Live video: George Zimmerman Trial - jury selection, trial, verdict, eye rolling

Dr Dre's ProductionSkills

Hutch, yella, Mel-man, Daz, Mike Elizondo
Jun 16, 2012
No. You are the one who is speculating. Why do you believe Zimmerman that he stopped following Martin? Why do you believe Zimmerman that it was Martin that started the confrontation? All the facts we know are 100% true don't support this view.

Zimmerman is on the phone saying he's the one following Martin. Rachel Jeantel confirmed this. Zimmerman also confirms it when he says "he running". Then he starts running after him. The dispatcher tells him to stop. He says OK. But how do we know he stopped?

You have a grown man with a loaded weapon vs. a 17 year old kid trying to get back home during a dark rainy night. You tell me which one is more likely? Trayvon stopped running, turned back around, and then started a fight with Zimmerman OR Zimmerman continued following Trayvon and started the confrontation because he wanted to be a cop and stop a black thug in his neighborhood?

I don't think its reasonable to believe that the kid running away from some stranger following him in the night would turn back around and start the confrontation. Its far more likely that what happened was what was already happening. Which is that the wannabe cop kept following Trayvon and started the confrontation.

i think martin went back and confronted zimmerman main reason being is im sure martin also took a look at zimmerman and said whats this guy gonna do to me...

17 yr old kid who knows he can handle zimmerman jus by lookin at him prob double backs and engages...

if zimmerman was some hood cat or if zimmerman was 220lb i dont think martin goes back and says whats up to that person..

ppl here want to act as if zimmerman shot martin exectuion style screamin the n word.... if anything zimmerman gets manslaugther and even thats a reach with the incompetent prosceution...

Dr Dre's ProductionSkills

Hutch, yella, Mel-man, Daz, Mike Elizondo
Jun 16, 2012
Fukk the people pretenfing Zimmerman is a fat harmless guy. This fukk had a gun to compensate. I hope the jury sees through that soft shyt. Zimmerman is not an innocent bystander getting beat down. Dude was the instigator and intimidator.

you honestly think zimmerman put any form of intimidation into martins heart??


Jun 2, 2013
Burnt SUVs, Swimming Pools, Dominican dimes and Al
Zimmerman is most likely going to be acquitted.

1.) The only eyewitness who was close enough to the fight to positively ID Trayvon and George Zimmerman with no doubt stated that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman with his arms in downward motions. He also stated that Zimmerman was the one yelling for help.

2.) Forensic evidence proved without doubt that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman when he was shot.

3.) Rachel Jeantele’s testimony proved that Trayvon initiated the confrontation by approaching Zimmerman. She couldn’t even say for sure who said ‘get off get off’.... She also stated that Trayvon was by his house after he’d ran from Zimmerman. Now if he were by his house, why would he have ended up back where he died unless he intentionally went back? That’s what Rachel said. Even so, I don’t know if I can believe even a word of what this woman said.

4.) Trayvon’s body was left in the rain for 3 hours before it was taken away. Plenty of time for DNA to have washed away in the rain.

5.) Trayvon Martin’s clothing was mishandled by being placed in a plastic bag. The ME stated that whoever would do something like that would be fired. Yet another way DNA could have been lost, but nonetheless, Zimmerman’s blood was still found on Trayvon’s clothing.

6.) Trayvon Martin had abrasions on his left hand, consistent with punching someone.

7.) The ME who stated that Zimmerman’s injuries were only consistent with one blow later admitted it could’ve been more than one, up to a dozen in fact. That was her testimony. She was clearly biased in favor of the prosecution since she seemed so intent on selling her opinion that the injuries were insignificant even when not asked.

8.) Trayvon Martin’s DNA nor prints were found on the gun? Great, yet another win of Zimmerman’s account because he only ever claimed that Trayvon reached for the gun, he never claimed to be sure that Trayvon had actually touched it or grabbed the gun.

9.) Every eyewitness who claimed to have seen Zimmerman on top of Trayvon later admitted that they couldn’t see shyt. One even admitted that she let the media influence her opinion of who the aggressor was.

10.) There are no blows to Trayvon’s body consistent with Zimmerman being the person on top.

11.) The prosecution has brought forth nothing that proves Zimmerman approached Trayvon.

12.) Zimmerman’s law professor confirmed what I’ve been saying all along. That one need not be in the brink of death before being able to defend oneself. The fact that Zimmerman’s injuries were insignificant is actually pretty irrelevant to the case legally. How is a person supposed to judge that he’s taken enough damage, that he’d then be okay to defend himself? John Good told Trayvon to stop, but he didn’t. Trayvon kept attacking Zimmerman and so Zimmerman defended himself. In fact, a person doesn’t need to have any injuries at all for lawful self defense to occur. The fact that he has any injuries at all further solidifies his story.

13.) The prosecution has failed to prove that Zimmerman acted with any malice or depraved mind.

14.) The prosecution has failed to show that Zimmerman was not acting in self defense.

15.) The prosecution has failed to show that Zimmerman actually continued following Trayvon after he was told not to.

16.) George Zimmerman knew the Stand Your Ground law as the Castle Doctrine when he took Captain Carter’s class, so when he said he hadn’t heard about Stand Your Ground, it was most likely not a lie. Stand Your Ground is really just a nickname for the law that didn’t get national attention until the Zimmerman case started receiving national attention.

17.) Sybrina Fulton’s testimony is not reliable at all. Yes, the FBI voice expert stated that a relative would be more likely to identify the voice in the recording, but he also stated that the best method for that type of identification would be on a solo basis. Meaning that only one person should listen to the recording at a time. When Sybrina listened to it for the first time, the room was full of people who all badly wanted it to be Trayvon. Even so, her testimony never should’ve been admitted as it was merely her own opinion. As a grieving mother, you have to believe as Mark O’mara stated, that she does not want to believe that Trayvon could’ve done anything to cause his own death. Unfortunately all the evidence shows otherwise.

18.) The lead investigator who actually wanted to try Zimmerman for manslaughter admitted that he believed Zimmerman’s story was true. So to did the other cop who interviewed him.

19.) At one point during his interview, Serino lied to George Zimmerman and told him that the entire incident was caught on tape. Zimmerman replied saying he was happy that it was recorded (not exact quote). Does that sound like someone with something to hide?

20.) Zimmerman’s story has stayed consistent throughout the many times that he’s told it. There were some minor inconsistencies (bushes or from the darkness blah blah blah) which the original investigators noticed, but passed off as insignificant. These, they said were the type of inconsistencies that you WOULD EXPECT to see. If a story was airtight and completely perfect in every way every single time that you told it, then there would be more reason to be suspicious than if it had minor inconsistencies over the many times you’ve told it.

21.) The ME who worked on Trayvon’s corpse first stated that Trayvon could not have moved after he was shot, then later admitted that he could move but didn’t know how much. Another one clearly biased in favor of the prosecution.

22.) Zimmerman was an MMA fighter? Well the person on the stand now said he never even stepped into the ring. He was no fighter...

You don’t have to take my word for it, view the evidence for yourself. Or if you want to hear it from the mouth of a Trayvon supporter, here ya go. From ABC News: George Zimmerman Probably Won't Be Convicted of Murder or Manslaughter -- Here's Why - ABC News

Now that I’ve seen the prosecution’s case, its clear why Zimmerman was not charged in the first place. There simply was nothing to disprove Zimmerman’s account and the only reason he was charged was because of the media lynching.

Just think of why the outrage began.

1.) The police just let Zimmie walk free without even an investigation (that's been proven wrong) There was a proper investigation and it concluded that there just was no evidence to charge with even manslaughter.

2.) George Zimmerman was an obese, racist white man with a very violent past (that's been proven wrong)

3.) Trayvon was a 13 year old saint who Zimmerman chased and shot down in cold blood (that's been proven wrong)

The media reported these things as if they were facts...

All the things that people were originally angry about were wrong. Had they known the facts, would this have blown up like this?

all this means nothing when the crowd you're speaking to are a bunch of angry emotional individuals who've already had their minds made up from the jump.

Dr Dre's ProductionSkills

Hutch, yella, Mel-man, Daz, Mike Elizondo
Jun 16, 2012
If George Zimmerman was black and TM was white i'm 99.9% sure he would be convicted.

better question is if both guys were black or if both guys wehre white based on the evidence how would ppl feel...

this aint a racial situation as much as it is generational (aka age wise)

if zimmerman was some middle aged black dude im sure ppl on this board would be callin him a c00n or sell out...


Jun 2, 2013
Burnt SUVs, Swimming Pools, Dominican dimes and Al
better question is if both guys were black or if both guys wehre white based on the evidence how would ppl feel...

this aint a racial situation as much as it is generational (aka age wise)

if zimmerman was some middle aged black dude im sure ppl on this board would be callin him a c00n or sell out...

if both were black or white absolutely no one would care.


BTW, Zimmerman isn't even white though, if he's white then so is Obama


Sep 28, 2012
better question is if both guys were black or if both guys wehre white based on the evidence how would ppl feel...

this aint a racial situation as much as it is generational (aka age wise)

if zimmerman was some middle aged black dude im sure ppl on this board would be callin him a c00n or sell out...

this is a case about race. if TM was white and zimmerman was still zimmerman they would bury him in court.
May 16, 2012
If George Zimmerman was black and TM was white i'm 99.9% sure he would be convicted.

:heh: forget a trial....the nikka would hanging from a tree breh

can u imagine a defense attorney actually trying to justify the killing of a 150 lb 17 year old white kid by an armed 200 lb. 28 year old black man as self-defense? :laff:

this case is all about racism.....if the races were reversed there would have been one day of hearings and then the nikka Zimmerman would be on death row
Oct 3, 2012
This is a race case. Zimmerman and his neighbors have said that multiple burglaries were committed by blacks in their subdivision. He would have never followed him if he was white because he would have no reason to believe that he was "up to no good".
May 16, 2012
you honestly think zimmerman put any form of intimidation into martins heart??

fyi people also get scared when a stranger follows them.......its not just you cacs that live in fear of crime......we also experience fear

a random man is following you in the middle of a rainy telling me who has more the fear......the dude getting followed or the guy doing the following?


May 3, 2012
If George Zimmerman was black and TM was white i'm 99.9% sure he would be convicted.



All Star
May 17, 2012
you honestly think zimmerman put any form of intimidation into martins heart??

Hell yeah. Let me guess, you think no way Trayvon should be scared of a resident and neighborhood watch, right. Well that's nice that you know those two pieces of info. Guess what though, Trayvon didn't. This ain't intimidation on some "ima kick you azz" shyt. It's intimidation on some "I won't reveal who I am, but ima spy on you, report you, follow you (in the dark) and get you into some shyt" type of shyt. Be real, reporting someone to the police = "protect my neighborhood" but it really = get someone in trouble.
May 16, 2012
This is a race case. Zimmerman and his neighbors have said that multiple burglaries were committed by blacks in their subdivision. He would have never followed him if he was white because he would have no reason to believe that he was "up to no good".

and that is how we get to ill will and a depraved mind

you had a dude who was racially biased and assumed every black teen is up to no good.....he follows this kid trying to get home.....confronts him trying to be a cop......Trayvon checks him.....prolly punching him a few times.....the fakkit with racial malice in his heart cause he thinks "these fukking punks always get away" pulls his gun out and shoots the kid

he then lies and creates some life or death struggle to justify killing the kid based on what he learned in that law class.....he then lies at every turn to cover his tracks

:pacspit: this dude Zimmerman is a psychopath and deserves life in prison


May 19, 2012
Zimmerman is most likely going to be acquitted.

1.) The only eyewitness who was close enough to the fight to positively ID Trayvon and George Zimmerman with no doubt stated that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman with his arms in downward motions. He also stated that Zimmerman was the one yelling for help.

What this have to do with Zimmerman approaching him?

2.) Forensic evidence proved without doubt that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman when he was shot.

What this have to do with Zimmerman approaching him? Furthermore, he shot him with intent to kill? Why not the arm? Leg? Ribs? Why dead in the chest?

3.) Rachel Jeantele’s testimony proved that Trayvon initiated the confrontation by approaching Zimmerman. She couldn’t even say for sure who said ‘get off get off’.... She also stated that Trayvon was by his house after he’d ran from Zimmerman. Now if he were by his house, why would he have ended up back where he died unless he intentionally went back? That’s what Rachel said. Even so, I don’t know if I can believe even a word of what this woman said.

Your kidding right? Trayvon initiated the confrontation? :beli: Why the f*ck was Zimmerman outside of his car playing Walker, Texas Ranger? Why didn't he just wait until the cops come? If you drive up on me, I see your car door open late night, we fightin', I don't know your f*ckin' intent.

4.) Trayvon’s body was left in the rain for 3 hours before it was taken away. Plenty of time for DNA to have washed away in the rain.

Did we miss something here? Did not GZ shoot him? DNA evidence is going to prove what? Trayvon resisted getting murked? I wish there was a reenactment shown so that the jury could see the effect of getting your head slammed into concrete.

5.) Trayvon Martin’s clothing was mishandled by being placed in a plastic bag. The ME stated that whoever would do something like that would be fired. Yet another way DNA could have been lost, but nonetheless, Zimmerman’s blood was still found on Trayvon’s clothing.

Why are you twisting the ME's statement. He clearly said it resembled all the homicides he's seen before.

6.) Trayvon Martin had abrasions on his left hand, consistent with punching someone.

More accurate would be someone defending himself? What this have to do with Zimmerman approaching him? Was he supposed to lay over and die

7.) The ME who stated that Zimmerman’s injuries were only consistent with one blow later admitted it could’ve been more than one, up to a dozen in fact. That was her testimony. She was clearly biased in favor of the prosecution since she seemed so intent on selling her opinion that the injuries were insignificant even when not asked.

His head got slammed on concrete multiple times, and yet he looks like fell over a few stairs?

GZ after head smashed on concrete

Real victims after head smashed on concrete


8.) Trayvon Martin’s DNA nor prints were found on the gun? Great, yet another win of Zimmerman’s account because he only ever claimed that Trayvon reached for the gun, he never claimed to be sure that Trayvon had actually touched it or grabbed the gun.

How is this relevant?

9.) Every eyewitness who claimed to have seen Zimmerman on top of Trayvon later admitted that they couldn’t see shyt. One even admitted that she let the media influence her opinion of who the aggressor was.

How is this relevant to the fact that GZ approached TM?

10.) There are no blows to Trayvon’s body consistent with Zimmerman being the person on top.

How is this relevant to TM being shot to death

11.) The prosecution has brought forth nothing that proves Zimmerman approached Trayvon.

Why was Zimmerman outside his car? Did TM open the car door and start beating him down? Wasn't TM on the f*ckin' phone talking about "creepy CAC following me?"

12.) Zimmerman’s law professor confirmed what I’ve been saying all along. That one need not be in the brink of death before being able to defend oneself. The fact that Zimmerman’s injuries were insignificant is actually pretty irrelevant to the case legally. How is a person supposed to judge that he’s taken enough damage, that he’d then be okay to defend himself? John Good told Trayvon to stop, but he didn’t. Trayvon kept attacking Zimmerman and so Zimmerman defended himself. In fact, a person doesn’t need to have any injuries at all for lawful self defense to occur. The fact that he has any injuries at all further solidifies his story.

This is all irrelevant because GZ approached TM, not the reverse.

13.) The prosecution has failed to prove that Zimmerman acted with any malice or depraved mind.

What does malice have to do with anything? Lady in another case in Florida shot her gun in the air and got 20 years

14.) The prosecution has failed to show that Zimmerman was not acting in self defense.

He was acting in self defense after approaching TM and supposedly getting that ass whooped. The self defense would have never been necessary had he followed the instructions of the police.

15.) The prosecution has failed to show that Zimmerman actually continued following Trayvon after he was told not to.

Did you hear the f*cking phone call? GZ admitted he was following him!

16.) George Zimmerman knew the Stand Your Ground law as the Castle Doctrine when he took Captain Carter’s class, so when he said he hadn’t heard about Stand Your Ground, it was most likely not a lie. Stand Your Ground is really just a nickname for the law that didn’t get national attention until the Zimmerman case started receiving national attention.


17.) Sybrina Fulton’s testimony is not reliable at all. Yes, the FBI voice expert stated that a relative would be more likely to identify the voice in the recording, but he also stated that the best method for that type of identification would be on a solo basis. Meaning that only one person should listen to the recording at a time. When Sybrina listened to it for the first time, the room was full of people who all badly wanted it to be Trayvon. Even so, her testimony never should’ve been admitted as it was merely her own opinion. As a grieving mother, you have to believe as Mark O’mara stated, that she does not want to believe that Trayvon could’ve done anything to cause his own death. Unfortunately all the evidence shows otherwise.


18.) The lead investigator who actually wanted to try Zimmerman for manslaughter admitted that he believed Zimmerman’s story was true. So to did the other cop who interviewed him.

How does this change the fact GZ got out his car armed to approach a stranger minding his own business

19.) At one point during his interview, Serino lied to George Zimmerman and told him that the entire incident was caught on tape. Zimmerman replied saying he was happy that it was recorded (not exact quote). Does that sound like someone with something to hide?


20.) Zimmerman’s story has stayed consistent throughout the many times that he’s told it. There were some minor inconsistencies (bushes or from the darkness blah blah blah) which the original investigators noticed, but passed off as insignificant. These, they said were the type of inconsistencies that you WOULD EXPECT to see. If a story was airtight and completely perfect in every way every single time that you told it, then there would be more reason to be suspicious than if it had minor inconsistencies over the many times you’ve told it.


21.) The ME who worked on Trayvon’s corpse first stated that Trayvon could not have moved after he was shot, then later admitted that he could move but didn’t know how much. Another one clearly biased in favor of the prosecution.


22.) Zimmerman was an MMA fighter? Well the person on the stand now said he never even stepped into the ring. He was no fighter...

:heh: He got dominated by a kid half his age and 40 pounds lighter at a time GZ was in much better shape

You don’t have to take my word for it, view the evidence for yourself. Or if you want to hear it from the mouth of a Trayvon supporter, here ya go. From ABC News: George Zimmerman Probably Won't Be Convicted of Murder or Manslaughter -- Here's Why - ABC News

Now that I’ve seen the prosecution’s case, its clear why Zimmerman was not charged in the first place. There simply was nothing to disprove Zimmerman’s account and the only reason he was charged was because of the media lynching.

Just think of why the outrage began.

All the things that people were originally angry about were wrong. Had they known the facts, would this have blown up like this?

You cannot run up on someone and claim self-defense. I'd really like to see a precedent for this. If you kill someone b/c you're getting your ass whooped over something you started, that's manslaughter at a minimum.