Brown Ant
5 White Women and 1 Hispanic Women. Forgive me if I'm not shocked they overlooked a teenage black male dying with no gun on him. Zimmerman brought a Gun to a fist fight and got off. Now that I think about. Thank God Trayvon got to whip his a$$ before this Coward shot him with Deadly Force. It ain't over, Obama and Holder will probably get Zimmerman with Civil Rights charges. It's clear he racially Profiled Trayvon. Just cause the dumbass Prosecution wanted to deny race doesn't mean it didn't happen. He clearly said "c00n" on the tape and say "They always get away". Clearly he profiled Trayvon. Anyways New York came out heavy for the Trayvon protest:
Justice Department To Review George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin Case
Wasn't it Trayvon who made it a race thing. Saying a 'creepy ass cracker' was behind him?