Look I'm a straight drank-a-holic and I'm sipping my last drink as we speak.


All Star
Jun 5, 2015
Good luck to you

As your process goes with that medicine can you expand on how it makes you feel, why it doesn’t wanna make you drink

And how it goes as time goes on

I’m very curious and let’s just say I need to fix my shyt

It's called Naltrexone and I'm taking it too. It works by attaching to the alcohol receptors so you don't get the same high you usually do when you drink. It really works too. I was drinking 2-3 bottles of wine per day and the first day I took the medicine, I took a couple sips of wine and just wasn't interested in finishing it. I ended up pouring it out. I don't know how it works but it makes alcohol seem nasty while you are on it. Very hard to explain the feeling. The only side effect for me is that it makes me drowsy.


Jun 7, 2012
It's called Naltrexone and I'm taking it too. It works by attaching to the alcohol receptors so you don't get the same high you usually do when you drink. It really works too. I was drinking 2-3 bottles of wine per day and the first day I took the medicine, I took a couple sips of wine and just wasn't interested in finishing it. I ended up pouring it out. I don't know how it works but it makes alcohol seem nasty while you are on it. Very hard to explain the feeling. The only side effect for me is that it makes me drowsy.


I still drink beer like a freshman in college. That itch is no joke

Good for you man

Robo Squirrel

CEO @ Squirrel Burger: Fish & Chips
Jul 20, 2013
San Francisco, CA

I caught this thread on my 5th beer and out of respect for y'all and y'all struggles, I'm gonna go take a piss, put the 6th in the fridge and just cap off my night with a joint.




All Star
Jun 5, 2015
This is one of the incidents that has made me aware of the amount of mental gymnastics we play to convince ourselves it's not so bad in regards to other signs that are there. I actually had a long hard think about the number of relatives that have individually told me to cut back or quit over the last few years and i would get defensive and had convinced my self everyone else was wrong and i was right.

I read a few of your posts and I can tell you are reaching out for help. I wish I could be a bigger help but I can't because I'm in the same boat as you. I have 2 boys that are 11 and 7. I don't think they know I drink a lot since I hide it from them and I hide it from my wife. She doesn't want me to drink so I stash bottles around and drink when everyone is asleep. I keep drinks in the garage and sneak sips in when I get in there. I realize that with every drink I take, I'm stealing time away from my kids. My pops drank and smoked all his life and died in his 50s of lung cancer. I've been drinking almost everyday for the past 5 years and I know that at this rate, I won't live to see my grandkids. I mentioned the Naltrexone in my previous post but to be truthful, I stopped taking it. I'm just too addicted to the temporary high that I get from alcohol. My sons are so used to me passing out early but they don't know I'm drunk. They are surprised when I'm up past 10pm and my youngest actually comments on it and say "Wow dad we can play some games since you aren't sleep". I don't know how we can do it but we need to start some sort of support group where we can hold each other accountable. We all made it to this forum for different reasons so at least we have one thing in common. I want all my brothers and sisters to be able to live to see their grandkids. It's funny because I work as a firefighter so I regularly see people that have liver cirrhosis or are dying from alcohol drug abuse. You would think that would be enough to get me to stop but I'm still drinking. I honestly don't know what to do.

Robo Squirrel

CEO @ Squirrel Burger: Fish & Chips
Jul 20, 2013
San Francisco, CA
I read a few of your posts and I can tell you are reaching out for help. I wish I could be a bigger help but I can't because I'm in the same boat as you. I have 2 boys that are 11 and 7. I don't think they know I drink a lot since I hide it from them and I hide it from my wife. She doesn't want me to drink so I stash bottles around and drink when everyone is asleep. I keep drinks in the garage and sneak sips in when I get in there. I realize that with every drink I take, I'm stealing time away from my kids. My pops drank and smoked all his life and died in his 50s of lung cancer. I've been drinking almost everyday for the past 5 years and I know that at this rate, I won't live to see my grandkids. I mentioned the Naltrexone in my previous post but to be truthful, I stopped taking it. I'm just too addicted to the temporary high that I get from alcohol. My sons are so used to me passing out early but they don't know I'm drunk. They are surprised when I'm up past 10pm and my youngest actually comments on it and say "Wow dad we can play some games since you aren't sleep". I don't know how we can do it but we need to start some sort of support group where we can hold each other accountable. We all made it to this forum for different reasons so at least we have one thing in common. I want all my brothers and sisters to be able to live to see their grandkids. It's funny because I work as a firefighter so I regularly see people that have liver cirrhosis or are dying from alcohol drug abuse. You would think that would be enough to get me to stop but I'm still drinking. I honestly don't know what to do.
So you know about Naltrexone.
I just got my prescription and I can't wait till my doctor clears me. I've been sober since I tried to drink myself to death last week and went to the hospital. Got patched up and all of that. I don't plan on drinking anymore and the Naltrexone is just the icing on the cake to me. Feels like a big push to finally crush this alcoholic lifestyle.



All Star
May 7, 2012
Thing is with me is if I take a sip, I cant stop until I'm at a blackout....
THIS!!!! if i drink on a work night there's at least a 30% chance i won't be making it in the next day. I don't remember the last time where i had a few drinks and called it a night, and I'm talking back years.
My bad breh I misspoke. :snoop: The doctor gave it to me but I can't take it yet until my original doctor takes blood tests first. I guess to see if it will kill me or not on the 3rd. The success stories we're from my doctor and my nurse which was a dude. But he was cool as fux wit me n he told me that he has patients who were doing worse than me who want to throw up at the site of alcohol after taking this medication. :ufdup:
Those were his words. They both guaranteed me that this medication will completely kill my craving or urges to drink or my next stay is free.:ufdup:

I'm straight now but I'll let you know what it's all about when I start on it.:yeshrug:
Is this something along the lines of an opiate receptor blocker ( i could have got those words completely wrong, just going off memory from years back). It basically blocks you from getting drunk. I tried half the dosage once and when you take a sip you get the real taste of liquor without the accompanying buzz :scust:.
All i could handle was 4-5 drinks of Jameson and it just generally made me drowsy with a very slight buzz which i assume is from taking half the dosage. It put me off from jameson for a long time tho and i didn't continue the pills as apparently you have to take them for life any time you ever wanna drink. I'll try find the video explaining them.


Naltraxone is the name of the pills if you wanna Google them instead of watching the whole video.

I can definitely see those working for someone with severe alcohol addiction.
It's harder for some of us brehs to commit to that, that drink less occasionally but can't limit it once we start as a lot of us try and convince ourselves that we can get it under control.

I made a quick list last night of all the issues alcohol is causing and came to the conclusion that i need to bite the bullet and abstain for at least 6 months to really try sort my drinking out before it catches up to me in a major way ( health, family, work, law). And I've already had incidents that regular folks would consider major in most or all of those category's. :francis:

Robo Squirrel

CEO @ Squirrel Burger: Fish & Chips
Jul 20, 2013
San Francisco, CA
I was a 1 sip can't quit drinker my whole life. Every job I lost was never because of my performance. It was ALWAYS because of alcohol. Damn I just admitted it to myself. I don't show up to work the next day case closed. :yeshrug:

I'm a recovering alcoholic. 1 week strong bytch!:ufdup:


All Star
May 20, 2012
I been drinking about 14 beers a day for the last 8 years straight :yeshrug:....on the weekends and when I go out to bars its
more than that :shaq2:

I'm in a relationship with a chick that if I didn't drink I would literally go crazy

Its my Friday so I got an uber bout to take me to the local bar right now :manny:

I don't have kids tho....I'm in a completely different boat then some other cats in here...hope everything works out for y'all and y'all families man.


All Star
May 7, 2012
I read a few of your posts and I can tell you are reaching out for help. I wish I could be a bigger help but I can't because I'm in the same boat as you. I have 2 boys that are 11 and 7. I don't think they know I drink a lot since I hide it from them and I hide it from my wife. She doesn't want me to drink so I stash bottles around and drink when everyone is asleep. I keep drinks in the garage and sneak sips in when I get in there. I realize that with every drink I take, I'm stealing time away from my kids. My pops drank and smoked all his life and died in his 50s of lung cancer. I've been drinking almost everyday for the past 5 years and I know that at this rate, I won't live to see my grandkids. I mentioned the Naltrexone in my previous post but to be truthful, I stopped taking it. I'm just too addicted to the temporary high that I get from alcohol. My sons are so used to me passing out early but they don't know I'm drunk. They are surprised when I'm up past 10pm and my youngest actually comments on it and say "Wow dad we can play some games since you aren't sleep". I don't know how we can do it but we need to start some sort of support group where we can hold each other accountable. We all made it to this forum for different reasons so at least we have one thing in common. I want all my brothers and sisters to be able to live to see their grandkids. It's funny because I work as a firefighter so I regularly see people that have liver cirrhosis or are dying from alcohol drug abuse. You would think that would be enough to get me to stop but I'm still drinking. I honestly don't know what to do.
Preciate it breh, sorry if i miss any points in your post as I'm sipping atm. You remind me more of my uncle in that he could drink every day and somewhat hide it. I have 2-3 drinks and people can usually tell I've been drinking. I can generally Hide it from my son but the more drinks i get in me the more sloppy i get about how careful i am with hiding it. My tolerance isn't the greatest. The only thing is, i drink maybe 2-4 times a week, but almost to the point of blackout every time.

And yep that's the exact same reason i didn't continue with the naltrexone. As when i researched it more it said you have to commit to it for life and i wasn't ready to give up that temporary high forever. I have had 2-3 month breaks in the past, couple years back but have really struggled in the last 2 years always caving in after a week or 2. I really wanna give it a proper go and actually aim for 6 months, cause it's been 12+ years of me drinking excessively with a lot of blurred memories.


All Star
Jun 5, 2015
So you know about Naltrexone.
I just got my prescription and I can't wait till my doctor clears me. I've been sober since I tried to drink myself to death last week and went to the hospital. Got patched up and all of that. I don't plan on drinking anymore and the Naltrexone is just the icing on the cake to me. Feels like a big push to finally crush this alcoholic lifestyle.


Sounds like you are already on a good path too quit. Good luck!


All Star
Jun 5, 2015
Preciate it breh, sorry if i miss any points in your post as I'm sipping atm. You remind me more of my uncle in that he could drink every day and somewhat hide it. I have 2-3 drinks and people can usually tell I've been drinking. I can generally Hide it from my son but the more drinks i get in me the more sloppy i get about how careful i am with hiding it. My tolerance isn't the greatest. The only thing is, i drink maybe 2-4 times a week, but almost to the point of blackout every time.

And yep that's the exact same reason i didn't continue with the naltrexone. As when i researched it more it said you have to commit to it for life and i wasn't ready to give up that temporary high forever. I have had 2-3 month breaks in the past, couple years back but have really struggled in the last 2 years always caving in after a week or 2. I really wanna give it a proper go and actually aim for 6 months, cause it's been 12+ years of me drinking excessively with a lot of blurred memories.

Yep that's me. I drink so much that it's not normal for me to be sober. It's going to catch up with us one day. I'm going to give the Naltrexone another go and see if I can cut down on the drinking. The goal for me is to just drink casually, maybe 2-3 times per month.


All Star
May 22, 2012
I read a few of your posts and I can tell you are reaching out for help. I wish I could be a bigger help but I can't because I'm in the same boat as you. I have 2 boys that are 11 and 7. I don't think they know I drink a lot since I hide it from them and I hide it from my wife. She doesn't want me to drink so I stash bottles around and drink when everyone is asleep. I keep drinks in the garage and sneak sips in when I get in there. I realize that with every drink I take, I'm stealing time away from my kids. My pops drank and smoked all his life and died in his 50s of lung cancer. I've been drinking almost everyday for the past 5 years and I know that at this rate, I won't live to see my grandkids. I mentioned the Naltrexone in my previous post but to be truthful, I stopped taking it. I'm just too addicted to the temporary high that I get from alcohol. My sons are so used to me passing out early but they don't know I'm drunk. They are surprised when I'm up past 10pm and my youngest actually comments on it and say "Wow dad we can play some games since you aren't sleep". I don't know how we can do it but we need to start some sort of support group where we can hold each other accountable. We all made it to this forum for different reasons so at least we have one thing in common. I want all my brothers and sisters to be able to live to see their grandkids. It's funny because I work as a firefighter so I regularly see people that have liver cirrhosis or are dying from alcohol drug abuse. You would think that would be enough to get me to stop but I'm still drinking. I honestly don't know what to do.

Read the book “The Power of Habit”
It might give you new perspective on how to address your addiction.

Trigger -> Routine -> Reward

Find the trigger, change the routine (drinking), keep the reward. Change the habit