you are not African
you might not even Black
Your Blackness is in question and doubtful

Taking emotional responses to an entirely new level...
you are not African
you might not even Black
Your Blackness is in question and doubtful
I'm not linguistically or culturally African...
However, those people were more African than me ..........
I fully understand this and any falsehood that anyone can spread. I can read and write in English breh.All of humanity came from Africa.
All human civilization didn't.
Not that hard to comprehend.
They are referring to the first large urban center due to mass fertile land. Essentially the first historic 'nation'.. Historically historians wanted this to count as the first civilization - but clearly our ideas of civilization have been incorrect. By today's standards those people wouldn't be 'civilized'.Historically,the ancient city states of Mesopotamia in the fertile crescent are most cited by Western and Middle Eastern scholars
as the cradle of civilization.
I'm pretty dead at this and other article beating around the bush like crazy... Sumerians, and their neighbors the Elamites, as well as groups like the Hatti and Hurrians & Urartian, pose problems for this thesis. None of these groups seem to be Indo-European or Semitic, the two dominant language families of Near East by ~1,000 B.C. You have in the ancient Near East then a situation where the light of history reveals before us not the diversification of Indo-European and Semitic speaking farmers, but rather a host of unique and disparate peoples, all simultaneously lurching toward literate civilization, one after another. Something just does not add up in my models. Genetics will not solve the puzzle, but it may help in elucidating relationships. The origins of the Sumerians are murky, but many scholars have suggested that they may have arrived from the south (the oldest city, Eridu, is in the south). Others have suggested that the Sumerians descended from the mountains of the northeast. Though I presume that the people Arabia have changed a great deal since antiquity, it would be interesting if it was found that the Sumerians resembled the Qatari (at least the Eurasian component) more than they did the modern Assyrians When you figure out what autochthonous means, you clearly see that because they could contribute the origin to Indian or South Asia - then they Must have came from the sky...Background
For millennia, the southern part of the Mesopotamia has been a wetland region generated by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers before flowing into the Gulf. This area has been occupied by human communities since ancient times and the present-day inhabitants, the Marsh Arabs, are considered the population with the strongest link to ancient Sumerians. Popular tradition, however, considers the Marsh Arabs as a foreign group, of unknown origin, which arrived in the marshlands when the rearing of water buffalo was introduced to the region.
To shed some light on the paternal and maternal origin of this population, Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation was surveyed in 143 Marsh Arabs and in a large sample of Iraqi controls. Analyses of the haplogroups and sub-haplogroups observed in the Marsh Arabs revealed a prevalent autochthonous Middle Eastern component for both male and female gene pools, with weak South-West Asian and African contributions, more evident in mtDNA. A higher male than female homogeneity is characteristic of the Marsh Arab gene pool, likely due to a strong male genetic drift determined by socio-cultural factors (patrilocality, polygamy, unequal male and female migration rates).
Evidence of genetic stratification ascribable to the Sumerian development was provided by the Y-chromosome data where the J1-Page08 branch reveals a local expansion, almost contemporary with the Sumerian City State period that characterized Southern Mesopotamia. On the other hand, a more ancient background shared with Northern Mesopotamia is revealed by the less represented Y-chromosome lineage J1-M267*. Overall our results indicate that the introduction of water buffalo breeding and rice farming, most likely from the Indian sub-continent, only marginally affected the gene pool of autochthonous people of the region. Furthermore, a prevalent Middle Eastern ancestry of the modern population of the marshes of southern Iraq implies that if the Marsh Arabs are descendants of the ancient Sumerians, also the Sumerians were most likely autochthonous and not of Indian or South Asian ancestry.
LOL @ Clyde Wynters
the same guy that said the Olmecs were Black
you guys have no shame, such a shameless people using whatever theory to give you a self-esteem SMH
I respect that you focused in on the guy's personality and ideas on something we aren't even discussing.....Clyde winters
The guy who got his shyt pushed in on this very subject on the forums? When I get home I'll drop the link to that.
2 =/= 42 Things I take away from this thread.
1. Christianity is needlessly complicated
2. Posters believe that Jesus was Black African and resembling Black West Africans, but provide only anecdotal scant evidence
3. Posters believe that Indian civilization is linked to contemporary African civilization, against providing anecdotes
4. Posters believe that Horn Africans are one and the same as West Africans, and looked the same thousands of years ago.
Just so y'all know there are indocentrics out there as well who like to claim that India is the mother of all civilization...they are all full of shyt too.
Blackking, it's hard to pinpoint what your positions really are because you're always all over the place. You're not an afrocentrist but yet you quote afrocentric "scholars" to support your arguments![]()
My points are only hard to follow if you begin the conversation with a limited scope and vague understanding in the first place. I live around professionals , so they actually present valid arguments and facts as well- that then gives me shyt to counter. They usually aren't emotionally invested either..
And fyi, I quoted 1 afrocentrist in here. One quoted 2 my entire posting career and the other was J A Rogers. So because I'm black, and I guess because i chose blackking, and because I made points and presented date that isn't easily refuted - I have to be painted with a broad brush.
I will accept that.
Because most of the shyt is from cac and white people - Apparently I must also subscribe to Eurocentrism as wellidk I was such a c00n.
I will strive to me more like ChrisB - I'm sure that would be more accepted around these parts.