then again the next day.

On your deathbed, you'll look back and realized you quit for life (double meaning).


That's deep - repped.