Live video: George Zimmerman Trial - jury selection, trial, verdict, eye rolling


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
right wingers love zimmerman. its disgusting. I work in the military and one of these cacs called martin a punk for walking between houses...really nikka?

Dank Hill

May 25, 2012
right wingers love zimmerman. its disgusting. I work in the military and one of these cacs called martin a punk for walking between houses...really nikka?

Its funny how those true feelings really come out huh.


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
:comeon: I don't know breh, there seems to be a lot of Zimmerman defending in these post. I mean you even went as far as calling a dead kid minding his own business a "stupid fukk" :comeon:

Saying the kid was inbetween houses to justify zimmermans actions and shyt, even tho that wasn't true.

" I agree it's a tragedy but stop acting like trayvon didn't do anything wrong and Zimmerman hunted down and killed him in cold blood. There were many factors that led to this and it wasn't all zimmermans fault. "

This quote stood out the most to me actually. How wasn't it all zimmermans fault? You just agreed with me that if Zimmerman didn't pull the actions he did, non of this wouldn't have happened.

You just agreed with me that as a concealed gun owner, he should be held accountable for his negligent actions that single handedly caused the death of someone's child

breh :comeon: i said it wasn't ALL zimmermans fault, it was still mostly his fault but MANY factors played into this.

i only said he was a stupid fukk before i knew all the facts and it looked like he was acting stupid from the shyt i read before the trial. i gave a bunch of hypotheticals like wouldn't you think somebody walking behind houses looks suspicious. When you guys said, that's not the case, did i argue that?

I'm just being objective and looking at it from both sides. While yall look at it purely everything pro-Martin. I never once supported Zimmerman, said that he was right or said he should go free.

All i've talked about is the shyt there is NO PROOF for, that yall magically think u know the answers to.

Just cuz I say WAIT A MINUTE, nobody knows this. What would u do if it was the other way? DOES NOT MEAN I SUPPORT ZIMMERMAN.

Why would I say this if i supported him:
That's if he gets convicted of murder rite? So if he doesn't does he get away free? :whoa:


Gleaming and Empty
May 11, 2012
Its funny how those true feelings really come out huh.

said he would have shot him too :ohhh:

shyt is sickening cuz as a young nikka I would walk between neighborhood cribs too...wasn't shyt. should I have gotten profiled and shot for it?

like Im far from racist my dudes like that...just makes me dislike white people greatly for moments.


May 2, 2012
lmao yeah I invented the behind the house thing it just came to me in a dream :comeon:

Stop tryin to tell me what I'm doing or what I'm thinking, im not declaring anything, that's wut y'all are doing. Not once have I said "this is what happened," again that's wut y'all are doing.

I'll get back to u on the rest cuz I don't have time for this now

breh :comeon: i said it wasn't ALL zimmermans fault, it was still mostly his fault but MANY factors played into this.

i only said he was a stupid fukk before i knew all the facts and it looked like he was acting stupid from the shyt i read before the trial. i gave a bunch of hypotheticals like wouldn't you think somebody walking behind houses looks suspicious. When you guys said, that's not the case, did i argue that?

I'm just being objective and looking at it from both sides. While yall look at it purely everything pro-Martin. I never once supported Zimmerman, said that he was right or said he should go free.

All i've talked about is the shyt there is NO PROOF for, that yall magically think u know the answers to.

Just cuz I say WAIT A MINUTE, nobody knows this. What would u do if it was the other way? DOES NOT MEAN I SUPPORT ZIMMERMAN.

Why would I say this if i supported him:
Actually you did try to defend that shyt before you realized you were wrong.

Again, there is no side to support, there is no pro Martin/ pro Zimmerman.

George Zimmerman is a citizen with a concealed weapons permit, and carried a gun on his person at all times. It's his responsibility to use his judgement on when and where to use deadly force, he was negligent and now a kid is dead.

Trayvon was walking to the store during half time to get a snack, it was raining so he had a hoody on. Non of this is suspicious behavior and non of it is illegal.
He did nothing wrong and got murdered for that, what side is there to take breh?

Trayvon did nothing wrong point blank period. How the fukk does that make someone pro trayvon?:wtf:
May 16, 2012
apparently the Latino juror is a black Latino with 9 kids... I'm sure one of her sons looks like Trayvon and she can relate to the aspect of just because a black kid embraces a hip hop attitude and dress style, still doesn't make him a criminal.... We can Atleast assume she won't be blinded by that...

you never know....she could be one of them self-hating black latinos who hate black folks even more than cacs

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
If Trayvon was walking behind houses, Zimmerman must have been driving behind houses.

All I know if someone gives you a dirty look or throw shade your way and walks in your direction, you might as well shoot first and ask questions last. Because the law is very unclear on aggressors who start shiit.


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
Actually you did try to defend that shyt before you realized you were wrong.

Again, there is no side to support, there is no pro Martin/ pro Zimmerman.

George Zimmerman is a citizen with a concealed weapons permit, and carried a gun on his person at all times. It's his responsibility to use his judgement on when and where to use deadly force, he was negligent and now a kid is dead.

Trayvon was walking to the store during half time to get a snack, it was raining so he had a hoody on. Non of this is suspicious behavior and non of it is illegal.
He did nothing wrong and got murdered for that, what side is there to take breh?

Trayvon did nothing wrong point blank period. How the fukk does that make someone pro trayvon?:wtf:

How the fukk was i defending it? yall are reaching so hard, its pathetic.
Once again, DID I ARGUE WHEN YALL SAID THAT IS NOT THE CASE? If not, i wasn't defending shyt, period.
All i did was put it out there that IF YOU see a guy walking behind houses, at night, in the rain, where there have bin lots of break ins lately. Wouldn't YOU think that person is suspicious?

i clearly said in your quote of me:
im not declaring anything, that's wut y'all are doing. Not once have I said "this is what happened," that's wut y'all are doing.
Now, I'm still asking the same hypothetical questions:

If you were being followed by a creepy old fukk and he chases after you. Wouldn't you throw?


If you had a gun and a stranger you thought was a criminal was beating on you. Would you let him beat on you not knowing how far he'll go, or would you use the gun?

You can see what might have led him to shoot, in that case. And it could of happened that way, nobody knows, but yall swear you do. I NEVER, EVER, said that he shouldn't be punished. Only that y'all are going too hard and not lookin at the possibility of this being a fukked up situation from the other guys point of view too. Even if Trayvon was talking shyt to him and jumped him in the bushes killing the kid is still excessive and should be punished.

It's not as simple as yall make it out to be and I was just trying to point that out. I'm not taking sides LIKE Y'ALL ARE DOING, i'm looking at the possibilities from BOTH POINTS OF VIEW. It's called being OBJECTIVE.


May 2, 2012
How the fukk was i defending it? yall are reaching so hard, its pathetic.
Once again, DID I ARGUE WHEN YALL SAID THAT IS NOT THE CASE? If not, i wasn't defending shyt, period.
All i did was put it out there that IF YOU see a guy walking behind houses, at night, in the rain, where there have bin lots of break ins lately. Wouldn't YOU think that person is suspicious?

i clearly said in your quote of me:

Now, I'm still asking the same hypothetical questions:

If you were being followed by a creepy old fukk and he chases after you. Wouldn't you throw?


If you had a gun and a stranger you thought was a criminal was beating on you. Would you let him beat on you not knowing how far he'll go, or would you use the gun?

You can see what might have led him to shoot, in that case. And it could of happened that way, nobody knows, but yall swear you do. I NEVER, EVER, said that he shouldn't be punished. Only that y'all are going too hard and not lookin at the possibility of this being a fukked up situation from the other guys point of view too.

It's not as simple as yall make it out to be and I was just trying to point that out. I'm not taking sides LIKE Y'ALL ARE DOING, i'm looking at the possibilities from BOTH POINTS OF VIEW. It's called being OBJECTIVE.

Ill answer your dumb ass questions breh.

If some crazy guy was following me then yeah id probably throw a blow.

Now if I was zimmerman, I would have kept my ass in my car and let the cops handle their job.

I would have went back to my car when the 911 officer told me not to follow the kid.

When face to face with the kid, id identify myself as neighborhood watch, just making sure no trouble was going on, apologies to him for any trouble and wish him a good night.

Id fukking know better, as a consealed weapon owner, to not start a altercation with someone while armed, knowing how easily the situation could escalate. Zimmerman should know better especially since he had to in order to aquire a consealed weapons permit.

See your problem is your approaching the situation like trayvon was already beating zimmerman and ignoring the real dumb ass actions that led to the situation.

Again, as a legal gun owner, its his responsibility to keep himself out of situations that can escalate very easily.

Thats not what zimmerman did tho now was it? Instead he went looking for trouble, armed.

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