Live video: George Zimmerman Trial - jury selection, trial, verdict, eye rolling

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Trayvon was such a thug he had skittles, a soft drink, a phone, blue tooth on him, yet Trayvon was being harassed and profiled for his choice of clothing, look, age, race and unfamiliarity with the neighborhood - none of which are crimes. GZ wanted to take the law into those hands.


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
What about the innocent kid thats dead right now? Should nothing be done about this? Should gun owners not be held accountable when they make a mistake like this? or should all be forgiven because he made a terrible mistake in profiling a kid.

Or does black life have less meaning

Ofcourse they should punish him, but y'all go too hard. You automatically make it a race thing and want the worst possible punishment before the case has even begun.

When I was 18, one of my black friends saw this white kid that he thought hit on his girl before (he didnt). He beat the shyt out of him (I was in the car n saw the whole thing), he got back to the car n we had a good laugh. We see the kid, get up n collapse like he passed out. So we bounce the fukk out of there before the pigs arrive.

Turns out something popped in the kids head when my friend was hitting him and his head was getting smashed against the concrete. He died there.

So this dude was minding his own business at the side of a store, when we rolled by and he was dead after that.

My black friend got manslaughter and served maybe 4 years tops. And nobody ever bothered him about it or threatened his life for killing a white boy.

There is no proof that Zimmerman wanted to shoot the kid or even that he wanted to fukk him up, thats wut yall WANT to believe before there is proof of such a thing. Everybody in the courtroom knew my friend intentionally got out of the car to cause that boy bodily harm, it was a fact due to a witness catching the whole thing and saw the white kid not wanting any part of the fight.

I can only imagine how y'all would be reacting if the races were reversed in that situation :snoop: y'all would b crying hate crime, saying there is no proof of a girlfriend talking to the victim, etc.

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
Ofcourse they should punish him, but y'all go too hard. You automatically make it a race thing and want the worst possible punishment before the case has even begun.

When I was 18, one of my black friends saw this white kid that he thought hit on his girl before (he didnt). He beat the shyt out of him (I was in the car n saw the whole thing), he got back to the car n we had a good laugh. We see the kid, get up n collapse like he passed out. So we bounce the fukk out of there before the pigs arrive.

Turns out something popped in the kids head when my friend was hitting him and his head was getting smashed against the concrete. He died there.

So this dude was minding his own business at the side of a store, when we rolled by and he was dead after that.

My black friend got manslaughter and served maybe 4 years tops. And nobody ever bothered him about it or threatened his life for killing a white boy.

There is no proof that Zimmerman wanted to shoot the kid or even that he wanted to fukk him up, thats wut yall WANT to believe before there is proof of such a thing. Everybody in the courtroom knew my friend intentionally got out of the car to cause that boy bodily harm, it was a fact due to a witness catching the whole thing and saw the white kid not wanting any part of the fight.

I can only imagine how y'all would be reacting if the races were reversed in that situation :snoop: y'all would b crying hate crime, saying there is no proof of a girlfriend talking to the victim, etc.

how did your friend get caught?
May 16, 2012
can you imagine a court spending this much time trying to determine whether a black man with a gun feared for his life against a 17 year old white kid with skittles?

would anyone be asking if the 17 year old white kid was such a threat that the black man with the gun had to shoot him after pursuing him?

this case is entirely about racism.....if the races were reversed we would already have a verdict and cacs wouldn't be wasting all this time worrying about who said what when.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Ofcourse they should punish him, but y'all go too hard. You automatically make it a race thing and want the worst possible punishment before the case has even begun.

When I was 18, one of my black friends saw this white kid that he thought hit on his girl before (he didnt). He beat the shyt out of him (I was in the car n saw the whole thing), he got back to the car n we had a good laugh. We see the kid, get up n collapse like he passed out. So we bounce the fukk out of there before the pigs arrive.

Turns out something popped in the kids head when my friend was hitting him and his head was getting smashed against the concrete. He died there.

So this dude was minding his own business at the side of a store, when we rolled by and he was dead after that.

My black friend got manslaughter and served maybe 4 years tops. And nobody ever bothered him about it or threatened his life for killing a white boy.

There is no proof that Zimmerman wanted to shoot the kid or even that he wanted to fukk him up, thats wut yall WANT to believe before there is proof of such a thing. Everybody in the courtroom knew my friend intentionally got out of the car to cause that boy bodily harm, it was a fact due to a witness catching the whole thing and saw the white kid not wanting any part of the fight.

I can only imagine how y'all would be reacting if the races were reversed in that situation :snoop: y'all would b crying hate crime, saying there is no proof of a girlfriend talking to the victim, etc.
Mandatory laws in Florida say Zimmerman gets 25 years :wow:


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
not sure how accurate this is, but...

Florida Sentencing laws and the Zimmerman trial - Democratic Underground

This post is to explain some details of Florida sentencing laws, specifically the "10-20-Life" law, and how they relate to the Zimmerman trial.

Some people have expressed surprise that this case wasn't plea bargained down to a lesser offense (such as manslaughter), and others have expressed dismay that the prosecution might not be able to convict on second degree murder charges. Understanding the sentencing laws in this case could help provide clarity on these issues.

Slightly simplified; the Florida "10-20-Life" law requires that anybody convicted of a crime that involved shooting another person is going to face a prison sentence of 25 years to life. This sentence is automatic and there is no judicial discretion.

First point: Consider what this means with regards to a plea bargain. GZ was charged with second degree murder. The penalty for this crime is 25 years to life. If GZ had accepted a plea bargain down to manslaughter, he would still be facing 25 years to life. If GZ had accepted a plea bargain down to aggravated battery, he would still be facing 25 years to life. Any "reasonable" plea that could have been offered to GZ would have effectively had the same penalty so there is little incentive in this case to offer or accept a plea.

Second point: What verdict would be a "win" for the prosecution in this case? Although GZ has been charged only with second degree murder, the jury can choose to find him innocent on that charge but guilty on a lesser charge. Under Florida law, there are four possible charges in this case that the jury could convict GZ of:

* Second degree murder
* Manslaughter
* Aggravated Battery
* Battery

Being convicted of any of the first three charges will trigger the "10-20-Life" law. Being convicted of simple battery would not, however aggravated battery under Florida law means "battery with a deadly weapon". Since GZ clearly did use a deadly weapon, it is nearly inconceivable that a jury could find him guilty of simple battery.

Since any of the first three charges trigger the "10-20-Life" law, effectively any one of them is as good as the other for the prosecution. GZ will be facing 25 years to life if convicted of any.

Basically then, there are three outcomes that are a victory for the prosecution and only one that is a victory for GZ.


Steve Murray

Jul 10, 2012


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
If this is accurate, then I am now more convinced than ever that Zimmerman will get acquitted. Wow. :heh:

Very little middle ground here, in terms of punishment............................

The prosecution better knock this case out of the park in a big way......................otherwise....................:huhldup:

it's not the jury's place to worry about the punishment


May 2, 2012
Ofcourse they should punish him, but y'all go too hard. You automatically make it a race thing and want the worst possible punishment before the case has even begun.

When I was 18, one of my black friends saw this white kid that he thought hit on his girl before (he didnt). He beat the shyt out of him (I was in the car n saw the whole thing), he got back to the car n we had a good laugh. We see the kid, get up n collapse like he passed out. So we bounce the fukk out of there before the pigs arrive.

Turns out something popped in the kids head when my friend was hitting him and his head was getting smashed against the concrete. He died there.

So this dude was minding his own business at the side of a store, when we rolled by and he was dead after that.

My black friend got manslaughter and served maybe 4 years tops. And nobody ever bothered him about it or threatened his life for killing a white boy.

There is no proof that Zimmerman wanted to shoot the kid or even that he wanted to fukk him up, thats wut yall WANT to believe before there is proof of such a thing. Everybody in the courtroom knew my friend intentionally got out of the car to cause that boy bodily harm, it was a fact due to a witness catching the whole thing and saw the white kid not wanting any part of the fight.

I can only imagine how y'all would be reacting if the races were reversed in that situation :snoop: y'all would b crying hate crime, saying there is no proof of a girlfriend talking to the victim, etc.

So you knew a guy that knew a guy.....:stopitslime:

I've always felt that they should have charged Zimmerman with manslaughter.

His negligent acts cause the death of a teenager, that's fair and as a concealed gun owner, he should be held accountable for his negligent acts.

It's as simple as that, a gun owner used deadly force when it was not needed, the entire confrontation could have been avoided if he wasn't out trying to play cop with his gun.

I personally believe race had nothing to do with what he did other than George thinking that black=suspect.

George isn't even white.

People were upset before the trial because this dude shot and killed a child and didn't get arrested for months:wtf:

I'm sure you can put it together and understand that a black victim that was doing nothing wrong, getting killed while his killer goes home to sleep at night, can be seen as racist to a lot of people. Especially in America where black life is already considered less valuable


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
how did your friend get caught?

Cops had a description of the car. After they dropped me off at home they got pulled over :umad:

saved me alotta time at the station lmao :win:

Mandatory laws in Florida say Zimmerman gets 25 years :wow:

That's if he gets convicted of murder rite? So if he doesn't does he get away free? :whoa:

Can they change it to manslaughter during a trial or can they do another trial for manslaughter if he doesn't get convicted of murder?