Roderick Scott is a black male who shot and killed a white 17 year old in what he claimed was self-defense. He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.
Another similar shooting occurred where a black man shot a white man at a Taco Bell drive-through in what he claimed was self-defense. He was not arrested until months later when the investigators found enough evidence to charge him.
Your claim is fueled by nothing more than emotion, and its severely lacking in common sense.
George Zimmerman was found not guilty because the state failed to prove their version of events, not because he was not black. That is just such a copout answer for people who simply refuse to see things for what they are. You just want things to be about race so you can hear yourselves complain. This case was very clearly not about race, and Zimmerman is about as far from a racist as you can get. You'd know that if you actually looked into his backstory, and what he's done for black kids, and what he did for a black homeless man who was beaten by police, when no one else, not even the NAACP, would step up to help him.
Did he not call TM a f*ckin' c00n in a recorded phone call?