Look At @Strawberry Y'all, The Coli's New Favorite PAWG (nvm, that ain't no pawg)

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Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
Im reacting you y'all try and shyt on Jamaican culture when you know Jamaican culture is ten times what American culture is..

Even a Jamaican started hip hop in NYC, and I bet 90% of you coli fakkits don't even know that.. Yall been reduced to twerking and fried chicken..

No you're not, you're reacting to us clowning this goofy looking white bytch.

And no I don't know that Jamaican culture is "ten times that of American culture". You know why? Because I could post a long list of black African American inventors male and female who are responsible for a lot of the things we take for granted today. I can't do the same for Jamaicans. Because guess what, these inventions, these struggles without having our civil rights, ARE OUR CULTURE you fukking cac POS.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Ya mon! Queen Ra is cool and she bigged me up too!

Work hard, save up $$, sublet your apartment and do it. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it!

:yeshrug:I'm just speaking from my experience, no need to get vexxed.
Everywhere I went I heard Jamaicans calling out to people with dreads as Rasta. It wasn't a joke thing, it was used as a way to address someone. I didn't make it out to Kingston or to the east side so maybe they don't address people like that over there...but in the west it is very common for a dread to be addressed as "Rasta"

That's different, they're fukking those women for $$ or some other exchange that is mutually beneficial and this is no secret :comeon:

There's a couple chicks on here who seem cool but for sure a lot of girls on the Coli turned on me the second they found out I was white.

Some of them also hate me because they're virgins and I am sexually free :russ:

Honestly it's pretty clear that many of the Coli chicks are jealous & hating on me and dissing me cuz I'm this random white girl who came out of the clear blue sky & suddenly had not one but TWO featured threads with 1000's of views in two days :russ: I have no idea how that happened and did not expect to blow up the Coli like that..blew up my Vine account too...last night I got a notification saying my combined loops surpassed 25,000 views! :russ::russ::russ: I think one of my Vines got 5,000 loops yesterday which is jokes cuz a lot of people on the Coli are dissing me and saying I'm stupid/ugly rey rey rey yet they can't stop watchin my Vines :laff:
The #'s don't lie yo!
Honestly there is no such thing as bad publicity and I appreciate this overload of attention whether it is good or bad.

Can't impress everyone. But it's cool cuz the a$$holes are weeding themselves out for me and the gems are shining so bright. I don't like negative people/energy and keep people with positive energy close to me, so in a roundabout way this has helped me do just that.

Now I know who the good/chill/cool/fun ones on the Coli are! :lolbron: I see you! ❤️

Pfffft, you don't look like anything special yourself :huhldup::scust:Gwey!

:patrice:Well you never actually seen my ass...

:lolbron: I see you! Come to Montreal and party with me!

:comeon: I never said ALL people in Jamaica are poor so stop trying to put words in my mouth. I said many people live in poverty which is TRUE and you know it otherwise you wouldn't be sending barrels to Jamaica, duh!

I also never said the money I spend over there is going to change anything overnight but to be spending money there for 3.5 months is still a contribution to their economy regardless of how small.

I heard that in JA it's not uncommon to work a f/t job and only make $50 US/week. It sucks, I hate that. They work fukkin hard and I think everyone should be paid a decent wage. This shyt breaks my heart.

By the way Jamaica imports more than it exports, which is another problem with their economy. And the corruption is not helping at all.

I'm actually trying to work with a company in the US that makes bamboo stash jars and I'm trying to encourage them to source their bamboo from Jamaica instead of China. I would love the opportunity to help encourage the export of bamboo from Jamaica which would have a positive impact on their economy as well as create jobs.

Oh and I don't see how immersing myself in Jamaican culture, living, laughing, eating, drinking and generally sharing my life and precious moments with Jamaicans is like going to the zoo?

Nice try though.

Pretty sure they're just clowning me cuz I'm white :yeshrug:
Joke's on them though cuz they can't break my spirit no matter how hard they try :russ::snooze:


hmm top of the line beckies have canoodled and cavorted with me and tought I was special

ugly ass bottom barrel becky doesn't

wow that hurts :to:

eff outta here :scust:

Made Myself A Boss

Sep 8, 2014
dMv/ JA
(AllHipHop News) There has been a lot of fanfare over the past week in celebration of what has been reported as the 40th anniversary of the birth of Hip Hop.

DJ Kool Herc is one originator that has become almost synonymous with the creation of the culture, but Quadeer “M.C. Spice” Shakur of the Universal Zulu Nation released a statement announcing that Hip Hop did not begin with Herc’s famous party at 1520 Sedgewick Avenue in the Bronx on August 11, 1973.

According to Shakur, Herc is a founding father of Hip-Hop, but he has been misrepresenting his role in the founding of Hip Hop on various news outlets.

The Zulu Nation Minister of Information also states that Kool Herc has asked his name not be included in any Zulu Nation Hip Hop Culture anniversary flyers several of years ago.

Herc is our brother, but when our family strays from us, we must first forgive them for mistakes, but let them know of their wrongdoings, and of course, welcome them back with open arms. We could go on forever about how many artists who are heavily a part of, or were a part of the Universal Zulu Nation, know and understand how serious this is. By no means should ANY of us attempt to change the course of history and flip it for a dollar or for accolades from an industry of Culture Vultures called “the media”, when we have known and still do know that many in the media want the false, doctored-up UN-truths, not the REAL truth. Especially when it comes to Hip-Hop. What is further disturbing is the falsehood that Kool Herc failed to respect the TRUE first ladies of Hip-Hop: ShaRock, Lisa Lee, Debbie Dee, Queen Amber. The women who were there ON THE MIC representing this Culture. Kool Herc went as far as saying his SISTER is the “first lady of Hip-Hop”. Kool Herc’s sister is also his marketing rep, and is part of promoting the falsehood that she (Cindy) is the “First Lady” of Hip-Hop. That’s NOT TRUE.

Kool Herc, aka Clive Campbell DID NOT BIRTH HIP-HOP CULTURE 40 YEARS AGO ON AUGUST 11, 1973. In fact, Kool Herc only did a Back To School JAM in the recreation room at 1520 Sedgewick Avenue in the Bronx. No emcees were present, no “Hip-Hop” was present (a term heavily used by LoveBug Starski and Keith Cowboy), and the Zulu Nation was already in effect. THIS is the reason for this message. Please get a pen and write this down, or go stand near the chalkboard and write this one hundred times to make SURE you remember: HIP-HOP CULTURE IS 39 YEARS OLD…ZULU NATION IS 40 YEARS OLD.

Some may say there’s no difference, and it’s only a year. But truth is, Kool Herc appears to be working with outside forces to overstep and outshine what is taking place THIS November 12th: The 40th Anniversary of the Universal Zulu Nation. Do you know how big that really is? How dangerous that really is? That so many brothers and sisters of the same accord have been together THIS strong for THIS long?

To be forthcoming about the FACTS concerning this message, we MUST inform those who are a part of this Culture that Universal Zulu Nation does NOT condone falsehoods with respects to this Culture of ours. Kool Herc may have done PARTIES, but a PARTY does NOT represent a MOVEMENT. Nor does a PARTY CREATE a movement. But the CULTURE of Hip-Hop CREATED a MOVEMENT and REPRESENTS a movement. Zulu represents and always WILL represent the four spiritual PRINCIPLES of The Culture: Peace, Unity, Love and Having Fun. We also promoted and rocked parties UTILIZING the five physical ELEMENTS of the Culture: Deejaying, Graffitti, Breakdancing, Emceeing and KNOWLEDGE. I would hope that Herc would adhere to the KNOWLEDGE of our Culture and refrain form the misrepresentation and falsehoods. This message is to inform you that there is NO TRUTH to what you have been hearing about Kool Herc and Hip-Hop having a 40th anniversary. Maybe Kool HERC was deejaying for 40 years. Maybe so. But Kool Herc has nothing to do with the TERM “Hip-Hop”. It was a Culture he was INVITED to once our founder Afrika Bambaataa FOUNDED the Culture USING the term. That said, I would venture to say that perhaps Kool Herc’s SOUND system , “The Herculords” is 40 years old, but not Hip-Hop. Give it another year, Herc. And give it a rest. We love you, but we MUST correct you, brother. Happy 39th birthday, Hip-Hop. Happy 40th Birthday, Zulu Nation.

Lol The propaganda has started

."ALLhiphop" is tryna rewrite history ... :mjlol:

Its already in the encyclopedias

Kool Herc Started hip hop in NYC.. And he's Jamaican

and Dj'ing was invented in Jamaica.. Thats a fact Jack:ufdup:

Made Myself A Boss

Sep 8, 2014
dMv/ JA
No you're not, you're reacting to us clowning this goofy looking white bytch.

And no I don't know that Jamaican culture is "ten times that of American culture". You know why? Because I could post a long list of black African American inventors male and female who are responsible for a lot of the things we take for granted today. I can't do the same for Jamaicans. Because guess what, these inventions, these struggles without having our civil rights, ARE OUR CULTURE you fukking cac POS.

Ok.. But invetning something for the use of ALL people is not culture breh.. Just saying..

Thats like saying a white man invented a car so cars are apart of white culture" :ohlawd:

Learn the definitions of words before you use them


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
Ok.. But invetning something for the use of ALL people is not culture breh.. Just saying..

Thats like saying a white man invented a car so cars are apart of white culture" :ohlawd:

Learn the definitions of words before you use them

Black people inventing things when we were considered 3rd class citizens and openly treated as such, yes that's part of our culture. That's perseverance, and indicative of our intelligence under pressure. It's hard trying to invent some shyt during the best of times, but it has to be harder when you're treated like shyt and have that weight on your shoulders. And it was invented "for all to use" because your people steal everything from us. Inventions, music, food, recipes, resources, people, you name it.

Don't tell me to learn shyt, because you clearly don't know shyt about black culture by referring to it as "trash, fried chicken and twerking". Your cac arrogance is astounding, even when you're in the wrong, but no surprise here.

Learn about the culture you're trying to shyt on before doing so.


Transitioning from Sec 8 to tha Sky scrapes
Dec 18, 2014
The Bronx
:comeon: I never said ALL people in Jamaica are poor so stop trying to put words in my mouth. I said many people live in poverty which is TRUE and you know it otherwise you wouldn't be sending barrels to Jamaica, duh!

I also never said the money I spend over there is going to change anything overnight but to be spending money there for 3.5 months is still a contribution to their economy regardless of how small.

I heard that in JA it's not uncommon to work a f/t job and only make $50 US/week. It sucks, I hate that. They work fukkin hard and I think everyone should be paid a decent wage. This shyt breaks my heart.

By the way Jamaica imports more than it exports, which is another problem with their economy. And the corruption is not helping at all.

I'm actually trying to work with a company in the US that makes bamboo stash jars and I'm trying to encourage them to source their bamboo from Jamaica instead of China. I would love the opportunity to help encourage the export of bamboo from Jamaica which would have a positive impact on their economy as well as create jobs.

Oh and I don't see how immersing myself in Jamaican culture, living, laughing, eating, drinking and generally sharing my life and precious moments with Jamaicans is like going to the zoo?

Nice try though.


There's poor people in every country that get stuff donated to them even right here in USA so chill with that and you tried to call Jamaica a third world country which is automatically assuming the vast majority of people in Jamaica is poor & without resources when it isn't & where did you hear that 50$ a week in Jamaica is common ? It might occur but it isn't common so here you go again spewing inaccurate bullshyt . Like I said I ain't trying to hinder you from doing what you do but I don't respect it because you come off as if you perceive everyone in the country as inferior just off the strength of your earlier comments , but I will commend you for the bamboo idea though ..

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015

Please don't use the N word on this site anymore.. Its a big no no

There @stirfry220


I want to hear her reasoning.

Made Myself A Boss

Sep 8, 2014
dMv/ JA
You're extremely insecure
I dont care enough about the girl to hate but your defense is realy ignorant.

I just shytted on everybody and they disappeared.. Sorry jack, but you missed out

Dont try and come here in the end and save face. I defend and win an argument and Im "insecure" ..

If dont say nothing and Im "a punk"

You Americans just love to hate, and its as simple as that
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