Live-action Cowboy Bebop series picked up by Netflix - 10 episode order

wise prophet

All Star
May 2, 2012
I was feeling it at first (except the Syndicate plot, that was awful from beginning to end), but the dialogue was just TERRIBLE and the cinematography was lazy and unimaginative, 90% of this show is nothing but dutch angles lol. Brought this down from a 7.5/10 to a 5/10 for me. The main 3 have good chemistry and make the most of a trash script and some CGI shots look pretty good. Action was meh but the shootout in EP. 9 was legit great.

As an adaptation to the anime it's a 3/10 at best. Jet's the best realization of a live action version of the anime, some changes but he absolutely feels like Jet. Spike is a little too off for my liking, too sarcastic and quippy. Faye was turned into a potty mouthed quip machine, which is a shame because when she actually gets some character work Danielle does good. Viscious is an abomination. Julia is meh. I dunno what the hell they were thinking with Gren lmao.

I am flabbergasted that they took these creative liberties with the characters but Ed, the most anime motherfukker of them all, is the one they choose to KEEP THE SAME.

I'm also ok with them taking a much more campier tone than the anime in theory, I just wish the writing/dialogue was better. If there is a season 2 they need to overhaul the writing team and get some people who know actual cinematography.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Just finished it.

The Good

Mustafa as Jet Black was absolute PERFECTION. Dude even sounded so much like the Anime voice actor I could close my eyes and think I was rewatching the damn Anime. He killed the mannerisms of Jet too.

John Cho did a good job of making his interpretation of Spike his OWN. He didn’t try to copy the effortless cool of the anime spike but he did bring his own swagger and confidence to the role.

The cinematography was dope. They did a good job bringing the world of Cowboy Bebop to life.

The soundtrack was AMAZING. Yoko Kanno can do NO wrong.

The Bad

The writers and directors didn’t get the “tone” of the anime right. They leaned wayyyyyy too heavy into the comedic aspects of the anime so that when you get to the last two episodes where the dramatic elements are really supposed to kick in they oftentimes felt flat and unconvincing. I mean its almost EMBARRASSING how they dropped the ball on the tonal shifts that the anime excelled at.

Trying to give Julia and Vicious meatier backstories…I get it. I really do. But the execution was mostly terrible. The actor who played Vicious was trying his HARDEST to give Vicious some layers and I give him credit for it but the writing let him down. The character was fukking awful except for episode 9 when they went into the backstory of Spike and Vicious and Julia. He came alive then but by that point it was too late.

Julia didn’t fair much better. There was literally NOTHING about her that I believed would make Vicious fall desperately in love with her or Spike obsess over her. There was no mystique. No cunning. No femme fatale seduction. No real intelligence or strength of character. She was just some bimbo singer who could (barely) carry a tune. The actress was miscast and the writing and the direction they took Julia was unbelievable, cliche, and unexciting. They would have done better of sticking to the anime and having her on the run and then give her a stand alone episode showing her adventures on the lam for three years.

They did the same thing to Faye. Reduced her to bad comic relief and a forced sex scene that felt very much “thrown in there” for the hell of it. I agree with the showrunner’s decision to tone down the character’s skimpy clothing, but they didn’t have to COMPLETELY strip the character of her sex APPEAL because thats part of what made her dangerous. I got tired of her after the millionth time she called Spike or Jet a “dikkwad”. She was another character who had absolutely NO LAYERS whatsoever.

Ed- What the fukk was that?!?!!?! Her minute of screen time just screamed “Cheap Cosplay”. It was bad bad BAD. Everything ABOUT it was bad. Truly terrible scene to end on and an AWFUL introduction to the character.

Overall I feel all the characters suffered from bad writing and the decision of the showrunners to lean too heavily into the comedic aspects of the series. There was no levity, no moments of reflection, no real lessons learned. These are things the anime excelled at. It gave the characters depth BEYOND their snarky personalities and cool demeanors. These renditions of the characters, besides Mustafa’s Jet, lack any depth. They are not fully realized people. I didn’t believe Spike when he’s looking at Julia for the first time in THREE YEARS and says “I thought about you every day”. I didn’t believe Faye when she says finding out about her past means everything to her. I didn’t believe Vicious when he screams at Spike “YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY BROTHER!”.

I only believed that Jet truly loved his daughter (and they even fukked that up in the end) and that Spike, Jet, and Faye had indeed created a sort of “family” by episode 8. The chemistry between the trio was there. It just wasn’t mined properly.

All in all it was a mildly entertaining distraction completely devoid of the heart of what made the anime so compelling and special. Cho, Mustafa, Pineda, and Hassell all gave their very best efforts but the writing team let them down HORRIBLY. The female characters plus Vicious get it the worse because in trying to update their characterizations, they completely stripped away what made them compelling in the first place. Faye Valentine doesn’t NEED sexy clothing to be interesting. But she needs something other than unfunny jokes and punchlines. Julia doesn’t NEED to be the little more than a prize for two men to fight over, but she also could still carry an aura of mystery and danger to her that suggests there’s something more to her than just “the bad guy’s girl”.

I’m going to give this first season a generous 6/10 because of the music, cinematography, fight scenes, and Mustafa’s masterful performance as Jet. They need to replace the writers if they are going to do season 2 and recast Julia and the godawful whoever the fukk that was playing Ed.


I DO Not Sow
May 7, 2012
Just finished the 3rd ep.
This show is not the Anime.
All my expectations are out the window, and I’m just enjoying the ride.
Positives: Every scene that has Spike and Jet together. And the music. Even though I believe they’re taking some liberties with the Spike character, it still works. Also I love the sense of humor, I imagine this will turn off other fans.
Negatives:Vicious, everything they do with vicious is bad.
Apr 3, 2014
Comments are funny because if they did an absolutely faithful pane by pane, scene by scene, word for word recreation I would bet 2 billion dollars yall would hate it

And whats even funnier is people acting like the original was perfect

I would have rather they made it unfaithful. I was in this thread early this year and I thought there was a general consensus that there was no way you could bring Bebop to the live action screen pane by pane without it looking goofy. I thought we were all in agreement that what made Bebop an amazing anime could never be conveyed in live action and that they would need to change things up. Instead they tried to make it faithful and it's just as goofy as we said it would be.

Feel free to take my opinion with a grain of salt as I still haven't gotten off the first episode :hubie:

But I think that in itself proves my point as Bebop is one of the top 3 animes ever created in my opinion and this live action series didn't hook me enough to want to continue watching it
Aug 19, 2013
As a casual, this doesn't capture my attention. Who are suppose to be the antagonists. I would bet money this thing doesn't get picked up after the season. The characters just don't do a good job of relating to the audience


Nov 19, 2016
For a show that tries to be funny... It really doesn't have much memorable jokes. It had set piece humor and that's really it. Not much witty stuff.

They did add a lot more depth and nuances to the main characters. Jets family dynamic is a really good move. Faye is a bit better as well..

The whole Julia thing tho... It feels like they are gonna turn her into a really hated character and I'm all for that. It still feels like they hit the diversity button with her stuff. Vicious is still alive and I feel they really gonna stretch that source material villian paper thin.

Netflix usually only do 3 or 4 season max. Probably 3. So, I would imagine they do the team up break up go solo tease reunion go back solo team up again right before the series finale.

Jesus... They got to improve that camera work and jokes tho. CGI was great for a TV series.

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
5 episodes in I'm loving this :blessed:

Not reading/engaging as I don't want to be spoiled. They nailed the trio and Ein. Not fully convinced yet by Vicious and Julia. Fukks with all the visuals and audios.

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
Never watched a single Cowboy Bepops anime, so i'm going into this partially blind/unbiased.

Finished the first episode over the weekend and enjoyed thoroughly.

Will definitely kill the rest of this by December 31st.

So far... so great.

Love the action, storyline and characters. Cinematography is dopes as well. Chemistry between Cho and the brotha reminds me of Rush Hours.

It's pretty much a win right now. Hope the season gets gooder as I advance thru the eps.



May 11, 2012
East ATL
Finished yesterday

  • Jet was probably the best character and most faithful :myman:
  • Music was perfection but that was to be expected :ohlawd:

  • Cho's Spike was aight, I still think he looked goofy for the most part and too old for the part. :ld:
  • Set pieces felt "small" and "fake" :ehh:

  • They turned Faye into Crazy Jane from Doom Patrol and skipped the important parts of her backstory. Not a fan. :francis:
  • The direction they took Julia & Vicious kinda sucked. Vicious for the most part though, he basically played the Malfoy dad from Harry Potter and acted like an emotional bytch :mjlol:
  • The lighting and cinematography had no imagination. It looked like they just copied a bunch of shots from a number of sources :gucci:
  • Very rushed ending and they completely butchered the Ballad Of Fallen Angels
  • Ed......:francis::martin::hhh::mjlol: immediately ruined the character in 10 secs.

Whole series: 5.6/10
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Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
I’m probably gonna run it back again. I give it an 8/10. Like said earlier I think people without an attachment will enjoy it better. I think for the average person the sci fi action comedy feel is attractive and after the stans finish shytting on it, it’ll settle as an overall okay to good show.